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Sachin Sontakke

May 25, 2022, 2:40:31 PM5/25/22
to cartographeross

I work for Deloitte Consulting which is a VMWare alliance partner.

I would like to know why Cartographer should be preferred over other tools (especially VMWare ones) for K8S CI-CD orchestration? Is there any unique benefit?
Also, would like to know if there's a way to invite your experts to give a demo to our partner team?

Please let me know.



May 26, 2022, 8:01:58 AM5/26/22
to cartographeross

Hey Sachin!

Thanks for reaching out

In terms of VMware tools for K8s-native CI/CD management, Cartographer is our main play because it introduces the choreography pattern (moving away from orchestration) which, in turn, results in:

  1. Loose coupling between resources (steps) in your supply chain. This means much more modularity and less operational overhead when there's a need to change a tool for a specific step (example: moving from kaniko to kpack)
  2. Standardization over inputs/outputs by introducing some abstractions, like the Template. This greatly reduces complexity while leaving controls to build a very opinionated path to production and keeping a simple contract with the underlying K8s platform
  3. A clear separation of concerns between Dev and Ops teams with their own abstractions, while at the same time providing repeatability and flexibility for a supply chain definition where once Ops teams design it, it can be adopted consistently by several different teams/apps and Ops teams retain the control on which resources dev teams can customize and which are fixed.  Separation of concerns is one of the best practices outlined by the CNCF in the recently-released Cloud Native Security whitepaper
I'd suggest going through these additional resources to find more details:

a. CNCF Webinar: from pipelines to supply chains
b. Enlighting episode covering Cartographer deep dive

In regards to the demo, thank you for the invite! We'll work with the team to accommodate time and will get back to you to set up some dates.

Thank you!


David Espejo
OSS Community Manager
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