Goblin semantics, and thinking through / planning for CapTP

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Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 18, 2020, 5:25:05 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com

I'm implementing CapTP for the first time ever in my life, though I've
been reading about it for a long time. Mark has told me that a nice
phrase they use at Agoric is "don't squander your ignorance". To that
end, I wonder if it might be a good idea for me to work through some of
my thinking live on a thread here. If people find this too noisy,
please tell me and I'll move it off-list.

(In case it's useful and to prevent doubts of copywrongs, I waive all
copyright into the public domain under CC0 1.0. Feel free to use this
if it results in anything resembling useful documentation... though it
probably won't.)

EDIT BEFORE SENDING: this message has gotten huge and I apologize
in advance unless you think it's great in which case you're welcome.

What is CapTP?

(Feel free to skip this, and maybe the next section, if you're familiar
with CapTP already yourself. Or skip everything, I'm not the boss of

I recently described CapTP and VatTP to a colleague. Here is my attempt
to mirror those definitions, in short.

- VatTP: How you get secure connections between vats (or maybe
machines; that's up to debate). But it's really more about setting
up a way to get messages securely *between* these vats/machines,
rather than what is done with those messages.

- CapTP: This is the "what happens when you get a message" protocol and
is really what allows objects to talk to each other in a fully
distributed environment. It takes care of a bunch of things,
including linking objects across the vats, informing of promise
resolution, cooperative distributed (acyclic) garbage collection, etc

There have been a bunch of "CapTP"-like things over time. They aren't
all necessarily compatible. In the meanwhile, this makes CapTP more
like an abstract pattern, like "Lisp", rather than a specific standard,
like "R5RS Scheme". Like lisps, you'll likely find many common ideas
between dialects. It may be desirable to find The Great Unification at
one point but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe soon!

How do I learn more?

Here are the main resources I am using to learn about CapTP:

- The Erights CapTP pages:
- MarkM's thesis:
- Cap'n Proto's docs:
- More importantly, rpc.capnp, which is a beautiful document:
- This extremely wide aspect ratio video by MarkM:
- Agoric's captp.js:
- The following Agoric SwingSet docs:
(ok that latter one is really for VatTP)

If you are somehow completely new to ocaps (ok, nobody on this list is,
you can tell I'm over-engineering this email for the future), I
personally recommend "A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda Calculus":


The core idea is that (object) capabilities are just object references.
There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
programming model: passing references around to functions (or objects)
is basically the full idea. If you don't have it in scope, you can't
use it. More advanced patterns flow from this core idea; we're not
covering them here but the "Ode to the Grannovetter Diagram" writeup
explains many of them in brief:


Core structures

I'm going to borrow some slides from a talk I gave on Goblins recently:


Jump to "Goblins Architecture", though really *most* of this is common
across other ocap'y systems like E, Agoric's stuff, Cap'n Proto, blah
blah blah.

Here are the abstractions, as used in Goblins, layered. Moving from
inner most part outward:

(machine (vat (actormap {refr: (mactor object)})))

- object: Some sort of encapsulated thing that can be talked to via
call-and-return invocation and asynchronous passing of messages.
Manages its own state, though another way to say that is "decides
after handling one message/invocation how it will respond to the next
message/invocation". In fact, in Goblins this is usually just a
procedure representing the current message handler. Often times
these things may support multiple methods.

In Goblins, objects resemble "classic actors", although that term may
be subject to bikeshedding.

- mactor (Goblins-only?): Stands for "meta-actor"; there are actually
a few core kinds of these and they wrap the object (eg this is where
promises vs non-promises are distinguished in Goblins).

- refr: Also known as "ref" elsewhere in the ocap community; this is
the reference that is used to communicate with the object. If you
have it, you can communicate, if not, you can't.

- actormap: Mapping of refrs to the objects they represent. In
Goblins, if an object specifies it would like to "become" a new
message handler, this is updated (in a transactional way).
Can be used on its own, but only for non-distributed programs.

- vat: An event loop. Wraps the actormap datastructure, handles
passing messages to it. Handles messages one "turn" at a time,
however objects may send asynchronous messages to objects in any vat
that can be established a connection to and even do immediate calls
to other objects that are in the same vat ("near" each other).

- Machine: Some sort of abstract machine or OS process that may have
one or multiple vats in it. (Agoric does fancy things so that they
can even treat blockchains and other such things as abstract
"machines"... we're not doing anything so fancy in Goblins yet.)

Zooming in on the Vat

Looking just on the vat-and-deeper levels, this looks something like the
following, borrowed and adjusted a bit from MarkM's dissertation:

|Internal Vat Schematics|

stack heap
($) (actormap)
.-------.----------------------. -.
| | | |
| | .-. | |
| | (obj) .-. | |
| | '-' (obj) | |
| __ | '-' | |
| |__>* | .-. | |- actormap
| __ | (obj) | | territory
| |__>* | '-' | |
| __ | | |
| |__>* | | |
:-------'----------------------: -'
queue | __ __ __ | -.
(<-) | |__>* |__>* |__>* | |- event loop
'------------------------------' -' territory

In the upper-right box is abstractly the actormap datstructure
representing references pointing to objects. If we just do synchronous
programming, we can add in the left-hand column which resembles a call
stack for call-and-return behavior. However these calls can only be
done between objects in this same actormap/vat. Adding in the bottom
row we see messages queued to be handled. Each message is handled,
one "turn" at a time, from this queue, kicking off a call stack (again,
the left hand column) starting with the message invoking some object in
the actormap/heap with some arguments. In general, when a "turn" is
complete, if there is a promise waiting to be fulfilled attached to this
message, it uses the return value from this first call.

Crossing vat and machine boundaries (hello CapTP)

Of course, vats aren't just limited to speaking to just themselves.
We want to speak to other vats, including on other machines!

Visually, this looks something like the following (sorry, might render
better in the link to my talk above):

.----------------------------------. .----------------------.
| Machine 1 | | Machine 2 |
| ========= | | ========= |
| | | |
| .--------------. .---------. .-. .-. |
| | Vat A | | Vat B | | \______| \_ .------------. |
| | .---. | | .-. | .-| / | / | | Vat C | |
| | (Alice)----------->(Bob)----' '-' '-' | | .---. | |
| | '---' | | '-' | | | '--->(Carol) | |
| | \ | '----^----' | | | '---' | |
| | V | | | | | | |
| | .----. | | .-. .-. | .------. | |
| | (Alfred) | '-------/ |______/ |____---( Carlos ) | |
| | '----' | \ | \ | | '------' | |
| | | '-' '-' '------------' |
| '--------------' | | |
| | | |
'----------------------------------' '----------------------'

Here we see, with nested bulleted points representing "what contains

- Machine 1, with a connection to Machine 2
- Vat A
- The object Alice (holding references to: Alfred, Bob)
- The object Alfred
- Vat B
- The object Bob (holding a reference to: Carol)
- Machine 2, with a connection to Machine 1
- Vat C
- The object Carol
- The object Carlos (holding a reference to: Bob)

At the boundaries of the vats are triangle-looking things. These, in
theory, represent tables of "live references".

- The top connection between the triangle-looking things represents
references Machine 1 has to objects in Machine 2.
- The top left triangle-looking thing is Machine 1's imports
(from Machine 2)
- The top right triangle-looking thing is Machine 2's expors
(to Machine 1)
- The bottom connection represents the reverse, Machine 2's references
to objects in Machine 1
- Bottom left being Machine 1 exporting to Machine 2
- Bottom right being Machine 2 importing from Machine 1

These tables are numerical indices. For example, Machine1+VatB's
reference to Carol in Machine2+VatC may look like the following:

- Machine1Imports: {<remote-carol-ref>: 3}
- Machine2Exports: {3: <carol-ref>}

(Side note, when I hear "import" and "export" and then look at the
arrows, I get confused, because I think of "import", arrow-wise, "being
shipped to" the side that is importing, such as packages "ship to" an
importer in a trading situation and "ship from" an exporter. The arrows
are being tricky though, because the we're importing a reference "to" an
object that never leaves its location.)

But this either isn't a complete picture, or doesn't represent other
CapTP implementations (remember, Goblins hasn't fully implemented it
yet), so caveats from "really existing" CapTP systems:

- Traditionally, imports/exports have been on the vat level, rather
than on the machine level

- Also usually there are two other tables in addition to
imports/exports: questions/answers. These corresponds to "future
resolutions to promises" (as well as some "promise pipelining" stuff
but we'll talk about that later). A way to think of this is: if Bob
sends a message to Carol using the <- operator in Goblins, Bob should
get back a response that will eventually be resolved with Carol's
response... but when we cross the network divide and Machine2+VatC
gets that message saying "hey, call Carol... and when you're done,
fulfill this thing", we need some way to refer to that.

*SCREECH!* Let's slam the brakes on that last statement for a second.
Because there could be another solution (ignoring promise pipelining for
a second) that gets rid of questions/answers: Machine1+VatB could set up
an export for Machine2+VatC that refers to the promise-resolver that
will fulfill Bob's promise. We could just say in the message to Carol:
"and once you have an answer, fulfill the promise with

Well that seems to solve that just fine and dandy so why bloat our
protocol with these extra two question/answer tables? Shouldn't
import/export be fine?

The desiderata of promise pipelining

Well, we said we'd get back to "promise pipelining" at some point, so
here we go.

We could send a message to the remote car factory and say "make me a
car!" and hold onto that promise. We could wait for it to resolve to
get a reference to that car, but *only then* would we be able to tell it
to drive.

