The Role of the Union in Determining Class Cap

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Feb 22, 2022, 6:50:48 PM2/22/22
to CCCSenates
Hello All,
 We are trying to create a streamlined class cap modification process through our curriculum committee. Historically curriculum as well as the class cap have been in the Academic Senate purview at our college. I am curious to know how do your institution handles class cap? Is it in the union purview since it can be tied to workload or is it with the Senate?
We have had several departments request a reduction in class cap for various reasons which include increased workload for faculty to close equity gaps , improve success and retention outcomes due to AB 705 changes or the unique demands of the online modality.
Academic Senate President
Sierra College

Myers, Troy

Feb 22, 2022, 7:00:03 PM2/22/22

good for you folks. In Los Rios, class caps are supposed to be set, per contract, between the chair and division dean, but faculty have no power, and, with minor restrictions (online caps are supposed to mirror on ground) admin sets and changes caps and tells us what they are.

Since it could be aruged that caps are a pedagogical as well as workload issue (and an equity issue), I'd like to see caps on our COR's; that would at least prevent flippant moves on admin's part, and if a cap was raised, all of curric would know about it. Of course, we'd need a fair process for all stakeholders.

Not sure we'll ever do this; just a hope. 

Troy Myers
SCC Past President

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Gretchen Ehlers

Feb 23, 2022, 12:25:41 PM2/23/22
This is a great question! The West Valley/Mission College District has a Class Load and Enrollment Cap Committee that agrees on the loads and caps for courses. The membership of this committee is faculty chosen by the union and administrators.

Gretchen Ehlers 

Mathematics Instructor  

Academic Senate President 


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Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 3:50 PM
To: CCCSenates <>
Subject: [Google Group CCCSenates] The Role of the Union in Determining Class Cap

Soni Verma

Feb 24, 2022, 11:02:45 PM2/24/22
Thank you, Troy, for sharing the information.

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