Start Of New ERA for Philippines

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Abraham Lincoln

May 9, 2006, 1:45:01 AM5/9/06
to Abraham Lincoln front Page " Stocks near 7-yr High on FOREIGN BUYING!"
- JP Morgan heralded the current period as the "start of a new era" for the Philippines and said it had upgraded the country to an "overweight" in the Asia-Pacific stock markets.
Can You believe that? =) Maybe most of people reading the story would say "It's Not TRue its just another goverment publicity..." and "Philippines is still getting poorer..."
I call those people "Chicken Little of Life" for them the Sky is always falling.... and those are the kind of people who always complains... they all have  reason's in this world why something will not work...that's why "Cynics never Win" =) "Cynics criticize, Winners Analyze!" no wonder why Only 5-10% of the population in the entire world.. choose to take the ROAD LESS TAKEN...
Personally, I'm very happy with that news/... before that news came out i was able to experience and achieve 12.x% Growth in my Portfolio in just 2-3 Days.  if i put my money in the Bank for a 1 Yr Time Deposit Or Mutual Fund "Heck" i doubt it if my money could gain 5-7% in 1 YEAR. I Personally see the turn around in Philippine Economy... i am more than Happy with our Current PResident than the previous presidents no matter what people say......... it's not bec. i am a Pro GMA BUT as an Investor...
Bad News: " Lots of people are jumping in because the stock is GOING UP... without analyzing..."
                  " Undervalued companies... is becoming over valued..."
                  " Currency value is Declining specially DOLLAR "
 As Warren Buffet Said - "The dumbest reason in the world to buy an investment is because the price is going up"
Good News: "People who owned Undervalued companies will gain Minimum of 30% and it could be DOUBLED" - What's my basis? The current market situation shows it... and of course because of my portfolio.
                  " There are still undervalued companies... their prices went up... but still they are undervalued... but soon to be overvalued.." few more months...
                    " Personally i am avoiding my Cash due to Tax and Inflation rate..etc.... and I am finding ways how to Avoid my excess cash and Invest It... "
TIP: check your balance in your bank account now... then Minus the current inflation rate and taxes then next year check your balance balance again Minus Tax and the  inflation rate Then compare how much is the difference and how much money are you Losing... Get my point? i don't care how you do it... just try it how much your 10,000 worth or 1000 worth after 1 year.
Warrent Buffet Lost 1 Billion dollars due to Currency depreciation Minus tax and inflation rate.
Thanks for reading.......The Choice is YOURS!   Hope you have learn something in this letter...... If you missed warren buffet in let me know i could send you the links.
Till next time!

"The entrance strategy is actually more important than the exit strategy," - Eddie Lampert -  "The next warren buffet"
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