cartbeforethehorse newsletter #241

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Jul 14, 2010, 1:31:22 AM7/14/10
to cartbeforethehorse
Hello, readers.
We have some new art on our website, finally. Here 'tis.

Our goal has always been to have something new each week to share on
our website, but having to pack up and move to a new town made us fall
a little short of that goal recently. Hopefully we're back on track
now. We feel like we are anyway.
Jo and I went about setting up our new house from two very different
perspectives. Since Jo is so visual, every knick and knack had to be
placed just so before she could rest. I'm more auditory, so as long as
I have tunes in my headphones, I'm happy to throw all our junk in the
corner, leaving the rest of the room open in case we want to break
dance or play lawn darts or something.


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