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Nov 14, 2011, 5:51:02 AM11/14/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

Pedro Neto postou um novo t�pico intitulado "Tablet ou PC no carro?" no f�rum "Hardware em Geral".

Bom dia galera,
sou novo no f�rum, vi um link do site de voc�s no

gostaria de saber se compensa mais usar um tablet ou fazer esse eskema de carPC?

o que mais vou usar � pen drive para ver dvd, GPS, e no m�ximo TV digital...

compensaria pra mim comprar um tablet simples, tipo da multilaser (q custa uns 500, 600 reais) ao inv�s de carPC?


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Nov 20, 2011, 12:21:30 PM11/20/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

Mayk postou um novo t�pico intitulado "Ideia de funcionamento sem monitor" no f�rum "Display/LCD".

Pessoal ja montei em meu carro(gol g4) um netbook, puxei fio da bateria para ligar ele no porta malas e puxei um fio de dentro dele e coloquei um botao no painel para ligar e desligar ele, porem o dinheiro acabou e nao da pra mim comprar uma tela touch 7 polegadas no momento!
E o netbook esta ligado ao modulo de som do meu carro e estou com um teclado multimidia para trocar de musicas e abaixar o volume, so que isto so acontece no windows media player no centrafuse nao consigo mudar de musica, teria alguma configuracao especifica para mim fazer no centrafuse para que o multimidia funcione? ou existe algum controle que pode resolver meu problema e seja compativel com centrafuse? quero apenas mudar de musica e abaixar e aumentar o volume!
Outro problema que esta no meu caminho e que quando ligo a fonte (pra carregar a bateria do netbook) da um ruido terrivel que nao consigo nem ouvir a musica, existe algum filtro ou alguma coisa que eu possa fazer para que isso nao ocorra utilizo uma fonte universal que trabalha tanto em 110volts como em 12 volts e tranforma para varias voltagens (no meu caso e 19 volts) teria alguma fonte que eu poderia fazer que transforme de 12 volts direto para os 19 volts?

desde ja obrigado e desculpa a falta de pontuacao e meu teclado que nao ta funciona!

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Nov 22, 2011, 10:09:44 PM11/22/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

xiaoxue520 postou um novo t�pico intitulado "Orthodontics: The Search for the Next Top Orthodontist" no f�rum "Dispositivos de Entrada".

Orthodontics: The Search for the Next Top Orthodontist

When it comes to orthodontic care, one of the best things you can do is visit an actual orthodontist in Lubbock TX. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry (dental instruments) dealing with teeth alignment. Not all general dentists are eligible to install braces; a dentist would need another two or three years of specialized education to qualify as an orthodontist. There are also orthodontic special programs that potential orthodontists have to undergo.

When looking to hire an orthodontist for your child or yourself, find out the schooling that your potential orthodontist has. Some dentists choose to finish orthodontic schooling before taking up (dental curing light) masters and only then will they look for work at a private practice. Meanwhile, some dentists like to find work at once while they get their orthodontic training. Keep in mind that one dentist is not necessarily better than the other. Other aspects should be considered when looking for an orthodontist.

The AAO or the American Association of Orthodontists is an organization which only grants membership to orthodontic specialists. Any orthodontist who is a member here is a (ultrasonic cleaner) specialist in the field. By contacting the American Association of Orthodontists, you will be able to find out the qualifications and credentials of the orthodontist that you are considering. Membership here is exclusive, thus only the best and brightest are able to become members.

Another way of finding a good (dental scalers) orthodontist is to look up the members of the ABO or the American Board of Orthodontics. This organization was put up to set up and preserve the uppermost principles of clinical experience in orthodontics in 1929. An orthodontist in Lubbock TX recognized by this organization is guaranteed to provide quality services.

Your family dentist should be able to recommend a good orthodontist to you. Your dentist should have lists of specialists who offer services which he cannot provide himself. However, if you are under insurance or are availing of company benefits, your family dentist or your children's pediatric dentist may have a limited list of recommendations for (root canal endodontic) you. In cases like these, they have to stick to insurance or company pre-approved specialists.


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Nov 22, 2011, 10:29:04 PM11/22/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

xiaoxue520 postou um novo t�pico intitulado "Common Smile Problems That Dentists in Sarasota Can Eliminate" no f�rum "Dispositivos de Entrada".

