Castle.Facilities.AutoTx and Castle.Transactions replacements? Upgrade from Windsor 3.3 to Windsor 5.1.1

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Lasse Håkansson

Nov 17, 2021, 4:00:16 AM11/17/21
to Castle Project Users

I am working on a solution which depend heavily on TransactionAttribute on service level. Is there a replacement for this?

We are upgrading from .NET-framework 4.6.2 to 4.8 and we want to change as little as possible on the Castle.Windsor side.

We managed to get rid of Castle.Windsor.Lifestyles since it has a replacement in Windsor 5.1.1 but i could not find any solution for TransactionAttribute in Windsor 5.1.1?!

Does anybody have experience in upgrade from Windsor 3.3.0 to Windsor 5.1.1 and have used Castle.Facilities.AutoTx and Castle.Transactions?

Since it is deprecated ( we want to get rid of it and use a similar transaction-solution. Or could we continue using this deprecated solution? I dont get any errors using it ;-)
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