Cowboy Shack Windmill

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Tony Bonanno Photography

Aug 29, 2019, 11:55:10 AM8/29/19
to Capital City Astronomy Club
Wasn't as good a night as I had hoped, but thought you might like to see the shot I took of the windmill last night... about 25 sec exposure, 17mm, Nikon Z7, ISO 4000



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Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member


Aug 29, 2019, 1:37:18 PM8/29/19
Beautiful, Tony! And thanks for sharing exposure info.


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 29, 2019, at 9:54 AM, Tony Bonanno Photography <> wrote:

Wasn't as good a night as I had hoped, but thought you might like to see the shot I took of the windmill last night... about 25 sec exposure, 17mm, Nikon Z7, ISO 4000



Click HERE to be notified about my upcoming Workshops and Fine Art Exhibitions

Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member

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Aug 29, 2019, 7:29:26 PM8/29/19
Nice, Tony!  Looks like you even got a meteor in it.
Had about 3 things going on yesterday and by astronomy time, I passed out.


Peter Lipscomb

Aug 29, 2019, 10:22:22 PM8/29/19
Terrific shot those newfangled Nikon lenses do well! 


Tony Bonanno Photography

Aug 29, 2019, 10:35:30 PM8/29/19
to Capital City Astronomy Club
Thanks Peter.. still figuring out how to tweak a bit more without a lot of post or multiple exposures/stacking.   My D850 in some ways is definitely better trying to nail focus, etc., but the Z7 is nice and small, same sensor as 850 and easy to carry (I'm really feeling my age).  Have to try some other lenses and try to refine the workflow a bit.  The 14-30 Z lens is really small and sweet, is slow (f/4).. slow, slow..  Thinking about trying one of those trackers, but not sure which one yet..  Can't believe all the friggin light pollution that is crept onto the landscape the past 25 years I've been here..  Oh well, just try to enjoy whatever we can..
Click HERE to be notified about my upcoming Workshops and Fine Art Exhibitions

Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member

Brent McGee

Aug 30, 2019, 8:53:50 AM8/30/19
Here’s mine:


Tony Bonanno Photography

Aug 30, 2019, 2:26:39 PM8/30/19
to Capital City Astronomy Club
Hi Brent,

Be happy to go over the basic technique with you anytime.  It's not that hard, really.  Astro photography through your scope is much more difficult.  But night sky landscapes with a tripod, camera, and post processing software isn't bad.  Also, if you have a camera mount on your telescope tube (or mount), you can get much nicer images as the mount will track while the camera records so that star trails are much less of a problem for long exposures/longer focal length lenses, etc..


Tony B

Click HERE to be notified about my upcoming Workshops and Fine Art Exhibitions

Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 6:53 AM Brent McGee <> wrote:
Here’s mine:

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Kidding! 😋

Magnificent photo, Tony!  I would love to be there sometime while you are experimenting with the sky. I wonder how much it would help if you could attach your camera to my GEM?  I tried astrophotography once... gawd, it was hard.

—-  Brent

On Aug 29, 2019, at 6:34 PM, Tony Bonanno Photography <> wrote:

Thanks Peter.. still figuring out how to tweak a bit more without a lot of post or multiple exposures/stacking.   My D850 in some ways is definitely better trying to nail focus, etc., but the Z7 is nice and small, same sensor as 850 and easy to carry (I'm really feeling my age).  Have to try some other lenses and try to refine the workflow a bit.  The 14-30 Z lens is really small and sweet, is slow (f/4).. slow, slow..  Thinking about trying one of those trackers, but not sure which one yet..  Can't believe all the friggin light pollution that is crept onto the landscape the past 25 years I've been here..  Oh well, just try to enjoy whatever we can..

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Peter Lipscomb

Aug 30, 2019, 2:47:26 PM8/30/19
As I have worked up the steep learning curve of astro- photography, the one thing I can share as a guideline is 'keep it fun'

I have made it more of a chore, at times, than a hobby. 

Tony Bonanno Photography

Aug 30, 2019, 3:11:20 PM8/30/19
to Capital City Astronomy Club
Had to smile Peter .. "more of a chore, at times, than a hobby..."   One reason I never got into it (other than camera and tripod) as it was too much work and expense for my limited intellectual and financial resources..  Plus, at my age, If I did eventually get the workflow down, if I ever got away from it for more than a couple of months, I'd forget everything and have to start over ! 

Click HERE to be notified about my upcoming Workshops and Fine Art Exhibitions

Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member

Peter Lipscomb

Aug 30, 2019, 3:23:12 PM8/30/19
You nailed it Tony. Taught and re- taught myself bunches. Also invested in $$ mount and upgraded CCD. The result?

16 hours Melotte 15


Tony Bonanno Photography

Aug 30, 2019, 3:32:51 PM8/30/19
to Capital City Astronomy Club
Wow... nice!  

Click HERE to be notified about my upcoming Workshops and Fine Art Exhibitions

Tony Bonanno Photography, LLC                          
Santa Fe, New Mexico  USA  +1 505.466.0020
ASMP Professional Member

Peter Lipscomb

Aug 30, 2019, 4:17:45 PM8/30/19
Thank you Tony - sorry for high jacking the thread. 


Aug 30, 2019, 11:16:18 PM8/30/19
What's that?
Hill?  What hill?  I didn't see any damn hill.

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