Suggested groundrules for team formation

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Chris Watkins

Apr 19, 2011, 6:39:59 PM4/19/11
to Project Matching Thingy
  • Teams are encouraged to form to do whatever they want.
  • If they work, great! If they try something and it doesn't work out, it's good experience.
  • Keep trying new things. Take failure as a part of the road to success. 
  • Stay positive. Whatever personality clashes we inevitably have, we have a lot in common.
There need to be a few points about respect and listening - I'm happy for someone else to formulate those. (Or to just say "Be respectful, and listen," and see how that goes.)


Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

Gabriel Quiroz

Apr 20, 2011, 11:40:36 AM4/20/11
Chris, I completely support this working philosophy. It's both pragmatic and innovation-friendly. 

2011/4/19 Chris Watkins <>
-------Climate Change Project Matching System------
We're using the Coalition of the Willing Wiki:
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Pamela McLean

Apr 21, 2011, 9:13:44 AM4/21/11
I agree with Gabriel (agreeing with Tim)

My only quibble is "the use of the word "failure" in "Keep trying new things.Take failure as a part of the road to success."

As I see it, if you  "succeed" at every step of what you are doing then, arguably, what you are trying is not really very new to you. Therefore so-called failures are an essential part of "learning by doing" and exploring new ground. Life isn't like sitting in school (learning "right answers" to someone else's questions).  Life is an ongoing "trial and improvement" learning experience (as in learning to walk, talk, read, write, ride a bike, get on with other people, and so on). As long as the next step I/you/we take is informed by the previous so-called-by-some-people-failure then, it seems to me, that I/you/we are succeeding as innovative reflective practitioners.

Let's celebrate every stumbling step we take, and when we fall flat on our faces, let's rejoice that we do it surrounded by a community where we are all stumbling along, tripping and recovering ourselves, lifting each other up when we can't get up again alone, cheering each other along the way and appreciating every step anyone takes into unfamiliar territory - because that makes it easier for others of us to follow behind (or avoid obstacles or blind alleys).

In many ways the "after the web world" is pioneering territory - we're learning as we go along. Let's rejoice in our shared "trial and improvement" learning experiences - we can all benefit from them.

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