CCF Policy Debrief: Copenhagen

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val kapos

Mar 3, 2010, 3:47:36 AM3/3/10

CCF Policy Debrief:  UNFCCC CoP, Copenhagen

Monday, 8th March, 1 PM at UNEP-WCMC.

Barney Dickson, UNEP-WCMC and John Lanchberry, RSPB will share their observations of what took place at Copenhagen and some subsequent developments, including progress on REDD+, other biodiversity-relevant  issues, the politics of Copenhagen and where next.




Valerie Kapos

Secretary, Cambridge Conservation Forum and

Senior Programme Officer in Forest Biodiversity, Conservation & Climate Change,

Ecology and Conservation

UNEP- World Conservation Monitoring Centre

219 Huntingdon Road

Cambridge CB3 0DL UK


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