Please STOP

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Markus Gerstner

2010年9月9日 08:59:122010/9/9
Dear Group2

please stop to check in your code into the repository. For the next 5 hours.
Please write to, if and/or what you want to
code / check in, because nobody profits if work is done twice.

mfg Markus & Antal & Stephan

Martin Riener

2010年9月9日 09:10:492010/9/9
收件人、Markus Gerstner、、


i'm also trying to code the translation from IRObjects::State to
G3::State. i will put this into a seperate class with only one static
method and not change anything else :-)

greetings martin

Martin Riener

2010年9月9日 16:53:372010/9/9
收件人、Markus Gerstner、、
On 09/09/2010 02:59 PM, Markus Gerstner wrote:


we phoned before... i did a translation from our set of classes to your
set. it is in IR-Objects/IRObject2G3.* as a backup if the direct
conversion still has problems... hope this works ^^

greetings martin

Carolyn Oates

2010年9月11日 05:52:442010/9/11
收件人 Markus Gerstner、
Will you all make sure there is a description of the directory structure for everyone?
Test cases are listed in setting up doc.

If you need me to test once when everything is finished let me know.  My number is 680 1311755 (won't be sitting on the computer today. :)
Best Wishes,

Antal Vilmos Kern

2010年9月11日 13:24:472010/9/11
收件人、Martin Riener、、Markus Gerstner、
Dear Group 2,

we have bound your unwinding code, your translation (from your
structure to our structure) and finally our code into the main.
It does not work.

Your unwinder does not generate a state graph (like for example:
State->Transition->State->2 Transitions->...) but something else,
where there is an initial state folowed by a lot of Transitions,
but no other states.

We tried to debug it, wrote a function to visualize your structure
(IRObjects2G3::ShowStructure), and realized that your code has
serious problems. For this it is your responsibility to debug
your code.

So please correct your code that it delivers the right data in the
predefined structure. Now that you can run and test it it should
not be that great effort.

Please let us quickly know when your working code will be ready!
If you do not want to correct your code then we will have to
implement the unwinder ourselves.

Gruppe 3

Zitat von Martin Riener <>:

Martin Riener

2010年9月11日 20:23:362010/9/11
收件人、Antal Vilmos Kern、、Markus Gerstner、
On 09/11/2010 07:24 PM, Antal Vilmos Kern wrote:
> Dear Group 2,
> we have bound your unwinding code, your translation (from your
> structure to our structure) and finally our code into the main.
> It does not work.
> Dtails:
> Your unwinder does not generate a state graph (like for example:
> State->Transition->State->2 Transitions->...) but something else,
> where there is an initial state folowed by a lot of Transitions,
> but no other states.
> We tried to debug it, wrote a function to visualize your structure
> (IRObjects2G3::ShowStructure), and realized that your code has
> serious problems. For this it is your responsibility to debug
> your code.
> So please correct your code that it delivers the right data in the
> predefined structure. Now that you can run and test it it should
> not be that great effort.
> Please let us quickly know when your working code will be ready!
> If you do not want to correct your code then we will have to
> implement the unwinder ourselves.
> LG
> Gruppe 3

there was a still undhandled action and some NULL children in the tree -
i filtered those out and now the translation of example 1 should work es
expected. while nodes still have a bug (everything in it is cut away),
but at least the program should not segfault anymore.

i will write again after i found the problem with the while node.
greetings martin

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