[CCHits Blog] Update: Add Track page now has captcha

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Sep 24, 2008, 5:08:35 PM9/24/08
to cch...@googlegroups.com
I have the recent tracks RSS on my feed reader, and evry once in a while some spammy entry gets in the radar, which makes me go and delete that manually.

It was never a problem, and I didnt mind to do that since the spam ratio was low, but in the past days the problem grew and I decided that it was time for me to do something…

2 years later… IT'S AN UPDATE!!!

So I added one extra step in the add track proccess and users will now have to complete a pretty simple captcha from reCAPTCHA, I hope you don't mind it, and also hope that this measure helps in keeping the repository clean :)

Posted By Fabricio to CCHits Blog at 9/24/2008 06:06:00 PM

Lucas Gonze

Sep 24, 2008, 5:57:59 PM9/24/08
to cch...@googlegroups.com
Dude, I cannot handle the volume on this list. Could you keep it down
over there?

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Fabricio <fabr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have the recent tracks RSS on my feed reader, and evry once in a while
> some spammy entry gets in the radar, which makes me go and delete that
> manually.
> It was never a problem, and I didnt mind to do that since the spam ratio was
> low, but in the past days the problem grew and I decided that it was time
> for me to do something…

Fabricio Zuardi

Sep 24, 2008, 6:21:08 PM9/24/08
to cch...@googlegroups.com

btw Lucas, I will be on the bay area next month, I will try to ping you closer to the date :)
Fabricio C Zuardi

Lucas Gonze

Sep 24, 2008, 6:55:00 PM9/24/08
to cch...@googlegroups.com
no luck, man -- I'm in LA. But stop by if you come down south.

spam control is the key to software that takes care of itself over the
long term.
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