Intergenerational Healing

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Sue Cifelli

Sep 3, 2006, 12:13:00 PM9/3/06
"Dear Lord we ask you to cover us with Your protection against all harm and evil and to bind every spirit that may come against us. Into Your hands Dear Lord I commend my body, mind, soul and spirit. St Michael the Archangel pray for us"

Here we discuss healing prayers back into the generations for our Family Tree. For Catholics, November is the month dedicated to the Holy Souls and I can still remember as a child running in and out of the chapel on November 2nd, the feast day of the Holy Souls, reciting an 'Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be' each time. Our sole intention as innocent kids was to 'free as many Holy Souls' as we could and doubtless paid little heed to the actual prayers.

Purgatory is something that most of the other Christian denominations find difficult to understand in light of the fact that Jesus died for our sins and to set us free. But there is much written evidence of the need to remember our dead in prayer for both their release and our freedom, and many scriptural passages too:

"Our Fathers sinned and are no more, and we bear their punishment" Lamentations 5:7 (NIV)
"The fathers eat sour grapes, and the childrens' teeth are set on edge" Ezekiel 18:2 (NIV)
" ...for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me ..." Exodus 20:5 (NIV)
"May the Lord grant Mercy to the household of Onesiphorus ..... may the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on that day!" 2 Timothy 16:18 (NIV)

My recent visit to Medjugorje, and I make no apology whatsoever to anyone for speaking about this place of peace and prayer, saw me coming home with 5 copies of a great book on the Holy Souls, and another 10 which followed! It's called "Get Us Out of Here" by Nicky Eltz. We here on earth are the only ones who are able to help give a 'leg-up' to our deceased family or friends from their place of atonement, if they had a period of reparation before reaching their final rewards. Only our prayers and Masses can help them to join the loving Father in Heaven now rather than having to wait until the Last Day.

Looking a little deeper at those who have gone before us leads me onto this week's reflection. For years now I have had a little quotation that I just like to use: "I am what I am and all who went before me". Genetic coding sends inherent familial traits, mannerisms, resemblances, skills etc. down through the ages. The nastier traits travel too. We have a saying here in Ireland if someone does something good or bad: "Tisn't from the wind he/she gets it", meaning that the parents, grandparents or other family members had similar ways.

Some years ago I read a book called "Healing the Family Tree" by Dr. Kenneth McAll, an eminent Christian Scottish Psychiatrist, and everything made perfect sense. He came up against seemingly incurable psychiatric conditions and started to search through the family background for possible reasons. So convinced was he that the wrong-doing of someone in the ancestry was affecting the patient that he asked Church Ministers or Priests to work with him and pray for the ancestors as well as the patients. He had some amazing results and found that the healings proved particularly powerful during the Consecration of the Sacrifice of Holy Mass.

Father Robert de Grandis discovered Dr. McAll's work and came to the same conclusions in his own Healing Ministry. His book, "Intergenerational Healing", gives some very powerful testimonials and examples of physical and mental illness being caused by a link to the deeds or actions of past generations. He also shows certain personality traits with links to the past. Here's a quote from chapter 5 of Fr. de Grandis' book 'Intergenerational Healing'  where he speaks about a personal prayer for the family history:

"In the prayer I will cover many areas of un-love and negativity, including marriage relationships, hurt children, sexual sins, mental and physical illness, depression, fear, compulsiveness and addictions, criminal and violent behaviour, unloving, unmourned and violent deaths, patterns of separation, patterns of injustice, idolatries, traumas from being different, and communication disorders. Forgiveness opens the door to the whole healing process. We will begin by renouncing the occult and psychic links in ourselves and our ancestors, and asking the Lord to come in with His Precious Blood and the waters of our baptism to fill us with His life and love."

Many of those working in a Healing Ministry confirm what we have discussed and often come across illnesses or personality traits that can be found to reach back through to incidents, actions, occult involvement, sins and illness of past generations.

We can pray the following short prayer over our ancestors, starting with a prayer to take authority over anything that is not of God:

"In the Name of Jesus, I take authority and I bind all powers and forces in the air, in the ground, in the water, in the underground, in nature and in fire. You are the Lord over the entire universe and I give you the Glory for Your creation. In Your name, Lord, I bind all demonic forces that have come against me and my family and I seal all of us in the protection of Your Precious Blood that was shed for us on the Cross."

"Mary our Mother, we seek your protection and intercession with the Sacred Heart of Jesus for me and my family, and surround us with your mantle of love to discourage the enemy."

"Saint Michael the Archangel and our Guardian Angels come defend me and my family in battle against all the evil ones that roam the earth. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in our hour of need. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, cast satan down to hell and with him all the wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls."

"In the Name of Jesus, I bind and command all the powers and forces of evil to depart right now away from us, our homes and our lands. And we thank You Lord Jesus for You are a faithful and compassionate God Amen."

"Heavenly Father, I ask You now to go back though all in my bloodline, my husband's/wife's bloodline, and the bloodlines connected to all of my family and relatives and forgive the wrongs, heal the illnesses, bind the evil deeds. I ask You Lord to break the chains, associations and links any of these may have to us here in the present. On their behalf Lord, I seek Your forgiveness, your healing and a pouring out of your Divine Love so that Your Love may now pour forth through the years and touch us in the here and now. So that Your Divine and Healing Love will take the place of all the past hurts, angers, hates, un-love of You, destructive emotions or actions and evil ties of our ancestors. So that Your Precious Blood and Divine Love and Healing will heal us of the residue we carry from our ancestors. In true faith I thank You Lord because You have said 'Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you'. Today Lord I knock, I seek, I ask. All praise and thanks to You my loving Father."
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