So this is:

.-- Ask car factory for car
| .--- Made the car, sending back the reference
| |
| | .--- Got the reference, tell the car I want to turn it on!
| | |
| | | .--- Turned on the car, telling you it makes a
| | | | "vroom vroom" noise
| | | |
| | | | .--- Finally I have heard my car go "vroom vroom"
| | | | |

B => A => B => A => B

That's a lot of round trips when we knew that we wanted to drive the car
immediately. What if we could instead say, "make me a car, and then
I want to turn it on immediately!" That would instead look like:

.--- Ask car factory for car, and once you have that car, turn it on
| .--- Okay I made the car.
| | Okay, now I will turn on that car, telling you it makes a
| | "vroom vroom" noise"
| |
| | .--- Now I get to hear my car go "vroom vroom" already!
| | |

B => A => B

This is nice for a few reasons: we can start talking about what we'd
like to do immediately instead of waiting for it to be a possibility.
But most importantly, it reduces the round trips of our system, which
are often the most expensive part in a networked environment:

"Machines grow faster and memories grow larger.
But the speed of light is constant and New York is not getting any
closer to Tokyo."
-- MarkM in Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach
to Access Control and Concurrency Control

So does that mean we need questions/answers too?

So now that brings us back to: do we need questions/answers in addition
to these imports/exports? And... actually I'm not so sure.

It strikes me that, when exporting, Machine1+VatB could say "I'm
allocating this object reference for you, and it's a resolver type".
Then when importing, Machine2+VatC could make note of that, and
when it resolves it, immediately make note in its imports table.
Thus when Carol has that answer ready for Bob, Vat C can make note
of that and still use the reference to Carol.

I still don't see the need for separate questions/answers tables.
Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe it's obvious in practice.

Cooperative acyclic garbage collection

Maybe Bob doesn't need the reference to Carol anymore, or maybe Bob
doesn't even exist anymore. If nobody in Vat B is holding onto a
reference to Carol anymore, then Vat B should let Vat C know so that Vat
C can sever that entry in their database to Carol. That should allow
Vat C to garbage collect Carol if nobody else is holding onto a
reference either.

If Bob and Carol both hold references to each other, neither might ever
GC. Let's hope that doesn't happen!

3-party introductions

Once you've implemented all that, what happens if Alice wants to spend a
message about Carol to Dave, but Dave is on Machine 3 in Vat D (not
pictured above). Well what the heck do we do now?

There's a whole thing about handoff tables. I feel like this is a
complicated subject, and one I want to write an entirely separate email
about because it still hurts my brain a little. The MarkM talk I linked
to above explains it reasonably though. So ok, we'll just say we can do
that. (There also has been something called "vines" used historically
though I've never been completely clear on what a "vine" is... maybe it
doesn't matter anymore.)

SturdyRefs, or handoff-only, or certificates?

So far we've talked about capabilities using double-ended,
network-spanning c-lists (the import/export tables, numerically
ordered). Great... but how do you bootstrap a connection at all? Let's
say Bob in Vat B wants to talk to Carol in Vat C, but they don't have a
connection "yet". Well if Bob was *introduced* to Carol through someone
else (using those handoff tables or whatever) that seems fine. But this
is a weird bootstrapping problem. When Machine1+VatB+Bob has never
connected to *anyone* on *any other* machine, how on earth does Bob get
an entry point into the system at all?

This is one, but only one, justification for SturdyRefs. SturdyRefs are
long-lived network addresses, which we can think of like:


We could think that vat-id could be a public/(verification+encryption)
key fingerprint, and that immediately gives us a path to thinking about
how to send messages securely to <vat-id>. (<machine-id> is thus more
of a "hint" of how to get there... "oh yeah, I'm on this IP address or
whatevs".) <object-id> is what's called a swissNum, a sufficiently
unguessable random number / blob of randomly generated junk that we
shouldn't be able to brute force.

This is something we could put in a web hyperlink (indeed, "capability
URLs" are technically such a thing) or print on a business card as a QR
code, etc etc. Now we don't have to be born in the network to get
access to it. Once we set up a connection, we can, from there, start
setting up live references using our imports/exports tables between

Sturdyrefs have some challenges:
- When do you make them expire / need to be renewed?

- They're easy to leak, and it can make re-establishing relationships
difficult if intrusion occurs. Not only do you give away all your
outgoing authority, this resembles a "we were broken into so now all
our users have to reset their passwords" type problem... but arguably
it's much worse because ocap systems may be constructed such that
users don't really know where all the sturdyrefs they rely on exist
in their machine.

- They don't work with systems like blockchains where "which can't hold
secrets" (though necessarily require on secrets being externalized).

So I guess we have a couple of other options:

- Apparently Agoric's stuff is rolling out without them but I'm not
really sure how. I know "bootstrap objects" exist but I think of
those as "system-level objects" and really only there (if they need
to be at all) as a special plumbing object, and aren't sufficient if
everyone has access to them. My best guess is that what you would do
is have Carol in Vat C *anticipate* Bob in Vat B's arrival... "When
Vat B gets here, let's pre-allocate a reference to Carol for them".
Is that how it works?

- Or we could use ocap certificate chains, eg like zcap-ld or CapCert
or the Zebra Copy stuff, etc etc. This adds some structural overhead
but pleasantly removes a large portion of the leaking risks;
recovering from an intrusion may leak some private data, but you
don't need to ask users something resembling "we were broken into so
plese reset your passwords" (but potentially much worse, because
you're now asking your users to debug their running object capability

Both of those are nice, but neither of them covers the "here's a
blog/social networking post where I mention something interesting" use
case. Particularly, consider if a post is encoded in some document
structure that is stored in something like tahoe-lafs (or datashards or
etc)... how do you encode it as a link in this offline-stored data?

So I'd like to get around the need for sturdyrefs, but I see use cases
for them where they're still desireable. And they're just such a dang
easy way to bootstrap connectivity in a system.

Store imports/exports tables in vats or machines?

If multiple vats are on the same machine, who is responsible for the
imports/exports tables? Does each vat provide them? Or should it be on
the machine level?

I think there are a lot of tradeoffs here... admittedly this is one of
the things I'm struggling with most. I'll have more to say in a
forthcoming email maybe.

Store and forward vs break-on-disconnect

Assuming we have "live references" at all, we are left with some
decisions on what to do about connections. Maybe this is more of a
VatTP thing, I'm unsure, but there seem to be CapTP considerations.

Let's contrast two approaches:

- Live connections which break on disconnect: this was the E approach,
and you use a sturdyref (though maybe we could use a certificate
chain or whatever) to start the connection between vats/machines,
from which you bootstrap your access to live references. On
connection severance (for whatever reason), all live references
break and throw relevant errors.

This is an extremely sensible choice for a distributed video game
like Electric Communities, and seems extremely sensible for my own
use case likewise. If I disconnect from a real-time game, I want my
interface to reflect that.

- Store and forward networks where undelivered messages are always
"waiting in transit". This is really nice for peer to peer systems
where users may go offline a lot, and thus it's an appealing
direction to me for social networks. It could even be very appealing
for turn-based games. This is the direction Agoric is going, but
their motivation appears to be primarily "how do we collaborate with
blockchains" oriented.

I feel like there is a strong desiderata for both of these cases. I
will probably start with the former but I'd like to support the latter.

Is supporting both really feasible?

Procedures vs objects-with-methods as first class?

Guy L. Steele nicely broke down how both objects are a poor man's
procedures, and procedures are a poor man's objects.


This is a bit vague, because what "object" means is a bit vague:


So let's clarify that we're talking about "objects with methods" vs
"procedures", which as many know once you can have one, you can build
the other out of it:

- E chose to make objects-with-methods first-and-foremost: a procedure
is just a special kind of object that merely has a .run() method.
- Goblins goes down the classic Scheme route:
Procedures are first class, and some (but not all) procedures take a
first argument, which is used for method dispatch.

If we want to make Goblins and Agoric's SwingSet inter-compatible, how
do we do it? Which one "wins"?

Looking at the TC39 Eventual Send proposal suggests another path:


I personally find EventualGet to be highly disturbing, so let's ignore
it. Use getters, not attributes! :)

So EventualGet being ignored, this proposal gives EventualApply and
EventualSend. These correspond to procedures and method invocation
respectively. (Note that I don't like calling method invocation "send";
for me, "send" is something we support in Goblins and really means
sending an asynchronous message as opposed to call-and-return
invocation. That seems more correct anyway, and "send" thus resembles
dropping something off at the post office. I have never liked "send" as
a way to refer to "invoke a method" for this reason.)

Separating these out into two different ways of *calling things* (as
opposed to two different ways of *constructing things*) is
interesting, and actually seems justifiable to me. An object can itself
provide both "a way to be invoked as a procedure" and "a way to be
invoked with methods". I could support this (and it may even simplify
some "meta methods" headaches I was considering surrounding supporting
the interfaces grant we're working on... more on that later).

It also removes the need to "make a decision" of whether or not to make
procedures and objects-with-methods two separate things or to build it
out of one thing's abstraction. As long as we support both ways of
invoking/sending, we are good.

(But seriously, fire EventualGet into the sun.)

Message ordering

I don't understand E-Order and it kind of intimidates me. I'm just
being honest. It would be great to rectify this.

I think as a first step I'm just going to do a roughly-FIFO type thing
that doesn't do too much in terms of message ordering across vat
boundaries. I know there are reasons expressed by MarkM and especially
apparently Dean, but I'm actually unsure: is the complexity worth it?
And how hard is it to do, really?

