Query regarding the flask-auth

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Prince Roshan

Mar 11, 2020, 11:25:10 AM3/11/20
to Casbin
I looked into the repo of pycasbin and found flask-auth. I found that really interesting as I have been working on flask framework from last semester and I really faced a lot of difficulty in applying access control. Their is flask-login extension for access control but it is very specific and I don't think it is really helpful in implementing access control for a system with many layers of privileges.
I want to contribute to your organisation this summer. Please guide me through the process

I enjoy coading in python and love to build packages in python which helps in rapid and fast software development.
Github profile: princekrroshan01

Prince Roshan
Pre-final year student
computer engineering
Army institute of technology
Pune Maharashtra India


Mar 11, 2020, 12:19:32 PM3/11/20
to Prince Roshan, Casbin
  Contact your mentor:  https://github.com/casbin/SummerOfCode2020/issues/3


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