March Cape Town Ruby Brigade: RailsBridge - teaching Rails and embracing Fails

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Farrel Lifson

Feb 27, 2015, 3:19:28 PM2/27/15
Topic: RailsBridge - teaching Rails and embracing Fails
Date: Wednesday 11 March 2014 @ 18:00
Venue: iXperience, 19 Park Rd,  Cape Town, 8005

Steve Barnet will be presenting on his work with RailsBridge.

"RailsBridge is an international non-profit organisation that provides free Ruby on Rails workshops for women and their friends. In July 2013, after a lot of emails and Skype calls, a handful of Cape Town developers got together and started running regular RailsBridge workshops, creating a fork of the open source documentation and materials.

This talk discusses our journey over the past year and some bits. It covers how we've used agile principles and how we try and embrace continuous improvement. It'll also cover what's in the curriculum, the fun we've had with pushes and pulls, and answer the big question: "Should everybody learn to code?". Improvements and Pull Requests are always welcome, and hopefully at least one will come from you. Yes, *you*.

You will get a sticker at the end of the talk."

Farrel Lifson

Feb 27, 2015, 3:26:04 PM2/27/15
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