Maybe in the future I'll Get It (TM) but I'll probably start out without it.

BONUS: Distributed cyclic GC

Obviously I am not going to do this anytime soon but it breaks my brain
that MarkM told me something like "Original E had distributed cyclic GC
support". Apparently it is complicated, involves some hooks into the
local garbage collector, and is rarely needed and tricky enough that
Mark said he doesn't bother to ask for it anymore, but I'm just gonna
say that it both blows my mind and completely befuddles me that some
version of E ever had something like this.

What huh what huh what? And was it ever documented how it works so that
sages in the future can help us sweep out our networks from unneeded
junk? Or is it an idea lost to the sands of time?

I find it personally fairly mystifying.

BONUS: What happens when multiple vats/machines resolve the same resolver?

This is kind of a side note so I left it for the end.

It strikes me that if promise-resolver pairs are first class, one could
do some really goofy things and hand the same resolver to two different
vats to resolve... first one wins. If Vat C thinks it just successfully
resolved the resolver, it can immediately move forward with pipelined
messages waiting on the result, while Vat D thinks the same, and moves
forward with messages waiting on its own conflicting result. Both of
them may think they can move forward with plans when it actually isn't

The right answer seems to be, "promise pipelining is something only
set up at the CapTP layer and isn't exposed as something first class
so users shouldn't be able to create messed up situations like this
because we never gave them first-class ability to do it... and there's
only so much you can trust stuff moving across the network layer
in opaque actor type systems anyway."

Which seems true enough for our live-actor'y things. I bet you could
create some sneaky vulnerabilities in a cross-blockchain system what
wasn't anticipating this and took advantage of promise pipelining, and
wasn't engineered to handle this scenario. Dunno.

What's next, assuming I keep sending messages about these

Hi, do you hate this thread yet?

I've left some things I'm uncertain about above. Thoughts welcome.
I'll also share more as I implement, assuming people are open to me
continuing to do so on this list.

I think in an upcoming email I may try to break down some of the common
message types sent in CapTP... that might help me think about what *I*
should implement, too.

But I guess we'll see... what do you think? Is this, and subsequent
similar, message(s) worthwhile/welcome?

- Chris

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 18, 2020, 6:21:54 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Christopher Lemmer Webber writes:

> (Side note, when I hear "import" and "export" and then look at the
> arrows, I get confused, because I think of "import", arrow-wise, "being
> shipped to" the side that is importing, such as packages "ship to" an
> importer in a trading situation and "ship from" an exporter. The arrows
> are being tricky though, because the we're importing a reference "to" an
> object that never leaves its location.)

Just clarifying why this is confusing, based on a conversation I just
had on IRC. If I think, "Vat A is giving Vat B a reference to Alice, so
it's exporting it", that makes sense.

But the usual ocap diagrams look like this:

(Alice) ---> (Bob)

And suddenly when we diagram the tables it looks like

(Alice) --[imports]--[exports]--> (Bob)

... and that looks super confusing. The arrow is pointing the wrong
way! (But I know why.)

Rob Markovic

May 18, 2020, 6:41:34 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com

I put beer goggles on and ask, what's TP stand for?

++ Rob

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Baldur Jóhannsson

May 18, 2020, 7:02:34 PM5/18/20
to cap-talk
True Paper! No, seriously, it stands for Transport Protocol.

Suspect it was inspired by the Hyper-Text Transport Protocol.

And it had nothing to do with the other kind of TP that stores ran into shortage of.


Kevin Reid

May 18, 2020, 7:15:09 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 2:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
What happens when multiple vats/machines resolve the same resolver?

Within CapTP, a reference to a resolver is, I believe, never handed off to another machine, so this case can't arise, but I don't remember exactly how the 3-party-introduction operates.

However, CapTP in E is built on top of a local promise system that does expose resolvers for general use, and the question does arise there (not specific to multiple machines). In that case, all implementations have been "the first to resolve wins", since it would be Bad if a resolved promise changed targets. However, there is one other question: what does the loser of the race see?

1. E chose to throw an exception in response to the second resolve() message to indicate that there was a probable bug.

2. Waterken chose to silently do nothing, on the grounds that that way a resolver is a purely write-only communication channel — the holder of a resolver cannot learn whether someone else already used it.

Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 7:26:42 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Nice message -- please keep them coming!

FWIW, resending with the ascii art in, hopefully for each of you reading, a fixed width font. (I'm doing this in gmail)

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Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 7:50:59 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
OMG, I was writing a long explanation about why we still need a Vine, and found that we do not. We did need a Vine when 3-party introductions were based on swiss numbers. Once we introduced the handoff tables, we no longer do. VatC will retain Carol in VatC's VatA-gifts-for-VatB handoff table until VatB looks it up, placing Carol in VatC's C-to-B exports table.

Somehow, though I introduced the handoff tables over 10 years ago, I never noticed that they make the Vine irrelevant. Thanks!

Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 8:06:06 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:26 PM Mark S. Miller <ma...@agoric.com> wrote:

If, before singularity, this gets implemented again for modern distributed ocap protocols (captp, cap'n proto, goblins, ...), I will be pleasantly surprised.
Feel free to take that as a challenge. But not first!

William ML Leslie

May 18, 2020, 8:07:24 PM5/18/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 07:25, Christopher Lemmer Webber
<cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
> - Also usually there are two other tables in addition to
> imports/exports: questions/answers. These corresponds to "future
> resolutions to promises" (as well as some "promise pipelining" stuff
> but we'll talk about that later). A way to think of this is: if Bob
> sends a message to Carol using the <- operator in Goblins, Bob should
> get back a response that will eventually be resolved with Carol's
> response... but when we cross the network divide and Machine2+VatC
> gets that message saying "hey, call Carol... and when you're done,
> fulfill this thing", we need some way to refer to that.
> *SCREECH!* Let's slam the brakes on that last statement for a second.
> Because there could be another solution (ignoring promise pipelining for
> a second) that gets rid of questions/answers: Machine1+VatB could set up
> an export for Machine2+VatC that refers to the promise-resolver that
> will fulfill Bob's promise. We could just say in the message to Carol:
> "and once you have an answer, fulfill the promise with
> <this-resolver-i-just-exported-for-you>"!
> Well that seems to solve that just fine and dandy so why bloat our
> protocol with these extra two question/answer tables? Shouldn't
> import/export be fine?

You've successfully figured out that "who allocates the index" is one
important distinction between the tables, the other is "which way the
references point". The import table maps far refs to their id, wheras
the export table maps ids to the objects we are exporting.

Keep in mind, too, that the caller may not actually want to receive
the result, they may want to simply pass it elsewhere or discard it.

William Leslie

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prior contractual agreement.

Ian Denhardt

May 18, 2020, 8:10:56 PM5/18/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-18 17:25:01)
> EDIT BEFORE SENDING: this message has gotten huge and I apologize
> in advance unless you think it's great in which case you're welcome.

Hah, I enjoyed it anyway. I'll try to weigh in on a few things and share
what experience I have to offer from writing an FP implementation of
Cap'n Proto (specifically the Haskell implementation), and from using a
handful of different libraries in different languages for the same

> So does that mean we need questions/answers too?
> ================================================
> So now that brings us back to: do we need questions/answers in addition
> to these imports/exports? And... actually I'm not so sure.
> It strikes me that, when exporting, Machine1+VatB could say "I'm
> allocating this object reference for you, and it's a resolver type".
> Then when importing, Machine2+VatC could make note of that, and
> when it resolves it, immediately make note in its imports table.
> Thus when Carol has that answer ready for Bob, Vat C can make note
> of that and still use the reference to Carol.
> I still don't see the need for separate questions/answers tables.
> Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe it's obvious in practice.

I do think it's possible to get rid of Q&A tables in a way that
simplifies things. But first to review: with a call like:


the caller needs to be able to:

1. Address the message foo() to x.
2. Address the message bar() to the result of (1).
3. Address the message baz() to the result of (2).

This means the sender needs to choose the addresses for the intermediate
results, and this one thing the separate tables get you:

| | Lives in Sender | Lives in Receiver |
| ID is Sender Allocated | Exports | Questions |
| ID is Receiver Allocated | Answers | Imports |

Passing in a resolver doesn't solve the problem on its own because you
have no way of addressing whatever the receiver eventually feeds to the
resolver. If you drop questions & answers, you somehow need to figure
out how to pick addresses for intermediate results.

That said, I *do* think there's an opportunity for a simplification that
gets rid of the Q&A tables and also some message types. I'll use
capnproto terminology to make things concrete:

- Make object IDs a pair of (who allocated, numeric ID), instead of
just a numeric ID.
- Replace the `Call` message's `questionId` field with a fresh object
id N, which will be inserted into the receiver's exports table as
(remote allocated, N), and marked as a promise that will be resolved
later (the protocol already has the latter concept).
- When the call returns, instead of sending a `Return` message, send
a `Resolve` message, which uses the usual promise resolution logic
to provide the result. We can drop the `Return` message type from the
protocol entirely, as it is unused.
- Drop the `Finish` message type too; you can just use a `Release`
message for the same purpose, now that the result is just another

This also has the neat effect that on top of having simplified the
protocol, it also becomes easy to add fire-and-forget calls; just omit
the promise.

> Store and forward vs break-on-disconnect
> ========================================
> [...]
> Is supporting both really feasible?

My first instinct here is to do this at a lower level, i.e. use the
disconnect error approach but provide a "persistent transport" that
hides transient disconnects. I haven't though through this deeply

> If we want to make Goblins and Agoric's SwingSet inter-compatible, how
> do we do it? Which one "wins"?

