Federal Internships for CC students application

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Sarah Frid

Nov 30, 2022, 12:55:43 PM11/30/22
to CCCSenates
Hey everyone,

I wanted to pass this along to the group.  I know the deadline is around the corner, but we have several participating labs in California (Berkley and San Diego and I think one more). Do we already have this information linked somewhere at the Chancellor's office? I'd like to ensure that the DO Energy is directly communicating with CCCCO on things like this.

The U.S. DOE Office of Science is now accepting applications for the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program. Interns will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers that support the DOE mission. The application deadline is 10 January 2023.

-Sarah Frid
Palo Verde College
Academic Senate President
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