CAR-PGa NEWSLETTER, Vol. 32, No. 12, December 2023

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Mike "Talien" Tresca

Dec 2, 2023, 6:01:30 PM12/2/23
to CAR-PGa: The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games
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We’re planning a board meeting later this month, so we’ll soon have more to report out. Part of that discussion is our review of our performance against goals and the publication of our annual report. The report is still being created, but generally speaking, we achieved some of our goals while fell short of others. This had at least partially to do with my vacation schedule as well as the world making up for lost time. All told, we conducted eight virtual panels, grew the membership by nine, and increased our subscribership to the YouTube channel by 15. We’ve already got two guests lined up for 2024, but as always, I can use your help. If you think there’s someone we should spotlight, please let us know.

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