Common Smile Problems That Dentists in Sarasota Can Eliminate

A smile is considered a powerful tool (root canal endodontic) that can help people in so many distinct ways. A great smile can help individuals land a new job, or simply leave a good impression on others. Moreover, a great smile is an integral part of communication, as it has been generally associated with attractiveness, confidence, and sociability. Nevertheless, there are a lot of individuals who cannot flash their charming smiles because of some dental problems that only reliable dentists in Sarasota FL can take away.

These common smile problems basically involve the set of teeth. Of course, a person who has crooked, broken, chipped, or misaligned teeth tend to hide their teeth by (dental scalers) avoiding smiling. The same thing also happens for individuals with worn or discolored teeth. In their perception, these unattractive oral maladies can ruin their image since these can give the notion that they are not hygienic.

According to experts, a smile can be visually appealing if all the dental elements are in balance. Hence, gaps between teeth can significantly impact the overall appeal of smiles. Similarly, a gummy smile is another detrimental factor that can affect harmony among oral components. Moreover, overgrown gingival tissue can make teeth appear abnormally small. Hence, people with this (ultrasonic cleaner) condition tend to be self-conscious whenever they smile.

All these common smile problems may originate from imperfect teeth development or birth defects. However, lack of proper oral hygiene and some accidents involving the mouth can also bring about oral problems. Regardless of the cause, dentists Sarasota patients trust have the necessary solutions. They can offer affected individuals with a lot of dental options that can take away their smile anxieties, and accordingly boost their self esteem. After undergoing cosmetic (dental curing light) dental surgery, a patient can truly achieve the oral condition he needs to flash a perfect smile.

Some of the things that can be done in a smile makeover include teeth whitening, veneers, dental crowns, and implants. Through these cosmetic dental solutions, a person can have a new set of pearly whites that he can be finally be proud of. He no longer has to worry about damaged, stained, or misaligned teeth that are certainly unattractive.

All a patient has to do is properly maintain the condition of his newly acquired enamels so as to preserve their enhanced forms. Surely, (dental instruments) improved dental procedures and technology has allowed individuals to empower their smiles, and consequently, themselves through cosmetic dentistry techniques.


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Nov 22, 2011, 10:42:18 PM11/22/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

xiaoxue520 postou um novo t�pico intitulado "The Sarasota Cosmetic Dentist on the Mystery of Migraines" no f�rum "Dispositivos de Entrada".

The Sarasota Cosmetic Dentist on the Mystery of Migraines

The dentists Sarasota FL residents trust were baffled at the unusual case of a 53-year-old woman whose migraine lasted for thirty years. From pain relievers to sinus surgery, every effort to resolve her migraines proved to be ineffective. It was only after a (dental instruments) thorough exam that they discovered that her migraine problems were originating from the one place they did not expect�her teeth. Malocclusions or overbites caused her skull bones to become distorted, which affected some nerves.

This was a case study published by the International Center for Nutritional Research, which (dental curing light) discovered the connection between dental problems and migraines. Approximately 28 million Americans suffer from long-term migraines, with a portion caused by malocclusions and temporomandibular joint or TMJ disorders. Apparently, migraines caused by dental problems have a sort of domino effect: any pressure on the teeth creates tensions on the nerves which results in severe headaches.

A solution has been devised when (ultrasonic cleaner) dealing with this kind of chronic migraine case: the NTI dental device or Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System. This device is a simple polyurethane mouthpiece that is worn to prevent jaw clenching especially during sleep. By preventing teeth from gnashing, the nerves are not stressed too much, resulting in decreased episodes of migraine attacks. Migraine attacks were also less frequent throughout the day.

A clinical test among twenty individuals experiencing severe headaches revealed a satisfactory rating of 70 percent. Fourteen of those people reported that the NTI (dental scalers) device reduced the number of times they experienced headaches. Another study conducted by the United States Food and Drug Administration revealed that the NTI device performs better than conventional treatments in treating migraines. It is a revolutionary discovery that benefits the fields of dentistry and neurology.

NTI treatment is a service that can be administered by a Sarasota cosmetic dentist. The mouthpiece can be used not only as a solution to migraine attacks, but can eliminating unnecessary movement of the teeth and jaws. It can be said that the dental function of the NTI treatment shares some, if not all, similarities with braces. NTI (root canal endodontic) treatment is proof that headaches can be caused by the oral cavity.


