Dear Rubyists, Capifists and Hackers,
I am announcing the release of Capistrano 2.5.20. Almost a year after the last public release, including the following changes:
* `deploy:migrations` will now always operate on the latest_release, not current_release (Mike Vincent)
* Adds a check for the presence of `rsync` when using the copy strategy with `rsync`. (Chris Griego)
* Do not try to look up the `:release_path` on servers which are defined `:no_release` (Chris Griego)
* Tiny patch to the `CVS` SCM code to be Ruby 1.9 compatible (Martin Carpenter)
* Changed the default `Git` submodule behaviour to use `--recursive`, Lighthouse Issue #176. (Lee Hambley)
* `:public_children` can now be `set()`, the default is unchanged, thanks (Chris Griego)
* Fixing the load path in the default `Capfile` to search vendored/unpacked Gems. Lighthouse Issue #174 (Mari Carmen/Rafael García)
* Adds a `maintenance_basename` variable (default value is `maintenance`) to allow you to set the maintenance page name (Celestino Gomes)
* Spelling fixes in inline-documentation (Tom Copeland)
* Make `zip` and `tar` handle symlinks the same way (zip follows symlinks by default, tar needs the option `-h`) (Ross Cooperman)
I was torn between releasing as 2.6.0, or 2.5.20, I'm a big fan of the kernel versioning scheme, but a lot of the above feel like tweaks, not features.
There shouldn't be anything too surprising in here, and it's all been a long time coming. There will be another small fix soon, getting Capistrano off Jeweler, so that it's more inline with the Bundler way of life (or rather, looks more like a Gem repository)
Forthcoming, in the 2.6.0 release, which I plan to have out of the door before April, will lose the requirement to use `capistrano-ext` to have access to the multistage feature. After that, work will likely be concentrated on the 3.x branch, a task for which I would really, really love some support.
Lastly, my sincere apologies to Chris Griego, who's been desperately begging me to push this release for an eternity! Please report bugs or problems through lighthouse, please remember to lock your Capistrano version in your Gemfile!
Sincere thanks to all the contributors, without whom Capistrano wouldn't be the great software it is today!
Lee Hambley