Hello and Happy Greetings! Introducing Myself

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Azher Al-Nabi

Feb 4, 2023, 7:44:54 PM2/4/23
to catrobat

Hello Catrobat Team and Community Members,

My name is Azher Al-Nabi and I am currently a nanoscience student at the University of Guelph. In addition to my studies, I have a background as a full-stack developer with expertise in Python, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

I stumbled upon your amazing project, Catrobat, and was impressed by your commitment to providing a block-based visual programming language for children and young people. I have a strong interest in using technology to make a positive impact, and I believe Catrobat is doing exactly that.

I would love to chat more about the projects you're working on and see if there's any way I can support or contribute to the Catrobat community. My GitHub profile, at https://github.com/azher-alnabi, showcases some of my projects and contributions and I'd be happy to discuss them with you.

I'm eager to connect with the Catrobat team and find out how I can be a part of this incredible initiative.

Best regards,
Azher Al-Nabi

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