Linked Folders produces strange results

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Vincent G

Dec 12, 2017, 2:16:13 PM12/12/17
to Capistrano
Ruby ruby 2.0.0p648
Capistrano  3.10.1 (Rake Version: 12.3.0)
Rake / Rails / etc
Working on.... Mac OS X
Deploying to... CentOS


I am trying to understand how the linked_dirs work. i have the following as an example

append :linked_dirs, "storage", "node_modules", "vendor", "public"

the above causes a few issues:

1. if i keep the "public" in the linked dirs, on initial deploy the public folder is missing a lot of files that are present in the git repository. For example, without the "public" listed in linked_dirs i get the following tree inside current/public:

[git@web003 current]$ ls -lh public/
-x  3 git git 4.0K Dec 12 16:48 custom
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git    0 Dec 12 16:48 favicon.ico
-x  2 git git 4.0K Dec 12 16:48 fonts
-x  4 git git 4.0K Dec 12 16:48 rsvp
-x  2 git git 4.0K Dec 12 16:48 images
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git 2.7K Dec 12 16:48 index.php
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git 1.2K Dec 12 16:48 manifest.json
-x  8 git git 4.0K Dec 12 16:48 maverick
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git   26 Dec 12 18:43 mix-manifest.json
-x 15 git git 4.0K Dec 12 18:43 modules
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git   24 Dec 12 16:48 robots.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git  781 Dec 12 16:48 serviceWorker.js
-xr-x  4 git git 4.0K Dec 12 18:43 vendor
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git  914 Dec 12 16:48 web.config

With "public" set in linked_dirs i have the following directory tree in current/public

[git@web003 public]$ ls -lh
-rw-rw-r--  1 git git   26 Dec 12 17:16 mix-manifest.json
-x 15 git git 4.0K Dec 12 17:16 modules
-xr-x  4 git git 4.0K Dec 12 17:16 vendor

There is a lot missing and i am not entirely sure why. Also mix_manifest.js is a file that is generated and updated when we run some compile scripts, i'd like that to be shared but it seems i can't add it to linked_files since on initial deploy it does not exists and it returns an error:

00:02 deploy:check:linked_files
      ERROR linked file /var/www/xxx/shared/public/mix-manifest.json does not exist on xxx

2. This is similar to the above just with node_modules

If we share node_modules when trying to run npm run... it seems like it can't find certain files for example

npm run w-production // shortcut for:

cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js "--env.mixfile=build/w.mix" "--env.scss=1"

if the node_modules is not shared that works just fine. if it's shared it just compiles nothing, as it seems it can't really find the appropriate files since the node_modules points to a symbolic link.

Any idea what can be done in the scenarios above?

Thank You.

Lee Hambley

Dec 12, 2017, 2:35:13 PM12/12/17
to Capistrano
Hi Vincent, linked_dirs links directories from the shared/ path into the current release. This means as a rule that your public/ from Git will be replaced by one in shared/. I hope that clears up and misunderstanding from linked_dirs.

What were you hoping to achieve?

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