HI, im getting the error below during a cap deploy. i can run production console successfully on the server.
any ideas?
EBUG [04b3530e] Command: cd /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/20170626144940 && ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1@myapp_gemset do bundle install --path /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_co m/shared/bundle --without development test --deployment --quiet
INFO [04b3530e] Finished in 11.265 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
DEBUG [c63173da] Running if test ! -d /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/20170626144940; then echo "Directory does not exist '/rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/
2017062614 4940'" 1>&2; false; fi as railsuser@myip
DEBUG [c63173da] Command: if test ! -d /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/20170626144940; then echo "Directory does not exist '/rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/201706261 44940'" 1>&2; false; fi
DEBUG [c63173da] Finished in 0.029 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [24759d1b] Running ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1@myapp_gemset do bundle exec rake assets:precompile as railsuser@myip
DEBUG [24759d1b] Command: cd /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/releases/20170626144940 && ( export RAILS_ENV="production" RAILS_GROUPS="" ; ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1@myapp_gemset do bundle e xec rake assets:precompile )
DEBUG [24759d1b] rake aborted!
DEBUG [24759d1b] LoadError: Could not load 'active_record/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter'. Make sure that the adapter in config/database.yml is valid. If you use an adapter other than ' mysql', 'mysql2', 'postgresql' or 'sqlite3' add the necessary adapter gem to the Gemfile.
DEBUG [24759d1b] /rorapps/myapp/production/myapp_com/shared/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `require'