I think this actually doesn't need to resolved at the protocol level;
you can map it to different languages in different ways, as is natural.
At the protocol level there's a `Call` message that has a payload, and
there's a return value that is expected. In capnproto the call message
has an interface id and a method id, but rather than at the language
level using those to work out what method to call, you could just pass
them to the (single) function, and have it switch on those itself. In
the Haskell implementation I ended up mapping things to type classes
because it made diamond dependencies on interfaces easier to deal with,
but another design I considered was to just have actors receive messages
of a single type, which is a discriminated union. i.e. for an interface

interface SomeInterface {
foo @0 A -> B;
bar @1 C -> D;

You'd have a message type like:

data SomeInterface_Msg
= Foo A (Fulfiller B)
| Bar C (Fulfiller D)

Even with the protocol in its current state, if I were to do it all
over again I'd be tempted to go that route; in hindsight I think it
would be nicer in some ways, even with the diamond dependency issues.

> Message ordering
> ================
> I don't understand E-Order and it kind of intimidates me. I'm just
> being honest. It would be great to rectify this.

E-order is roughly just that the messages sent via a particular
capability should be delivered in FIFO. The disembargo stuff that shows
up at the protocol level is implementation detail to make sure this
abstraction doesn't leak even when cross-vat promises are resolved.

> I think as a first step I'm just going to do a roughly-FIFO type thing
> that doesn't do too much in terms of message ordering across vat
> boundaries. I know there are reasons expressed by MarkM and especially
> apparently Dean, but I'm actually unsure: is the complexity worth it?
> And how hard is it to do, really?

It's not *that* hard to implement, at least in the two-party version,
but it's also possible to design the protocol (and capnproto is designed
this way) such that an implementation can get around this by just
responding "not implemented" to Resolve messages and keep sending calls
to the promise, not the resolved object. This prevents path shortening
from working, but it's a good stepping stone to get the basic
abstraction working without extra effort. The Go implementation does
this, and the first versions of the Haskell implementation did the same
thing. You can absolutely add this later, though it might make sense to
sanity check with folks that the particulars of your design facilitate
doing that.

Hope this is useful,


Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 8:27:46 PM5/18/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:26 PM Mark S. Miller <ma...@agoric.com> wrote:
The answer doesn't start with promise pipelining. Consider

let resolve;

const bob = harden({
    foo() {
        return new Promise(r => resolve);

Alice says:

const p = bobP~.foo();

or without the sugar

const p = E(bobP).foo();

For those more familiar with E, the equivalent might be, depending on my rusty memory:

var resolve;

def bob {
    to foo() {
        const [p, r] = Ref.promise();
        resolve = r;
        return p;

Alice says:

def p = bobP <- foo();

Let's start considering the situation where everything is in one vat. Once Alice sends off the foo() message, where is the authority to resolve p?

It is no longer with Alice. Even though Alice created this promise, she immediately gave away her authority to resolve it.

First, it is in the air, traveling with the foo() message.

Then when the foo() message arrives at Bob, Bob gets the authority to resolve it. But not even Bob gets the resolver! Rather, that promise will be resolved by whatever Bob returns. By returning a fresh promise and holding on to the resolver, Bob has obtained that authority. At that point, exclusively! To emphasize this exclusive nature, at Agoric we have taken to saying that Bob is now "the decider". Notice "the".

Now let's revisit with Alice in VatA and Bob in VatB. To Alice, the local proxy for bob is the decider. To VatA, VatB is the decider. To VatB, Bob is the decider.

When Alice then does one of

E(p).bar()  // no sugar
p <- bar()  // E

where should the message go? After all, we don't know where the object is that p will designate. It might even be on VatA. However, the unambiguously best answer is "send it to the decider". The steps by which it will come to be determined where that object is starts with the decision made by the decider. Therefore, if bar() needs to be routed elsewhere, that will be known at the decider before it is known anywhere else.

What's next, assuming I keep sending messages about these

Hi, do you hate this thread yet?


I've left some things I'm uncertain about above.  Thoughts welcome.
I'll also share more as I implement, assuming people are open to me
continuing to do so on this list.

I think in an upcoming email I may try to break down some of the common
message types sent in CapTP... that might help me think about what *I*
should implement, too.

But I guess we'll see... what do you think?  Is this, and subsequent
similar, message(s) worthwhile/welcome?


Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 9:32:39 PM5/18/20
to cap-talk
Don't forget ftp. Actually, feel free to forget it ;)

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Mark S. Miller

May 18, 2020, 9:37:43 PM5/18/20
to cap-talk
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:15 PM Kevin Reid <kpr...@switchb.org> wrote:
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 2:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
What happens when multiple vats/machines resolve the same resolver?

Within CapTP, a reference to a resolver is, I believe, never handed off to another machine, so this case can't arise, but I don't remember exactly how the 3-party-introduction operates.

However, CapTP in E is built on top of a local promise system that does expose resolvers for general use, and the question does arise there (not specific to multiple machines). In that case, all implementations have been "the first to resolve wins", since it would be Bad if a resolved promise changed targets. However, there is one other question: what does the loser of the race see?

In E, the resolver itself is just a normal pass-by-proxy object. The comm system makes no special case for "sending" a resolving. You just get remote proxies to the stationary resolver. Whatever vat holds the actual resolver is the decider.

1. E chose to throw an exception in response to the second resolve() message to indicate that there was a probable bug.

2. Waterken chose to silently do nothing, on the grounds that that way a resolver is a purely write-only communication channel — the holder of a resolver cannot learn whether someone else already used it.

JavaScript chose the Waterken semantics. I don't remember anymore if I was for or against that on tc39 at the time. Agoric of course adopts the JS semantics.


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Ian Denhardt

May 18, 2020, 10:06:24 PM5/18/20
to Mark S. Miller, cap-talk
Quoting Mark S. Miller (2020-05-18 21:37:31)

> However, CapTP in E is built on top of a local promise system that does
> expose resolvers for general use, and the question does arise there
> (not specific to multiple machines). In that case, all implementations
> have been "the first to resolve wins", since it would be Bad if a
> resolved promise changed targets. However, there is one other question:
> what does the loser of the race see?

It's worth observing that depending on the system there's another option
here: If you're in a language with ownership types, you can just prevent
the aliasing in the first place, statically. Obviously not always
applicable, but interesting.


William ML Leslie

May 18, 2020, 10:19:37 PM5/18/20
to cap-talk
It's more a modality problem - a promise can be resolved at most once,
even if only one scope has access to it.

Ian Denhardt

May 18, 2020, 11:13:58 PM5/18/20
to William ML Leslie, cap-talk
Quoting William ML Leslie (2020-05-18 22:19:24)

> > It's worth observing that depending on the system there's another option
> > here: If you're in a language with ownership types, you can just prevent
> > the aliasing in the first place, statically. Obviously not always
> > applicable, but interesting.
> >
> It's more a modality problem - a promise can be resolved at most once,
> even if only one scope has access to it.

Yes, by ownership types I was thinking of substructural type systems,
like Rust's "affine" types (use at most once). Sorry if the loose
terminology was confusing.


Matt Rice

May 19, 2020, 4:42:16 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
<cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

> There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
> architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
> programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
> programming model:

This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
"on top of memory safe programming languages".

There seems to also be a distinction that could be made (having only
read this far as of yet),
that (I don't know what to call memory unsafe programming languages,
lassiez faire?),
But taking one of those and *adding* a security model -- to make up
for its insecurity has been so far unworkable,
While taking a memory safe programming language and *keeping it*
secure by *not adding*
insecurity is a workable and realistically achievable approach.


William ML Leslie

May 19, 2020, 5:15:26 AM5/19/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 18:42, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
> <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
> > There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
> > architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
> > programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
> > programming model:
> This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
> otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
> https://xkcd.com/703/
> I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
> "on top of memory safe programming languages".

I understood "on top of our programming languages" to be an indictment of this:


the Java SecurityManager has been a massive footgun and attempts at
using it rather than paring everything down to capability semantics is
the main reason that having a java client installed (or worse, having
the web plugin installed) is considered a security risk. People like
to quibble about versions, but putting band-aids on a sieve won't
quickly make it waterproof.

Neil Madden

May 19, 2020, 5:44:19 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com

On 19 May 2020, at 10:15, William ML Leslie <william.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 18:42, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
<cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
programming model:

This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
"on top of memory safe programming languages".

I understood "on top of our programming languages" to be an indictment of this:


the Java SecurityManager has been a massive footgun and attempts at
using it rather than paring everything down to capability semantics is
the main reason that having a java client installed (or worse, having
the web plugin installed) is considered a security risk.  People like
to quibble about versions, but putting band-aids on a sieve won't
quickly make it waterproof.

On that note, I found this interesting wording in the Java 11 Secure Coding Guidelines (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/seccodeguide.html):

Guideline 0-5 / FUNDAMENTALS-5: Minimise the number of permission checks

Java is primarily an object-capability language. SecurityManager checks should be considered a last resort. Perform security checks at a few defined points and return an object (a capability) that client code retains so that no further permission checks are required.

Section 9 elaborates:

Although Java is largely an object-capability language, a stack-based access control mechanism is used to securely provide more conventional APIs.

