Fwd: There are plenty of good people who should be at Gathering '11 - let's get them there. (11-13 June in Melbourne)

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Matt Cooperrider

May 31, 2011, 8:59:41 PM5/31/11
to openkollab, cc-...@googlegroups.com
Hello All,

I've got some worthwhile spam for you. Gathering '11 is going to be an incredible conference. The organisers have assembled an amazing group of featured participants (including some members of these lists). Think of it as Melbourne's precursor to ContactCon.

I'll be volunteering on the tech/info-capture side, but they have a few more tickets available. It's not free, or even cheap at $295.00 for the initial 2 days (3rd day is free), but they got a lot of value out of their budget, which was primarily used to fly out and accommodate speakers who had waived their usual speaking fees. Please spread the word through your networks to anyone within striking distance of Melbourne. 

Also, some ways to get involved a bit cheaper:
  1. Join the Gathering '11 crew: we could do with a techie or two and anyone good at logistics and data capture and sharing.
  2. For individuals - save $100 of registration with discount code c0mmunity
  3. For organisations - buy four tickets get one free
Please mention the conference on Facebook and Twitter!


Join us at @Gathering '11: To Build Better Futures

Gathering ’11 brings together leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world. At Gathering '11 we'll share knowledge, insight & wisdom in to the big shifts we're seeing around us; we'll explore the opportunities emerging in new systems, networks, technology and models for enterprise; we'll identify pathways to address today’s most pressing social and environmental challenges; and we'll lay down foundations for a community of practice dedicated to building better futures for all, together. 

Join featured participants from the not-for-profit, government, corporate, academic and community sectors including: John HagelMichel BauwensVenessa MiemisPete WilliamsKate Carruthers, Adam Bandt, Heather GoldChristine EggerStephen JohnsonJean RussellKristin Alford, Nick AllardiceTim Longhurst, Kerry Graham and Ehon Chan, for an immersive weekend of lightning presentations, participant led discussions and workshop sessions to develop ideas for local projects and initiatives with positive social impact. 

At Gathering ’11 you will:

  • experience new approaches to idea generation and problem solving;
  • learn how to engage and mobilise your friends, your community and your organisation around a cause;
  • discover models for business that are having a positive social impact and thriving in challenging economic times;
  • find out how you can use technology and social media to make a real difference;
  • hear how small moves, smartly made, can set big things in motion; and
  • develop ideas and cocreate opportunities for world-changing projects and game-changing enterprises.

Why you should join us…

If you’re wanting to live a life, or start a business, or bring people together in ways that make a real difference, than you should join us at Gathering ‘11.

We’ve created a program to support the emergence of radical innovation and creativity with the intention to inspire implementable ideas that can effect real change and build foundations for better futures. Come to Gathering ‘11 to learn how you can do things like:

  • Bring your community together to address climate change and ensure low-carbon, secure energy futures.
  • Start your own enterprise that has a positive social impact and helps those in need.
  • Build your own business that thrives from providing goods and services with real meaning.
  • Develop your own systems that enable a shift in the way that people buy, consume and lessen their impact on our precious planet.
  • Help your organisation shift from being just a service provider, to one that connects people who want help with people that need it.
  • Design your own online platform for open participation to facilitate creative problem solving for today’s big challenges.
  • Make a living and a difference by being creative and sharing your passion.

Join us at Gathering ’11 to share, learn, grow and build. 

Want a better future? Here's where we start building it.

Gathering ’11: To Build Better Futures

When: Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 June 2011 - Queen’s Birthday long weekend

Where: Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne

Registration details: Register here

Gathering Concept Development & Implementation Workshop (FREE)

When: Monday 13 June 2011 - Queens’ Birthday long weekend

Where: Hub Melbourne, Melbourne

Registration details: Register here 

Visit Gathering '11 online and grab your tickets now.

Connect with us on twitter and join us on facebook.

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