Upcoming cBioPortal Webinars

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Tali Mazor

Apr 24, 2020, 12:47:48 PM4/24/20
to cbiopor...@googlegroups.com
We are excited to announce a series of instructional webinars about cBioPortal.

The first webinar will be a general introduction to using cBioPortal in your research. Subsequent webinars will explore specific features in greater detail.

All webinars will be held on Thursdays 11am-12pm EDT.
April 30: Introduction to cBioPortal
May 7: Mutation Details & Patient View
May 14: OQL & Expression
May 21: Group Comparison
May 28: API & R Client

Register here to attend any or all of the webinars: https://dfci.zoom.us/webinar/register/8215875611763/WN_An_3l0XYQHCoinWvclUrlw

If you are unable to attend, recordings of the webinars will be posted online as a resource.

Email us at web...@cbioportal.org with any questions.

-The cBioPortal Team

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