Event's fields in Activities

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Apr 13, 2017, 1:16:28 PM4/13/17
to CATS API v3
When you're creating new activity (say meeting) you can schedule event and add some useful information like place, duration, etc.
If you try to get this activity via API there are no such options.
Why not to include them?
Are there any option to get them?


Anthony Allan

Apr 13, 2017, 2:58:16 PM4/13/17
to CATS API v3
We currently do not offer an events endpoint, though we do have the ability to fetch tasks. There are no current plans to add any event endpoints, but it's something we can put under consideration.


Apr 18, 2017, 7:00:52 AM4/18/17
to CATS API v3, Mike from CATS
Hi Anthony,

Is there a quick way we can request this new endpoint?

It's a big deal for us to be able to work with meetings / interviews via API, because we are using an AI chat bot to schedule interviews...

Would it be possible to get this into a development queue?



Anthony Allan

Apr 18, 2017, 12:03:25 PM4/18/17
to CATS API v3, mi...@catsone.com
We've taken it under consideration. If we were to do it however, the turn over time on a brand new feature like that would take a not-insignificant amount of time. So that is functionality you should not rely on for your current needs.

The best workaround we can currently offer is our calendar syncing functionality in CATS. If you were to use either Google or Microsoft's APIs to create events on your own calendar[s], those could then be synced into CATS automatically.

You are the first people in the lifespans of both api v2 and v3 who have requested API access to events, so we would like to hear more about your project, and its needs. It may help us come to a better understanding about our client's API needs or may allow us to better find a way in the API for you to do what you want. I'd suggest sending an email into sup...@catsone.com with as much detail as you can share about your application, and we will see how we can meet your needs.

Eduardo G

Sep 7, 2023, 8:09:07 AM9/7/23
to CATS API v3
Actually It will be great to have a way to create Events via API. 

Currently I'm trying to add a reminder of Birthday of contacts and candidates. I wanted to add them as an Event so it's on the calendar of everyone. Ideally I wanted to automate this but haven't figured out how to do it via WorkFlows or other features. 

Any advice on this regard is welcome, plus a vote to "Event Creation via API"

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