Question about B05 and serial connection

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Nicola Bardini

Nov 17, 2020, 2:16:07 PM11/17/20
to CatGenius
Good morning. 
I have a catgenie since 2013 and in the last 7 years work great with fw B04. 

Today I have made a fw upgrading with the new one. All work correctly but not the serial connection. 

With the old fw the serial connection work great with geniediag command (bowl_cw, arm_up ecc) but the new version of fw don't regcognize this command. 

If possible to enable the same serial function, same as the old fw.? 

Unfortunately, sometimes I need to connect the catgenius fw with my laptop for a manual special maintenance washing. 

Thanks and have a nice day. 


Robert Deliën

Nov 23, 2020, 3:23:55 AM11/23/20
> I have a catgenie since 2013 and in the last 7 years work great with fw B04. 
> Today I have made a fw upgrading with the new one. All work correctly but not the serial
> connection. 

> With the old fw the serial connection work great with geniediag command (bowl_cw, arm_up ecc)
> but the new version of fw don't regcognize this command.

These commands work in the GenieDiag test application only, not in the CatGenie application. The first is to be used to test your box, the second is to be used to have your box clean itself.
If you have this working before, you must have had GenieDiag installed, which can indeed be operated over a serial port, but which cannot clean your box on its own.

> If possible to enable the same serial function, same as the old fw.?

These commands cannot be integrated into CatGenie because executing these commands could potentially conflict with a running washing program.

> Unfortunately, sometimes I need to connect the catgenius fw with my laptop for a manual special maintenance washing.

Did you reflash you box before and after, each time this was needed?

Nicola Bardini

Nov 25, 2020, 12:03:07 PM11/25/20
to CatGenius
Hi MindBender, 

Thanks for your reply and sorry for my strange english :)

No, my catgenie work well with B04 and serial connection. A lot of time ago a made my software with a small modification, in fact I has only modify the time to start the cleaning program after 30min that the cat has used it. I used the old MPlab + Hi-tech C pro to make it.

Until now the catgenie work well with the firmware B04 and the serial connection.

Unfortunately when the light guide is dirty, some time appens that the bowl turn forever with full water inside. In this case the serial connection is more pratical to turn on the drain pump.

I know that the new B05 has the security check if the light guide is dirty, but for me, the serial connection it is indispensable in case of problems.

If you want to try my B04, link below:

Robert Deliën

Dec 9, 2020, 11:39:41 AM12/9/20
to CatGenius
> No, my catgenie work well with B04 and serial connection. A lot of time ago a made my software with a small modification, in fact I has only modify the time to start the cleaning program after 30min that the cat has used it. I used the old MPlab + Hi-tech C pro to make it.
> Until now the catgenie work well with the firmware B04 and the serial connection.

Why not stick with version B04 then?

I think the functionality you are using was part of the CatNIP suite. That, unfortunately, I had to remove, because it was not the code, and because I do have no access to the sources of the Android companion app.
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