Hello Google Cast developers!
We’re providing a preview of the next Cast Web Receiver SDK to allow developers to test their apps ahead of the production release.
Changes include:
Upgraded the default Shaka player version to 3.2.11 (which in turn fixes a number of previously-reported issues).
Playback will now automatically start after stream transfer.
Deprecated `cast.framework.messages.MusicTrackMediaMetadata#songName`. Use `cast.framework.messages.MusicTrackMediaMetadata#title` instead.
Added support for dynamic breaks to the embedded timeline.
Removed `cast.framework.PlayerManager#playString()`.
Added a new style, `cast.framework.ui.ControlsButton.LYRICS`, for the Like user action.
Added access to the HTTP response headers for `manifestHandler`, `segmentHandler`, `licenseHandler` of the `PlaybackConfig`.
Added `customData` to `CommandAndControlManager#ErrorResponseData` when the LOAD_BY_ENTITY message is resolved with an error.
Fixed audio/video desynchronization issues for HLS live streams.
Added `cast.framework.PlaybackConfig#enableUITextDisplayer` to render captions in Shaka Player using the DOM.
Added `cast.framework.CastReceiverOptions#shakaVersion` and `cast.framework.CastReceiverOptions#useShakaForHls` to allow receivers to use Shaka Player for HLS playback.