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You're Invited! CAR-PGA Virtual Panel (January 2024)

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Mike "Talien" Tresca

Jan 23, 2024, 7:09:40 AM1/23/24
to CAR-PGa: The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games


Join us on Thursday, January 25 at 7 p.m. ET for a virtual learning session. Our guest this month is Eloy Lasanta. Eloy Lasanta is a narrative designer, game writer/producer, game mechanics developer, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, music producer, and public speaker, who has won awards in RPGs and has made a name for himself by hosting multiple Youtube channels. His passion for game design is evident in his company, Third Eye Games, and his YouTube channel, “Eloy The Saint”, where he shares insights about game design, tutorials, and his experiences in the RPG industry. We look forward to an engaging session!

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