Well, it made me chuckle anyway…

— Neil

Matt Rice

May 19, 2020, 5:55:03 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:15 AM William ML Leslie
<william.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 18:42, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
> > <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
> >
> > > There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
> > > architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
> > > programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
> > > programming model:
> >
> > This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
> > otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
> > https://xkcd.com/703/
> > I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
> > "on top of memory safe programming languages".
> >
> I understood "on top of our programming languages" to be an indictment of this:
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/SecurityManager.html
> the Java SecurityManager has been a massive footgun and attempts at
> using it rather than paring everything down to capability semantics is
> the main reason that having a java client installed (or worse, having
> the web plugin installed) is considered a security risk. People like
> to quibble about versions, but putting band-aids on a sieve won't
> quickly make it waterproof.

Trying to understand where I disconnect,
I guess any all languages are sufficient to derive the logic behind a policy,
even those which lack the inherent ability to enforce it. I was
basically nitpicking
that removing the security manager from something like java gets you no closer
to actually enforcing policy derived within the language.
Anyhow the statement is a bit strong for my taste, given the subtlety
of prescribing vs passive enforcement of policy.

William ML Leslie

May 19, 2020, 6:35:50 AM5/19/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 19:55, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:15 AM William ML Leslie
> <william.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Trying to understand where I disconnect,
> I guess any all languages are sufficient to derive the logic behind a policy,
> even those which lack the inherent ability to enforce it. I was
> basically nitpicking
> that removing the security manager from something like java gets you no closer
> to actually enforcing policy derived within the language.
> Anyhow the statement is a bit strong for my taste, given the subtlety
> of prescribing vs passive enforcement of policy.

Would love to know more of what you're thinking - I read the caveat
that static analysis, type systems, and protected memory are still
valuable security tools even in a capability-safe environment, but
I've been known to misread things.

William ML Leslie

May 19, 2020, 6:42:49 AM5/19/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 19:44, Neil Madden <neil....@forgerock.com> wrote:
> On that note, I found this interesting wording in the Java 11 Secure Coding Guidelines (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/seccodeguide.html):
> Guideline 0-5 / FUNDAMENTALS-5: Minimise the number of permission checks
> Java is primarily an object-capability language. SecurityManager checks should be considered a last resort. Perform security checks at a few defined points and return an object (a capability) that client code retains so that no further permission checks are required.
> Section 9 elaborates:
> Although Java is largely an object-capability language, a stack-based access control mechanism is used to securely provide more conventional APIs.
> Well, it made me chuckle anyway…
> — Neil


I am still horrified by this:


I guess it's "primarily an object-capability language with a primarily
ambient standard library" ?

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 6:52:06 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Ahaha, and here I thought maybe I'd send this at the end of the work day
yesterday and nobody would actually read it... woke up to a full inbox.

Kevin Reid writes:

> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 2:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <
> cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
>> What happens when multiple vats/machines resolve the same resolver?
> Within CapTP, a reference to a resolver is, I believe, never handed off to
> another machine, so this case can't arise, but I don't remember exactly how
> the 3-party-introduction operates.
> However, CapTP in E is built on top of a local promise system that does
> expose resolvers for general use, and the question does arise there (not
> specific to multiple machines). In that case, all implementations have been
> "the first to resolve wins", since it would be Bad if a resolved promise
> changed targets. However, there is one other question: what does the loser
> of the race see?
> 1. E chose to throw an exception in response to the second resolve()
> message to indicate that there was a probable bug.
> 2. Waterken chose to silently do nothing, on the grounds that that way a
> resolver is a *purely write-only communication channel* — the holder of a
> resolver cannot learn whether someone else already used it.

"What does the loser of the race see" is a good way to put it. Before I
reply to that, let's move forward with, "what does the loser of the race
see when they're confident they already won the promise pipelining race,
and already went off to go eat some winners-victory cake, only to find
out after eating an entire slice that someone else won?"
"The decider" is a good way of putting things, except it gives me
flashbacks to GWB:


Of course, "the" decider makes it sound like there can only be one. But
I like Kevin's "what does the loser of the race see", which is a context
that we may have set up multiple potential deciders.

> Now let's revisit with Alice in VatA and Bob in VatB. To Alice, the local
> proxy for bob is the decider. To VatA, VatB is the decider. To VatB, Bob is
> the decider.
> When Alice then does one of
> p~.bar()
> E(p).bar() // no sugar
> p <- bar() // E
> where should the message go? After all, we don't know where the object is
> that p will designate. It might even be on VatA. However, the unambiguously
> best answer is "send it to the decider". The steps by which it will come to
> be determined where that object is starts with the decision made by the
> decider. Therefore, if bar() needs to be routed elsewhere, that will be
> known at the decider before it is known anywhere else.

I'm actually not too concerned from the perspective of Alice at the
moment. Let's say that, in theory, something goofy happened... Vat A
actually sent messages to two different vats. Bob on Vat B and Carol on
Vat C are now both "the decider" and are ready to do something under the
assumption that they're the ones who resolve that promise.

- Bob's promise pipeline has Bob resolve p with cake, and then proceeds
with the next instruction in the pipeline, which is for Bob to eat
the cake.
- Carol's promise pipeline has Carol resolve p with pie, and then
proceeds with the next instruction in the pipeline, which is for
Carol to throw the pie.

We can think of this as a one-phase part of a commit, where Bob and
Carol both immediately assumed that they were the "decider" and could
move forward under the next step of the system.

In an opaque and "live actor'y" mutually suspicious system, I suppose
that Bob and Carol don't know and don't care what promise they're
resolving anyway. The thought is really "I've been given some numerical
index which, once I decide what it is, I'm told to use my decision in
this next step too. What's it resolving? Who cares. I'm just
following these steps... if Alice screwed up the pipeline by declaring
Too Many Cooks*, that's her problem."

But thinking about resolving a promise as a one or two phase commit, and
promise pipelining moving off of the assumption that "I'm the decider"
when maybe there are multiple deciders, sounds like a potential race
condition in the case that you *do* care waht the promise is.

When would that be a problem? And why did I say "blockchains"?

Well I have *no idea* how the Agoric blockchain-machine-mappings work.
My guess is: they probably don't have this problem. But if the mapping
did somehow operate off of the assumption that "I'm the decider" for
sure, Bob eats his cake when actually Carol "won", will this be caught?
Is there a problem with "moving forward under those assumptions"?

And I guess it depends on how the blockchain stuff maps. It probably
isn't a problem. But it's what I was thinking about, out loud. "Too
many cooks/deciders should fail safe".

I'm not sure it ended up being a useful observation, but it lead to some
interesting conversation anyway. :)

- Chris

* Too Many Cooks not failing safe:**

** "This is the worst case of intro-nitis I've ever seen" sounds like
it should fit in somewhere to some ocap conversation

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 6:55:19 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller writes:

>> BONUS: Distributed cyclic GC
>> ============================
>> Obviously I am not going to do this anytime soon but it breaks my brain
>> that MarkM told me something like "Original E had distributed cyclic GC
>> support". Apparently it is complicated, involves some hooks into the
>> local garbage collector, and is rarely needed and tricky enough that
>> Mark said he doesn't bother to ask for it anymore, but I'm just gonna
>> say that it both blows my mind and completely befuddles me that some
>> version of E ever had something like this.
>> What huh what huh what? And was it ever documented how it works so that
>> sages in the future can help us sweep out our networks from unneeded
>> junk? Or is it an idea lost to the sands of time?
> http://erights.org/history/original-e/dgc/
> If, before singularity, this gets implemented again for modern distributed
> ocap protocols (captp, cap'n proto, goblins, ...), I will be pleasantly
> surprised.
> Feel free to take that as a challenge. But not first!


Yeah, it'll be a long time until I have enough space clear (and
understanding of how GCs work), if ever, before I get to tackle
this... but excited that it's there to reference. Thank you!

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 6:57:47 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller writes:

>> 3-party introductions
>> =====================
>> Once you've implemented all that, what happens if Alice wants to spend a
>> message about Carol to Dave, but Dave is on Machine 3 in Vat D (not
>> pictured above). Well what the heck do we do now?
>> There's a whole thing about handoff tables. I feel like this is a
>> complicated subject, and one I want to write an entirely separate email
>> about because it still hurts my brain a little. The MarkM talk I linked
>> to above explains it reasonably though. So ok, we'll just say we can do
>> that. (There also has been something called "vines" used historically
>> though I've never been completely clear on what a "vine" is... maybe it
>> doesn't matter anymore.)
> OMG, I was writing a long explanation about why we still need a Vine, and
> found that we do not. We did need a Vine when 3-party introductions were
> based on swiss numbers. Once we introduced the handoff tables, we no longer
> do. VatC will retain Carol in VatC's VatA-gifts-for-VatB handoff table
> until VatB looks it up, placing Carol in VatC's C-to-B exports table.
> Somehow, though I introduced the handoff tables over 10 years ago, I never
> noticed that they make the Vine irrelevant. Thanks!

That's funny. I worked through my understanding of 3 party
introductions in my head without assuming vines were relevant, because
you didn't mention them in the talk I listened to you talking about, so
I assumed you must have worked it out without vines being necessary.
Glad to contribute from that misunderstanding.

Didn't handoff tables also come about from you misunderstanding
something Alan Karp said? :)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 7:00:32 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Matt Rice writes:

> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
> <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
>> There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
>> architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
>> programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
>> programming model:
> This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
> otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
> https://xkcd.com/703/
> I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
> "on top of memory safe programming languages".

Yes this is true... but we can expand that a lot further because there
are many other language features in many languages that make those
languages themselves ocap unsafe (eg dynamic scope support in many
lisps, etc etc). So memory safety is one thing but not the only one if
we go down that path...

