{"type":"ErrorBoundary","log":"NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.","url":"https://www.cbioportal.org/results/pathways?cancer_study_list=escc_icgc%2Cescc_ucla_2014&Z_SCORE_THRESHOLD=2.0&RPPA_SCORE_THRESHOLD=2.0&profileFilter=mutations&case_set_id=all&gene_list=GRM4&geneset_list=%20&tab_index=tab_visualize&Action=Submit&plots_horz_selection=%7B%7D&plots_vert_selection=%7B%7D&plots_coloring_selection=%7B%22selectedOption%22%3A%222914_undefined%22%7D"} |
Thanks for sharing the error with us!
The link currently seems to work. Could you share the steps that got you to this error?
Thanks so much!
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