Breakfast Break-Fast, Hanging in the Hut, Angel Island, Wisdom & Witdom, and more from Jews’ Next Dor

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Jews' Next Dor

Oct 4, 2011, 11:04:15 PM10/4/11
Friends & Neighbors,

Shana Tova! Welcome to 5772. There’s a lot going on (as always) so let’s get right to it.

This week, join us on Wednesday for Meet & Greet at Pasta Q in Mountain View This Meet & Greet comes one week early due to Sukkot. We’ll resume holding our flagship event on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in November.

Friday and Saturday, we hope to see you at Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur services at Congregation Beth David’s Kehillah Ketana (in Worner Hall across the parking lot from the synagogue). CBD appreciates if you register at We wish you all an easy fast.

After services on Saturday, head over to IHOP with us for a Breakfast Break-Fast It’s $15 a person, so please make it easy on our organizers who will be fasting all day and register in advance at will also enable us all to eat sooner.

The very next morning we’re starting the year off on the right foot, by walking a 5k in Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. It’s not to late to join our team or donate to our walkers at

On Monday, October 17, all Jewish 20 & 30 somethings are invited for a free dinner at our annual Hanging in the Hut event, where we’ll be taking a look at the past year and thanking the many volunteers that make this group function day-in and day-out.

Hanging in the Hut also marks the kick-off of our annual Holiday Toy Drive in partnership with Jewish Family Services. Please consider donating new, unwrapped toys for ages 0-17 any time between Sukkot and early December. You can bring them to a Jews’ Next Dor event or look for a box in the Congregation Beth David lobby.

On October 22, join us for Shabbat morning services at Congregation Beth David, schmooze over lunch, and enjoy the educational comic relief of Doug Brook’s new series Wisdom and Witdom Look for young adults sitting in the back.

As with every month, we’ll be enjoying Potluck Shabbat dinner on the 4th Friday, October 28 . This month we’ll be hosted in a private home in Cupertino. If you’re interested in joining the rotation of who brings an entree, please contact us. Of course, don’t forget to RSVP for the address; we’d love to have you join us

Rounding out the month, we’ll be “immigrating” to Angel Island as we hike with Yidventure on Sunday, October 30

Phew! Thank you to all the volunteers who made our September events happen, those working on these October events, and those planning ahead for the coming months. We truly could not exist without all of your time and dedication to making our events happen! If you haven’t yet given back to our community, we’d love for you to join our volunteer core. From helping to publicize our events to hosting a potluck, we depend on you, your ideas, your enthusiasm and your passions for all our tasks both large and small. Please contact us at for more information or to step up.

We look forward to seeing you and your Jewish 20 & 30 something friends,
Aleeza, Ben, Bianca, David, Ella, Levi, & Shelli

Jews' Next Dor ("Dor" meaning "generation" in Hebrew) is an active community of Jewish 20 and 30 somethings centered in the South Bay.
Our Young Adult community is comprised of singles and couples and is fully volunteer-lead.
We enjoy multiple events each month including celebrating holidays, social action/mitzvahs, education, and of course social events around the Bay Area.

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