I guess what you're saying though is that it's the fact that the runtime
protects you from being able to access anything you weren't handed
access to as an argument is the underlying system providing memory
safety, in which case, true. Though there's something to brevity in
increasing understanding, where we can always follow up after the
initial a-ha. :)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 7:07:59 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
William ML Leslie writes:

> On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 18:42, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 9:25 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber
>> <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
>> > There's no need to layer a complex (and more insecure) security
>> > architecture on top of our programming languages because the way
>> > programmers already program, if we take it seriously, already *is* our
>> > programming model:
>> This seems like you wanted to say "already *is* our security model",
>> otherwise it seems somewhat tautological.
>> https://xkcd.com/703/
>> I also think "on top of our programming languages", should really be
>> "on top of memory safe programming languages".
> I understood "on top of our programming languages" to be an indictment of this:
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/SecurityManager.html
> the Java SecurityManager has been a massive footgun and attempts at
> using it rather than paring everything down to capability semantics is
> the main reason that having a java client installed (or worse, having
> the web plugin installed) is considered a security risk. People like
> to quibble about versions, but putting band-aids on a sieve won't
> quickly make it waterproof.

Yes, that was the intent.

Though the most clear example I've seen of this was this talk:


The "security mechanisms" added there leads to an explosion of code and
confusion, whereas starting with the assumption that "argument passing
and lexical closures were already enough" means you could have written
all of that and as "normal, straightforward code" and it would have had
the security you wanted in ocap-land.

BTW, I don't mean to hate on this research in that it seems like it was
excellent work assuming that you start with their assumptions, that you
*needed to* layer something on top. I asked the presenter in the Q&A
whether they had compared it something to like Rees' "security kernel
based on the lambda calculus" paper:


They hadn't heard of it. To me, the takeaway there is helping people
understand that we already have "Lambda: The Ultimate Security

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 7:08:23 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
This is hilarious.

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 7:10:45 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Note that I'm not asking whether import/export is redundant, but whether
import+answer and export+question is redundant, even if handled
abstractly through negative indices in the same table, as E appears to
do. :)

Matt Rice

May 19, 2020, 8:18:04 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 10:35 AM William ML Leslie
<william.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 19:55, Matt Rice <rat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:15 AM William ML Leslie
> > <william.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Trying to understand where I disconnect,
> > I guess any all languages are sufficient to derive the logic behind a policy,
> > even those which lack the inherent ability to enforce it. I was
> > basically nitpicking
> > that removing the security manager from something like java gets you no closer
> > to actually enforcing policy derived within the language.
> > Anyhow the statement is a bit strong for my taste, given the subtlety
> > of prescribing vs passive enforcement of policy.
> >
> Would love to know more of what you're thinking - I read the caveat
> that static analysis, type systems, and protected memory are still
> valuable security tools even in a capability-safe environment, but
> I've been known to misread things.

While i'd certainly like to, probably for another thread -- It isn't
really what I was getting at.

I think Chris's "brevity in increasing understanding, where we can
always follow up after the
initial a-ha", covers my intent there well.

Essentially just "memory safe" as a stand in/catch all for a system in
which ambient authority has not yet been added,
Or it isn't enough to just remove the security manager, it is merely
one source of ambient authority, and usually is a symtom of another.

William ML Leslie

May 19, 2020, 8:53:09 AM5/19/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 21:10, Christopher Lemmer Webber
Sure, and I think it's worth exploring what CapTP/cc would look like
and how it would function. I'm wondering how promise pipelining still

Let's say we have something like:

def send(connection, target, *args):
answer, question = connection.promise_and_resolver()
export_id = connection.add_export(question)
[Export(export_id)] + map(connection.get, args))
return answer

sending messages to the promise wouldn't quite work - there'd need to
be some extra plumbing to get the messages to pass to the other side
rather than enque waiting for the promise to resolve.

Similarly, because the answer is now defined on the sender side, the
receiver will also need extra plumbing to send only resolve messages,
and enqueue anything else.

I suspect you'd need to make answers and questions very strange refs
in order to eliminate the answer/question concept cleanly.

William ML Leslie

May 19, 2020, 9:06:30 AM5/19/20
to cap-talk
On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 07:25, Christopher Lemmer Webber
<cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
> Store and forward vs break-on-disconnect
> ========================================
> Assuming we have "live references" at all, we are left with some
> decisions on what to do about connections. Maybe this is more of a
> VatTP thing, I'm unsure, but there seem to be CapTP considerations.
> Let's contrast two approaches:
> - Live connections which break on disconnect: this was the E approach,
> and you use a sturdyref (though maybe we could use a certificate
> chain or whatever) to start the connection between vats/machines,
> from which you bootstrap your access to live references. On
> connection severance (for whatever reason), all live references
> break and throw relevant errors.
> This is an extremely sensible choice for a distributed video game
> like Electric Communities, and seems extremely sensible for my own
> use case likewise. If I disconnect from a real-time game, I want my
> interface to reflect that.
> - Store and forward networks where undelivered messages are always
> "waiting in transit". This is really nice for peer to peer systems
> where users may go offline a lot, and thus it's an appealing
> direction to me for social networks. It could even be very appealing
> for turn-based games. This is the direction Agoric is going, but
> their motivation appears to be primarily "how do we collaborate with
> blockchains" oriented.
> I feel like there is a strong desiderata for both of these cases. I
> will probably start with the former but I'd like to support the latter.
> Is supporting both really feasible?

I feel like there is probably good scope for implementing
functional-reactive patterns within a CapTP-like protocol, and that
they could support better behaviour on reconnection. I often imagine
that this might be like a SturdRef that represents a Mozart/Oz-style
logic variable bound to a list - a reference to a list that updates
are consed onto; such that actors can listen for updates or query for
the current state. I've craved this since David Barbour's "Why Not
Events?" but never got around to implementing it. The nice thing is
that unlike pub/sub systems, these lists can really be first-class and
allocated freely.


Just one idea.

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 9:29:45 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I am very interested in "FRP meets ocaps"... that's actually what got me
looking at ocap propagators as a generalization of that idea not long

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 9:33:12 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I think it may be possible to make it work, but... it's hard to
articulate without showing it off. But I guess I will learn by
implementing and report back :)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 9:40:28 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
William ML Leslie writes:

> On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 19:44, Neil Madden <neil....@forgerock.com> wrote:
>> On that note, I found this interesting wording in the Java 11 Secure
>> Coding Guidelines
>> (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/seccodeguide.html):
>> Guideline 0-5 / FUNDAMENTALS-5: Minimise the number of permission
>> checks
>> Java is primarily an object-capability language. SecurityManager
>> checks should be considered a last resort. Perform security checks at
>> a few defined points and return an object (a capability) that client
>> code retains so that no further permission checks are required.
>> Section 9 elaborates:
>> Although Java is largely an object-capability language, a stack-based
>> access control mechanism is used to securely provide more
>> conventional APIs.
>> Well, it made me chuckle anyway…
>> — Neil
> Wow!
> I am still horrified by this:
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/urls/connecting.html
> I guess it's "primarily an object-capability language with a primarily
> ambient standard library" ?

I had a real scare when I learned that Racket's default http/web
abstraction layer library would automatically handle file:// uris in its
"http GET" abstraction, and since activitypub is all about
references-that-point-to-references-to-retrieve, this lead to a confused
deputy vulnerability against one of my libraries that meant that someone
could talk to the program and use it to request local files.
Even worse than "let me access against localhost"!

Speaking of, the moment where I learned to fear confused deputies also
involved URI requests, these ones against localhost:


This allowed a webpage loaded in a browser to perform arbitrary code
execution against a Guile developer who was doing "live hacking" against
a REPL running "live" on localhost+port.

See also:


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 10:16:05 AM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Ian Denhardt writes:

> Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-18 17:25:01)
>> EDIT BEFORE SENDING: this message has gotten huge and I apologize
>> in advance unless you think it's great in which case you're welcome.
> Hah, I enjoyed it anyway. I'll try to weigh in on a few things and share
> what experience I have to offer from writing an FP implementation of
> Cap'n Proto (specifically the Haskell implementation), and from using a
> handful of different libraries in different languages for the same
> protocol.

Cool (and sounds like it was an interesting project to do)!

>> So does that mean we need questions/answers too?
>> ================================================
>> So now that brings us back to: do we need questions/answers in addition
>> to these imports/exports? And... actually I'm not so sure.
>> It strikes me that, when exporting, Machine1+VatB could say "I'm
>> allocating this object reference for you, and it's a resolver type".
>> Then when importing, Machine2+VatC could make note of that, and
>> when it resolves it, immediately make note in its imports table.
>> Thus when Carol has that answer ready for Bob, Vat C can make note
>> of that and still use the reference to Carol.
>> I still don't see the need for separate questions/answers tables.
>> Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe it's obvious in practice.
> I do think it's possible to get rid of Q&A tables in a way that
> simplifies things. But first to review: with a call like:
> x.foo().bar().baz(),
> the caller needs to be able to:
> 1. Address the message foo() to x.
> 2. Address the message bar() to the result of (1).
> 3. Address the message baz() to the result of (2).
> This means the sender needs to choose the addresses for the intermediate
> results, and this one thing the separate tables get you:
> +--------------------------+-----------------+-------------------+
> | | Lives in Sender | Lives in Receiver |
> +--------------------------+-----------------+-------------------+
> | ID is Sender Allocated | Exports | Questions |
> | ID is Receiver Allocated | Answers | Imports |
> +--------------------------+-----------------+-------------------+
> Passing in a resolver doesn't solve the problem on its own because you
> have no way of addressing whatever the receiver eventually feeds to the
> resolver. If you drop questions & answers, you somehow need to figure
> out how to pick addresses for intermediate results.

