dropped message on busy rabbitmq server

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Mathieu Longtin

Jan 28, 2014, 4:14:01 PM1/28/14
to carrot...@googlegroups.com
I am testing RabbitMQ and am trying to use Kombu with it. When feeding large amount of messages from multiple process, it seems the connection gets behind and drops messages.

I took one of the example code and modified it a bit to send multiple messages (see below). I noticed that if run ten of those, each sending 10000 messages, like this:

for i in $(seq 10) ; do python kombu_pub.py 10000 & done

Only about 99000 make it. It varies. But if I put a time.sleep(5) at the end of the program, all messages make it.

Calling connection.close() or connection.release() doesn't change this behavior.

Is there a way to ensure all communications are done before closing the program?



import sys,time                                                                       
from kombu.pools import producers                                                     
from kombu import Exchange, Queue                                                     
import kombu.common                                                                   
task_exchange = Exchange('tasks', type='direct')                                      
task_queues = [Queue('hipri', task_exchange, routing_key='hipri'),                    
               Queue('midpri', task_exchange, routing_key='midpri'),                  
               Queue('lopri', task_exchange, routing_key='lopri')]                    
priority_to_routing_key = {'high': 'hipri',                                           
                           'mid': 'midpri',                                           
                           'low': 'lopri'}                                            
def send_as_task(connection, fun, args=(), kwargs={}, priority='mid'):                
    payload = {'fun': fun, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}                            
    routing_key = priority_to_routing_key[priority]                                   
    with producers[connection].acquire(block=True) as producer:                       
if __name__ == '__main__':                                                            
    from kombu import Connection                                                      
    counter = 0                                                                       
    connection = Connection('amqp://')                                                
    for item in [task_exchange,]+task_queues:                                         
    for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):                                                 
        send_as_task(connection, fun=send_as_task, args=('Kombu', i), kwargs={},      
        counter += 1                                                                  
        print 'msg sent: %7d\r' % counter,                                            
    print 'msg sent: %7d' % counter
    # time.sleep(5)                                                

Ask Solem

Feb 3, 2014, 10:11:31 AM2/3/14
to carrot...@googlegroups.com
On Jan 28, 2014, at 9:14 PM, Mathieu Longtin <mat...@closetwork.org> wrote:

I am testing RabbitMQ and am trying to use Kombu with it. When feeding large amount of messages from multiple process, it seems the connection gets behind and drops messages.

I took one of the example code and modified it a bit to send multiple messages (see below). I noticed that if run ten of those, each sending 10000 messages, like this:

for i in $(seq 10) ; do python kombu_pub.py 10000 & done

Only about 99000 make it. It varies. But if I put a time.sleep(5) at the end of the program, all messages make it.

Calling connection.close() or connection.release() doesn't change this behavior.

Is there a way to ensure all communications are done before closing the program?



There’s no local write cache so maybe you can call os.fsync() before exiting?


or librabbitmq:


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