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Important - Web Receiver Update (expected December 2020)

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Nov 3, 2020, 6:24:54 PM11/3/20
to cast-sdk-announcements
Hello Google Cast Developers,

In the next release of the Web Receiver SDK, expected in late 2020, Shaka Player will be upgraded from v2.5 to v3.0. This change only affects DASH playback; HLS and Smooth Stream playback are unaffected.

If this will affect your content, please see our developer guide for details on how to test your receiver against a preview version of the Web Receiver SDK to ensure a smooth transition to Shaka Player v3.

Warning: DO NOT use the preview version of the player in production; the preview URL is for testing purposes ONLY and will be removed in the beginning of December 2020.

If you find any problems, please let us know as soon as possible so we can investigate and fix before the upcoming release.

Best regards,

Google Cast SDK Team

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