I still don't understand what's wrong with preallocating a bunch of
promises for the questions and answers. But I am more than likely just
not going to understand until I either hit the wall everyone else has or
just find out I stepped clear on the other side unscathed,

Though the solution I am thinking of does kind of add back something
admittedly similar to the questions and answers tables... it just has
them typed in the same table. I guess we'll see.

> That said, I *do* think there's an opportunity for a simplification that
> gets rid of the Q&A tables and also some message types. I'll use
> capnproto terminology to make things concrete:
> - Make object IDs a pair of (who allocated, numeric ID), instead of
> just a numeric ID.
> - Replace the `Call` message's `questionId` field with a fresh object
> id N, which will be inserted into the receiver's exports table as
> (remote allocated, N), and marked as a promise that will be resolved
> later (the protocol already has the latter concept).
> - When the call returns, instead of sending a `Return` message, send
> a `Resolve` message, which uses the usual promise resolution logic
> to provide the result. We can drop the `Return` message type from the
> protocol entirely, as it is unused.
> - Drop the `Finish` message type too; you can just use a `Release`
> message for the same purpose, now that the result is just another
> capability.

That's actually almost entirely what I'm thinking, if I understand you
correctly. The key thing there is pre-allocating promise-resolver pairs
*for* the intermediate anticipated results in the promise pipelining.

Assuming I understand you, maybe that means we came to the same
conclusion, which makes me very optimistic.

> This also has the neat effect that on top of having simplified the
> protocol, it also becomes easy to add fire-and-forget calls; just omit
> the promise.


>> Store and forward vs break-on-disconnect
>> ========================================
>> [...]
>> Is supporting both really feasible?
> My first instinct here is to do this at a lower level, i.e. use the
> disconnect error approach but provide a "persistent transport" that
> hides transient disconnects. I haven't though through this deeply
> though.

Yes! This is also what I am thinking.

There is one more important detail if we also consider the need of
combining support here with blockchain-like systems and still decide to
keep around sturdyrefs for the live systems: sturdyrefs can never be
allowed to appear on a blockchain, because that could lead to accidental

The fail-safe solution is simple: when serializing and de-serializing
messages from live-land -> blockchain, simply throw an error and do not
serialize/deserialize the sturdyref type on either end.

>> If we want to make Goblins and Agoric's SwingSet inter-compatible, how
>> do we do it? Which one "wins"?
> I think this actually doesn't need to resolved at the protocol level;
> you can map it to different languages in different ways, as is natural.
> At the protocol level there's a `Call` message that has a payload, and
> there's a return value that is expected. In capnproto the call message
> has an interface id and a method id, but rather than at the language
> level using those to work out what method to call, you could just pass
> them to the (single) function, and have it switch on those itself.

The tricky thing is: what about the case where functions don't have a
method at all? Let's say we had a simple "doubler" argument... no
methods, just takes x and returns x * 2.

No methods are relevant to this procedure. Now we could make having a
method type argument mandatory, but I think this is unpleasant.

But I think if we make procedure calls and method calls two distinct
things, as the EventualSend proposal does, this is supportable enough.
I actually have good reasons to desire this right now which is
effectively the motivation for miranda methods. But I feel like I need
to expand on this later.

>> Message ordering
>> ================
>> I don't understand E-Order and it kind of intimidates me. I'm just
>> being honest. It would be great to rectify this.
> E-order is roughly just that the messages sent via a particular
> capability should be delivered in FIFO. The disembargo stuff that shows
> up at the protocol level is implementation detail to make sure this
> abstraction doesn't leak even when cross-vat promises are resolved.
>> I think as a first step I'm just going to do a roughly-FIFO type thing
>> that doesn't do too much in terms of message ordering across vat
>> boundaries. I know there are reasons expressed by MarkM and especially
>> apparently Dean, but I'm actually unsure: is the complexity worth it?
>> And how hard is it to do, really?
> It's not *that* hard to implement, at least in the two-party version,
> but it's also possible to design the protocol (and capnproto is designed
> this way) such that an implementation can get around this by just
> responding "not implemented" to Resolve messages and keep sending calls
> to the promise, not the resolved object. This prevents path shortening
> from working, but it's a good stepping stone to get the basic
> abstraction working without extra effort. The Go implementation does
> this, and the first versions of the Haskell implementation did the same
> thing. You can absolutely add this later, though it might make sense to
> sanity check with folks that the particulars of your design facilitate
> doing that.

Ok, I will suspend disbelief enough to think that it is feasible for me
to understand. I feel like I really need a good presentation on the
subject to get through it.

(MarkM/Dean, you said you might do a presentation at some point about
E-Order eventually... I'm still interested. ;))

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 19, 2020, 12:24:23 PM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
So, my confidence is raised a bit about the possibility of me being able
to implement CapTP by the responses here... it sounds like at least I
don't have a fundamentally wrong understanding of things. So it's time
to implement.

Here are the test cases I am thinking I will implement, using the
following notation: Alice(A1) means Alice on Vat A on Machine 2.
Dave(D3) means Dave on Vat D on Machine 3.

- Simple two vats on two-machine cases

- Alice(A1) sends a message to Carol(C2) which has Carol print "hello
Alice" to the screen. Called for side effect only so this is a
"Send Only" type message... promise is not requested / ignored.
- Requires initial bootstrap, probably with sturdyrefs?
- The same as above, but instead of Carol(C2) printing "Hello Alice",
this is the response value resulting in fulfillment of a promise
which Alice(A1) has set up a handler for.
- Requires promise resolution
- Same as above, but Carol(C2) throws an exception, which Alice(A1)
- Alice(A1) introduces Carol(C2) to Alfred(A1)
- Requires exporting on A1's side, importing on C2's side

- Multiple vats across two machines
- Alice(A1) introduces Carol(C2) to Bob(B1)
- Works across vats on same machine

- Promise pipelining
- Alice(A1) asks Carol(C2) to make her a Car(C2), then turn it on
- Alice(A1) tells Carol(C2) that Bob(B1) is her best friend.
Later Alice(A1) asks Carol(C2) who her best friend is, and then
immediately greets her best friend.

- Three vats across three machines
- Alice(A1) introduces Carol(C2) to Dave(D3).

- Distributed (acyclic) garbage collection

That seems to nicely break the problem into pieces, hopefully allowing
me to build it out incrementally.

The main thing I'm unsure of (which surprisingly nobody commented on!)
is whether or not the imports/exports tables live on the Machine layer
or on the Vat layer. We'll see via implementation, I guess... I see
advantages to both.

- Chris

Kevin Reid

May 19, 2020, 8:48:12 PM5/19/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:24 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
The main thing I'm unsure of (which surprisingly nobody commented on!)
is whether or not the imports/exports tables live on the Machine layer
or on the Vat layer.  We'll see via implementation, I guess... I see
advantages to both.

They were per vat, in E. That way, the same-machine-different-vat case is equivalent to the different-machine-different-vat case and does not need any special handling.

In principle, if you have a special case for vats that live in the same address space, you can avoid needing to serialize into a byte stream the data that crosses a vat boundary — but you still have to copy/proxy it according to the serialization rules (in E, Data-E as configured by CapTP) unless it consists of objects known to the implementation to be immutable-and-thread-safe (or whatever similar conditions apply to your environment).

Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 1:55:03 AM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
That's exactly the opposite of my point. Bob is only the decider when he is the only one that has the power to decide. If multiple parties have the power to decide, then none individually is the decider.

Within a vat, when Alice eventual-sends foo() to Bob, Bob is the decider. Alice does not have the power to decide the resolution of the promise she got back from doing the eventual send.

In some ways it is better to see it in a time reversed manner. The promise/resolver pair Bob makes is the "real" one. The one Alice is holding the the result of sending the promise part backwards in time to Alice, so the promise Alice holds is forwarded to the promise Bob returned. But holds the only non-used-up resolver in the story, and the only one observable from user code.

The questions/answers table is the bookkeeping to do this backwards-in-time passing of the promise from VatB to VatA. VatA on sending the message knows that VatB, on receiving it, will create a promise/resolver pair. What would happen if VatB would send the promise part to VatA? Whatever bookkeeping that is, just set it up ahead of time.

Again, that's why we don't make any special case for passing a resolver as argument. The receiver just received a remote reference to the resolver, with no reason to believe that it holds it exclusively. It may be in a race to resolve the resolver. It is not the decider.

> Now let's revisit with Alice in VatA and Bob in VatB. To Alice, the local
> proxy for bob is the decider. To VatA, VatB is the decider. To VatB, Bob is
> the decider.
> When Alice then does one of
> p~.bar()
> E(p).bar()  // no sugar
> p <- bar()  // E
> where should the message go? After all, we don't know where the object is
> that p will designate. It might even be on VatA. However, the unambiguously
> best answer is "send it to the decider". The steps by which it will come to
> be determined where that object is starts with the decision made by the
> decider. Therefore, if bar() needs to be routed elsewhere, that will be
> known at the decider before it is known anywhere else.

I'm actually not too concerned from the perspective of Alice at the
moment.  Let's say that, in theory, something goofy happened... Vat A
actually sent messages to two different vats.  Bob on Vat B and Carol on
Vat C are now both "the decider" and are ready to do something under the
assumption that they're the ones who resolve that promise.