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Nov 22, 2011, 10:52:46 PM11/22/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

xiaoxue520 postou um novo t�pico intitulado "The Modern Face of Sarasota Cosmetic Dentistry" no f�rum "Dispositivos de Entrada".

The Modern Face of Sarasota Cosmetic Dentistry

It has always been the focus of (root canal endodontic) technology to deliver timesaving processes and holistic results in the fewest attempts possible. The patients of Sarasota cosmetic dentistry benefit from the most advanced medical equipment with faster service, safer procedures, and more efficacious treatment that targets the root of the problem dead center. Accuracy and effectiveness always takes top priority when it comes to treating teeth and gum problems. But just how has technology changed the face of dentistry?

Pinpoint accuracy: For dental procedures such as (dental scalers) Sarasota dental implants, it is not enough that the problem is removed�its roots must be attacked as well. With the aid of computers and other precision instruments, problems such as tooth decay and gingivitis can be prevented from ever occurring. Of course, this does not change the fact that people must continue to practice good oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day. Take out the source and you take out the problem.

Painless dentistry: As far as children and phobic patients are concerned, pain is always an issue to them. History has a lot to say about pain in dentistry because in the past, anesthesia had yet to be discovered. But today, with anesthetics such as laughing (ultrasonic cleaner) gas as a standard operating procedure, painless dentistry has been made possible. Eliminating the pain factor helps patients overcome their fears of visiting their local dentist.

Quicker process: Modern dental treatment is delivered at a faster rate compared to the early days. Synthesis of new chemicals allows most dental and periodontal problems to be resolved in a matter of hours instead of weeks. Furthermore, dentists are aided by machines that reduce their overall workload. With just a few (dental curing light) buttons to press, the machines can do their work superbly, only taking them a fraction of the time.

Safety first: The primary role of the field of medicine is to save lives�and Sarasota cosmetic dentistry is no different. As technology gives birth to more effective medical and dental techniques, mortality rates around the world continue to decrease. Combine technology with the experience of the dentist, (dental instruments) getting your teeth and gums checked regularly has never been safer. Above all else, safety always comes first.


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Nov 22, 2011, 11:03:37 PM11/22/11
CarPC-Brasil (Google Groups),

xiaoxue520 postou um novo t�pico intitulado "Dental Diseases Categorized as Dental Emergencies" no f�rum "Dispositivos de Entrada".

Dental Diseases Categorized as Dental Emergencies

A dental issue is considered a (dental instruments) dental emergency if it happens abruptly. In most cases, it can be characterized by the degree of pain a person experiences at an instant. Compared to other diseases that manifest symptoms and gradual throbbing pain, a dental emergency is unexpected, like a seizure. Many dentists in big cities like Sarasota claim to be emergency dentists. Because handling dental emergencies is different from typical in-office consultation and treatment, there are Sarasota dentists who specialize in these issues. There are various dental issues recognized as dental emergencies.

Pulpitis: This is one of the most unexpected diseases suffered by people of any age group. A dental emergency that involves the (dental curing light) pulp, pulpitis does not typically manifest symptoms. The pulp is the third layer of the teeth that covers or contains the nerves, which are responsible for the sensitivity of the teeth. When an individual suffers from a cavity, he or she experiences sudden irritation when the pulp is aggravated. However, there are cases when cavities do not manifest as pain until the infection reaches the pulp. This debilitating condition is called pulpitis.

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: This is a sub-classification of periodontal disease that presents an acute infection of the gums. A person with such a disease experiences sudden unbearable pain that requires (ultrasonic cleaner) immediate alleviation. Like other diseases involving the gums, it is characterized by the reddening and bleeding of the gingival tissues. A Sarasota dentist should recommend debridement and irrigation as the major treatment methods, accompanied by enhanced oral hygiene.

Dental trauma: A person experiences dental trauma after a sudden physical injury involving the maxillofacial members. The impact may cause a tooth to fall off or crack. The gums, which are softer tissues, are more vulnerable to trauma and may display symptoms easily. This is considered a dental (dental scalers) emergency because of the multiple management procedures involved in the resuscitation of the implicated tissues.

Temporomandibular disorder: This is a broad terminology that covers various cases of inflammation involving the joints that connect the mandible to the skull. Any disease that affects the underlying bone structure results in significant pain and impairment. Since this disorder affects even the nerves in the human brain, it requires the expert knowledge of (root canal endodontic) several health-care disciplines.


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