We used to have 11 teams on our GitHub @castleproject organisation containing 17 people with all sorts of access to different repositories:
* Committers = Committers (I've made this write access to all non-READONLY repos)
I also audited the members of the Owners and Committers teams to ensure we are all good. There was nothing out of place, just the following people missing from the GitHub teams from our official lists. We haven't seen these guys around for quite some time, but if you are on the list and want access added just let someone in the Owners team know:
* Owners - Kevin Williams, Gilles Bayon, Chad Humphries, Josh Robb
* Committers - Kevin Williams, Gilles Bayon, Andrew Hallock, Jason Nelson, Dru Sellers, John Morales, CobraLord, Dan, Tatham Oddie, Fabio David Batista, Chad Humphries, Ahmed Ghandour, Josh Robb, Ernst Naezer, Marc-Andre Cournoyer, Dave Godfrey, Lee Henson, Chris Ortman