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Cartographer in the CNCF landscape

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Mar 16, 2022, 2:49:58 PM3/16/22
to cartographeross
Dear Carto community:

It's with great pleasure that we announce our inclusion in the CNCF landscape under the Continuous Integration & Delivery sub-category.

This is an important milestone as it opens doors to keep spreading the choreography's word to the global CNCF community (including meetups, webinars, Working Groups, etc) 

We couldn't have achieved this without your support, that's why we would like to say THANK YOU!

Not only every GitHub star counts, but every time you have tried out the project, filed issues/comments, asked questions on Slack, or just lent us a hand on Twitter or at community meetings. 

You all are who make this project great

Please join us at our first CNCF-hosted webinar to learn more!

David Espejo
OSS Community Manager, Cartographer
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