cartbeforethehorse newsletter #260

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Jan 12, 2011, 2:54:13 AM1/12/11
to cartbeforethehorse
Nice to see ya.
We finally have some new pieces finished and listed on etsy.
If the link below doesn't work, just dial 911 and let them know you
want to see some art. They should be more than helpful, and may even
offer you a ride in a real police car!

Most days, Jo is at her table painting, and I'm at my rickety folding
table in front of the computer stuffing microscopic doll arms and
watching Netflix. Once in while we'll scratch our heads and wonder
"when was my last day off?" So in answer to that question, I've been
trying to make time recently for my hobbies. Yes, the puppet set has
been unpacked, and I'm working on repairing some damage caused in its
relocation from the coast to here. I didn't feed the set to the wood
chipper as I had previously threatened because I've got one more music
video in me I'm afraid. I'm doing something different for the puppet
heads in each video, and this one will have little TV heads with ipod
touches inside to supply the screen. Here's a picture of what it might
look like minus the ipods. . .

I'm going to try to get more movement out of these puppets this time.
I want the puppets to bleed their stuffing all over the stage. I want
amplifiers smashed and heads rolling on the ground. ROCK &
ROLL!!!. . .puppetry. I know. Puppets aren't very tough sounding. But
when you make dolls for a living, working with puppets is living on
the edge.


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