The IDi*T Boss and The Get Rich Quick Trap

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Abraham Lincoln

Apr 18, 2006, 2:46:56 AM4/18/06

The idi*t boss and the get rich quick Trap

I hope you will learn something from this article...i just hope that you are not a Close minded Dummy

Ok let's talk about the idi*t boss sorry for the word....

Most people become sick of working for their idiot bosses, as they call them, so they
decide to start their own business and they end up becoming the idiot boss. Instead of
working five days per week for a guaranteed cash pay they now get to work six to seven
days per week and often for no salary" and the business doesn't run properly without the owner staying there for 6-7 days
see the point? History speaks for itself... 80% of businesses specially small businesses
Fail after 5 YEARS But if you have been in the business for more than 5 years you think you are
safe? NOT REALLY. If the first 5 Years does not wipe you out the next 5 years most cerntainly will...
what's the proof? Again look around you... and  Michael Gerber already proves it. This is no
longer a speculation but a FACT. Period.

it happens why? ONE of the most common reason is because people who wants to make money but
they don't INVEST in their Education, how business system works and to their financial education.
They think that reading  books, business/financial magazines are all Waste of time and full of crap well i admit
it there are lots of books out there that's full of Mumbo Jumbo Crap.  What should you do?
Use your common sense =) Read read read understand understand understand. Being uneducated
is really risky...many people who seek to make money like opening a business with a "LITTLE" knowledge
and experience. its safer for you to go to the Casino and Play spin the roulette wheel.
personally, i bought lots of books already and i invested thousand of money to invest in my
greatest asset w/c is my MIND. so what's the Return of Investment? Ohh well i cannot over emphasize..
500% ROI is CHEAP i could say =) after applying all the lessons, principles and strategies i got
from those books.

One time... i had a chat with some of my friends in the office they are telling stories
about business, investing etc... one of my officemates asked me about my new investment
then i began to tell them about my 1 Month Old Online Business since i was able to tell
the story easily how i achieve an ROI of 140% (less than 1 month) they got excited how to
the biz works... so i ask them  want to have an AutoPilot online biz? no problem start reading
about e-marketing,affiliate  marketing.. most of all you should learn how to read numbers =)
They said they just want a website that will earn cash.... haha that was funny i laugh hard...
they thought  i achieve that Return just by creating a 3 pages crappy website. so what happend next?
until now they haven't started anything...  See the point?? THEY DON'T WANT TO INVEST TO THEIR
GREATEST ASSET. THEIR MIND! They want to be a spoon fed baby...

Same with people with a "GET Rich quick" mentality they always wanted a BIG RETURN. For them 10%
20% 30% Return is CHEAP what they want is at least 50% Return... these people are HOPELESS i could say
i bet they can't even make money that will have 5% return...on a regular basis... they are thinking all
they need is just 1 Big Time Deal to make them rich... if that's the case i'd rather Play the LOTTERY =)

They are focused and hoping for LUCK than focusing in educating themselves about money management, investing etc...
one reason i see is that fear of loosing money, they are afraid to invest and take the risk because they might
loose their money...The way the world of money looks to most people is just a MASS of Confusion.. They can't
see opportunities right in front of their Nose. To give you an example with my experience just last week i went
to a bookstore they have lots of books 20% off i look around till i've seen a wealth building book after scanning
the contents of the book fortunately contains a valuable information about wealth building. i told myself i
could  SELL this book and gain least 20% profit i check the book in and its quite expensive =) but i have to ACT
Fast! because the supply is Limited. After 1 day the books was SOLD Out =) I've earned at least 21% Profit each. I was able
to "CREATE" Money in a simple way... the actual amount of profit was it big? Not at all the point here is the money
in my Wallet was able to WORK FOR ME instead of my money waiting to be spend and what did i do with the profit? i
INVESTED it to a high risk high return investment =) you may ask Where did you focus? is it bec. the book is really a
BARGAIN?. NO its not but i focus on the VALUE of the Book... even if i added 50% more to its original price (less 20% off).
it is still WORTH it  to buy. why? it is simply because the contents  are so valuable, the original(no discount) price of
the book is Much HIGHER.... Where did i focus again? remember the word "V-A-L-U-E". My Buyer Wins and I Win.

1% 3% 5% 10% 15% 20% profit is not Cheap that's one of the reason why the rich are getting richer. i cannot over
emphasize the lesson =)

But even if you EARN and Save huge amount of money and You don;t know how to manage all your money...
then you are TRAPPED again to what i call LIFECycle. Spending.. spending more.. until they are out of control till money
starting to control them...they end of working harder to run after the money more harder because they need to pay the Bills,
Pay their house mortgage and nothing left..finally they we're trapped in what we call  RAT-RACE. People tend to spend in things
provides instant gratification that makes them  look rich but in reality they become poorer each and everyday... Why i know
this? because i've been through this Stage FOR MANY YEARS of saving and working hard for Money and i end up with very little
savings until ive transferred from Old to New World and finally get out of the RAT Race......

If you are RICH and you have enough cashflow to cover all your expenses then that's ok go on enjoy life!

1 month or 2 months from now after i take a 1 week vacation i will be Launching my 1 week E-Learning Course that would teach
people how to Take Control and manage their Money. This is a No mumbo jumbo  Crap marketing. The lesson's that you will be learning
priceless.The PRACTICAL ONLINE TRAINING will help people how to avoid the mistakes that i have committed,mistakes of the poor
and middle class and people who became millionaires eventually they became poor again.. Even if your in other country as long
as you have internet connection you could take the Course Online!

that's all folks! hope you we're able to learn some lesson on this short write-up. Time to go =) Till next time.

"The Wealth Seeker Chooses Sacrifice and the Poverty Seeker Chooses Instant Gratification"


Apr 18, 2006, 4:53:44 AM4/18/06
Dear Abraham Lincoln,
Thank you for your article!!   :-)

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