Invalid provider Provider: postgres

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Olivier Vernin

Jul 2, 2020, 11:02:59 AM7/2/20
to cartodb

I'm trying to enable postgres connector as described here but no success so far. Can anyone help?

The initial API call to create a connector was returning that the "posgres connector wasn't enabled".

Then i ran the following commands that seem to enable to connector feature properly:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:features:add_feature_flag['carto-connectors']
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:features:enable_feature_for__all_users['carto-connectors'] 

Creating the provider through the API

When calling again the import API to create the connector, I get a different error:
"get_error_text": {
    "title": "Connector invalid parameters",
    "what_about": "The connector couldn't be configured because the parameters were not valid.",
    "source": "user"

in the logs, one can read 
error: Uncaught Resque failure
#<Carto::Connector::InvalidParametersError: Invalid provider Provider: postgres>

Creating the provider through the command line

When trying to create the providers, no providers are created 
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:connectors:create_providers  <~ no providers are created as the list of providers is empty
When trying 
RAILS_ENV=production  bundle exec rake cartodb:connectors:set_user_config["postgres","myuser","true","unlimited"].     <~ returns "Provider not found: postgres"

Thank you 

carto lover

Jul 2, 2020, 11:06:34 AM7/2/20
Read here

Then edit also config.yml to enabnle postgres mysql and etc and restart carto services


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Olivier Vernin

Jul 2, 2020, 11:17:10 AM7/2/20
to cartodb

for the config.yaml do you mean those lines?

      enabled: false
      max_rows: nil
      enabled: true
      max_rows: 500000
      enabled: true
      max_rows: 500000
      enabled: false
      max_rows: 500000
      enabled: false
      max_rows: 500000
      enabled: false
      max_rows: 1000000
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Nico Aliotta

Jul 2, 2020, 11:19:05 AM7/2/20
to cartodb
Yes these lines set them to true...
Then reboot services

Olivier Vernin

Jul 3, 2020, 5:06:00 AM7/3/20
to cartodb
Still, not working despite all the very clear instructions. For info my server version is 4.38.0

Setting the connectors to `true` in app_config.yaml, only make some of them appear on the Add Datasets > Connect > database with a lock signed (see screenshot), Strangely enough postgresql doesn't appear as a connector even if set as true.

Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 10.53.17.png

Still, my server is stuck with an empty list of providers, The same error is returned for any option like mysql.

ubuntu@geo:~/cartodb$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:connectors:show_config[postgres]
Provider not found: postgres

When trying to create a config for either a user or an organization though the command, the same happen
ubuntu@geo:~/cartodb$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:connectors:set_user_config[postgres,olivier2,true,100000]
Provider not found: postgres

So even if the list of connectors is set, the list of providers is simply not loaded / populated.

Do i need to activate some flags or some features in order to have the provider list loaded? 

Olivier Vernin

Jul 3, 2020, 5:30:42 AM7/3/20
to cartodb
the function to create the providers doesn't do anything because the list of providers is hardcoded empty in the rb file (see below

When calling:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake cartodb:connectors:create_providers.

this runs this function
## in lib/tasks/connector_api.rake
desc "Create Connector Providers for Provider Classes"
task create_providers: :environment do
Carto::Connector.providers(all: true).keys.each do |provider_name| ## returns an empty list
unless Carto::ConnectorProvider.where(name: provider_name).exists?
puts "Creating ConnectorProvider #{provider_name}"
Carto::ConnectorProvider.create! name: provider_name
providers = Carto::Connector.providers(all: true).keys
Carto::ConnectorProvider.where.not(name: providers).each do |provider|
puts "Provider #{} is not configured in the code!"

def find_by_uuid_or_name(id_or_name, klass, name_attribute = :name)
include Carto::UUIDHelper
if uuid?(id_or_name)
klass.where(name_attribute => id_or_name).first

calling in lib/carto/connector.rb
def self.providers(user: nil, all: false)
providers_info = {}
provider_ids.each do |id| ## provider_ids is an empty list
next unless all || provider_public?(id)
# TODO: load description template for provider id
description = nil
enabled = if user
Connector.limits(user: user, provider_name: id)[:enabled]
provider = ConnectorProvider.find_by_name(id)
ConnectorConfiguration.default(provider).enabled if provider
providers_info[id] = {
name: provider_name(id),
description: description,
enabled: enabled

calling in lib/carto/connector/providers.rb
module Carto
class Connector
PROVIDERS = [] ## the list is hard coded empty

DEFAULT_PROVIDER = nil # No default provider

class << self
def provider_class(provider_id)
provider_data provider_id

def provider_public?(provider_id)
provider_item provider_id, :public?

def provider_name(provider_id)
provider_item provider_id, :friendly_name

def provider_ids ## returns nothing as the PROVIDERS is empty &:provider_id

What should be in PROVIDERS?

carto lover

Jul 3, 2020, 5:38:26 AM7/3/20
to cartodb

i have postgres in appconfig.yml

try to edit in this way!

Olivier Vernin

Jul 3, 2020, 6:07:29 AM7/3/20
to cartodb
Still not working, i'm not missing the connectors but the providers.

@carto_lover It would help if could you share with me additional information on your setup

1) which tag version of carto are you running (or what is your last commit)?

2) Do you have any provider hard coded in lib/carto/connector/providers.rb?

3) what files are present in the folder lib/carto/connector/

4) what is the output of:  psql -U postgres carto_db_production -c "select * from connector_providers;"

Thank you for your help


carto lover

Jul 3, 2020, 6:11:57 AM7/3/20
to cartodb

/cartodb/lib/carto/connector$ dir
context.rb  errors.rb  fdw_support.rb  parameters.rb  providers  providers.rb

                  id                  |         created_at         |         updated_at         |   name
 38e08660-6b48-42c9-a61f-7239f78f4c84 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.698101 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.698101 | odbc
 5339b0bf-580f-4a93-8a50-a43c61822df0 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.702302 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.702302 | postgres
 b5cb3ae8-1a2a-4693-b78a-95ea0ad82603 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.704981 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.704981 | mysql
 16f43a05-4942-4cc4-9116-475e0710d910 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.707933 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.707933 | sqlserver
 1632f210-3cf9-40bd-9b98-49debed70590 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.710597 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.710597 | hive
 c1bf2d42-333e-4ba7-b4b8-707acb9673a6 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.713271 | 2020-03-21 20:18:16.713271 | bigquery

Olivier Vernin

Jul 3, 2020, 6:31:16 AM7/3/20
to cartodb
Ok, i see that's my cartodb code is missing all the necessary classes `providers/fdw/odbc/*`

@carto lover: Correct me if i'm wrong but you are running a v4.37 or lower of carto? 

On the mast branch for carto the content of PROVIDERS is empty. The PROVIDERS were removed on the 3rd of Feb 2020

Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 12.28.08.png

Shoaib Burq

Sep 24, 2020, 11:09:14 AM9/24/20
to cartodb
Did anyone figure out why this was removed? I am extremely frustrated by lack of clarity on the feature roadmap of carto and poor support on this list for open source. I know a lot of people who want to use the project but can't due to this.
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