That situation is not possible under captp with question/answer tables --- for the promises for the results of a send, which are the ones that support pipelining.
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Ian Denhardt

May 20, 2020, 2:24:57 AM5/20/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-19 10:16:03)

> That's actually almost entirely what I'm thinking, if I understand you
> correctly. The key thing there is pre-allocating promise-resolver pairs
> *for* the intermediate anticipated results in the promise pipelining.
> Assuming I understand you, maybe that means we came to the same
> conclusion, which makes me very optimistic.

If you say that's what you meant I'll take your word for it ;)

What confused me about the way you described is this notion of "passing
in a resolver," which I interpreted as being very different to what I
described above; it sounds like a first-class continuation, which raises
issues discussed elsewhere about what happens if you pass a resolver to
multiple parties?

Whereas the above doesn't do any kind of reification like that, and
doesn't fundamentally change the abstraction, It just removes some
arguably redundant structures in the plumbing of the protocol. I don't
think getting rid of Q & A tables is necessarily that interesting on
its own -- you just have to replace it with another scheme for
allocating IDs -- but it seems like collapsing Return & Resolve and
Finish & Release as well is what makes it a win.


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 20, 2020, 12:31:22 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller writes:

> The questions/answers table is the bookkeeping to do this backwards-in-time
> passing of the promise from VatB to VatA. VatA on sending the message knows
> that VatB, on receiving it, will create a promise/resolver pair. What would
> happen if VatB would send the promise part to VatA? Whatever bookkeeping
> that is, just set it up ahead of time.
> Again, that's why we don't make any special case for passing a resolver as
> argument. The receiver just received a remote reference to the resolver,
> with no reason to believe that it holds it exclusively. It may be in a race
> to resolve the resolver. It is not the decider.

Let's see if I understand what you're saying here by repeating it back
in my own words, and find out how wrong they are. :)

"In a first class promise-resolver pair, it is possible that multiple
entities may have access to the resolver, and the first one "wins".
But for promise pipelining, we need a stronger understanding: even
though we *could* just point to an arbitrary resolver, when something
is sent over in the questions/answers tables, it's an indication from
the other side that the vat responsible for answering is the one and
only decider. If we instead just pointed at an arbitrary exported
resolver, we aren't making as strong of a commitment... and promise
pipelining really needs that kind of commitment to work."

How far away is this from your thinking?

>> > Now let's revisit with Alice in VatA and Bob in VatB. To Alice, the local
>> > proxy for bob is the decider. To VatA, VatB is the decider. To VatB, Bob is
>> > the decider.
>> >
>> > When Alice then does one of
>> >
>> > p~.bar()
>> > E(p).bar() // no sugar
>> > p <- bar() // E
>> >
>> > where should the message go? After all, we don't know where the object is
>> > that p will designate. It might even be on VatA. However, the
>> unambiguously
>> > best answer is "send it to the decider". The steps by which it will come
>> to
>> > be determined where that object is starts with the decision made by the
>> > decider. Therefore, if bar() needs to be routed elsewhere, that will be
>> > known at the decider before it is known anywhere else.
>> I'm actually not too concerned from the perspective of Alice at the
>> moment. Let's say that, in theory, something goofy happened... Vat A
>> actually sent messages to two different vats. Bob on Vat B and Carol on
>> Vat C are now both "the decider" and are ready to do something under the
>> assumption that they're the ones who resolve that promise.
> That situation is not possible under captp with question/answer tables ---
> for the promises for the results of a send, which are the ones that support
> pipelining.

And this is because those promises are only produced in captp-land, not
in a first class object way?

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 20, 2020, 12:50:54 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Kevin Reid writes:

> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:24 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <
> cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
>> The main thing I'm unsure of (which surprisingly nobody commented on!)
>> is whether or not the imports/exports tables live on the Machine layer
>> or on the Vat layer. We'll see via implementation, I guess... I see
>> advantages to both.
> They were per vat, in E. That way, the same-machine-different-vat case is
> equivalent to the different-machine-different-vat case and does not need
> any special handling.
> In principle, if you have a special case for vats that live in the same
> address space, you can avoid needing to *serialize into a byte stream* the
> data that crosses a vat boundary — but you still have to copy/proxy it
> according to the serialization rules (in E, Data-E as configured by CapTP)
> unless it consists of objects known to the implementation to be
> immutable-and-thread-safe (or whatever similar conditions apply to your
> environment).

So, in Goblins *currently*, live-refs contain the information on how to
connect to them.

(struct live-refr refr ; the struct live-refr, which extends refr
(debug-name vat-connector)) ; contains a debug name, and a "vat-connector"

*Currently*, with messages sent between vats on the same machine,
messages are *not* serialized/deserialized. However, between machines,
they will need to be. I do have plans to install an option for a vat to
guard messages sent to/from itself to being only of certain known-safe
types but haven't done it yet.

In general the assumption is the following (and maybe it isn't a good
one, I don't know):

- One might spawn a lot of locally communicating event loops on a local
- Serializing/deserializing is expensive
- live-refrs, using the structure described above, have a "vat
connector" which specifies "how to reach this vat". If they're on
the same machine, we don't even need to do full captp between
machine-local vats.
- A guard could be sufficient for a vat to decide whether or not it
requires a predicate check at its border for a whitelist of types.

So this resembles the "special case" you described above, but is even

Now between machines, obviously this is not the case. We will
absolutely need to implement captp at the machine boundary.

So the question seems to indeed be open under present architecture about
whether or not import/export (and maybe question/answer) tables should
be at the vat level or at the machine level. There may be other
complications that make it not a good idea, however. Off the top of my

Possible pros to tables at machine level:
- You can handle imports/exports and resolve remote promises once for
all vats on the same machine
- Preserves same-machine vat message sending optimization without

Possible pros to tables at vat level:
- Easier to serialize "everything you need to know" for this vat to
come back within a snapshot of the vat's single actormap, whereas
on the machine level it requires also snapshotting a segment of
the machine's tables.
- Replay of messages sent to a vat thus may also be easier.
- It's what everyone else appears to have done so far and if all
the ocap cool kids have jumped off this cliff it's probably
because they know it's safe landings so if I have to jump off
a cliff anyway maybe I should jump off this one too

Ian Denhardt

May 20, 2020, 3:01:17 PM5/20/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-20 12:50:53)

> So the question seems to indeed be open under present architecture about
> whether or not import/export (and maybe question/answer) tables should
> be at the vat level or at the machine level. There may be other
> complications that make it not a good idea, however. Off the top of my
> head...
> Possible pros to tables at machine level:
> - You can handle imports/exports and resolve remote promises once for
> all vats on the same machine
> - Preserves same-machine vat message sending optimization without
> serialization
> Possible pros to tables at vat level:
> - Easier to serialize "everything you need to know" for this vat to
> come back within a snapshot of the vat's single actormap, whereas
> on the machine level it requires also snapshotting a segment of
> the machine's tables.
> - Replay of messages sent to a vat thus may also be easier.
> - It's what everyone else appears to have done so far and if all
> the ocap cool kids have jumped off this cliff it's probably
> because they know it's safe landings so if I have to jump off
> a cliff anyway maybe I should jump off this one too

Perhaps this doesn't apply to goblins since you've already picked a
one-event-loop-per-vat architecture, but it's worth noting that this
isn't necessarily a requirement.

Rather, I think the choice of Vat == Event loop is an artifact of an
answer to the question of "how do I do concurrency in this language?"
The languages that I've seen use an event loop per vat are also
languages where you'll see event loops used as the way to write server
software *in general*.

By contrast, in general Go, Haskell, and Erlang all favor a
green-threading approach with message passing (and STM in the case of
Haskell). All three of these also have capnproto rpc implementations
that map a thread to an *actor*, i.e. *each object* is it's own separate
thread, rather than having an event loop per vat.

In this context it's not clear to me that vats and machines are
meaningfully different things -- the tables are fundamentally an
artifact of a *connection*, and in the green thread model as far as I
can see this distinction between vat and machine doesn't really make a
ton of sense.

Food for thought.


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 20, 2020, 4:04:32 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Very relevant mid-day shower revelations, highly worth the cost of
zoning out and paying extra on relevant wasted hot water utilities.

OK! I'm just going to outline everything here before I forget it. This
may be incoherent nonsense to anyone who isn't me, stepping straight out
of a shower. Hopefully at minimum future me understands.

There's no reason to make a separate event loop for the machine, you doof

Previously I was writing the machine as a separate event loop.
Well why the heck was I doing that? Just make a special "machine vat".
Hm... sounds a lot like the Agoric "comms vat", yes...

Drivers and a special "comms vat" pave the way for machine-level imports/exports

Earlier I said these foolish things:

> - Easier to serialize "everything you need to know" for this vat to
> come back within a snapshot of the vat's single actormap, whereas
> on the machine level it requires also snapshotting a segment of
> the machine's tables.
> - Replay of messages sent to a vat thus may also be easier.

WRONG! The answer is clearly understood for the same reason that we
don't need to serialize the state of files in order to replay what
information we got historically about their state when we read from

Okay, I'll admit that I don't fully understand Agoric's comms vat and
drivers, but this seems right. Let's say that we replace "comms vat"
with "machine vat"... this is a special vat that both takes care of
inter-machine communication and also driver stuff. If we are worried
about "what's the resolution of this remote promise" but there's one vat
that's in charge of handling all that with a special actor in that vat
that all other vats have access to, this can be in charge of all the
mapping of captp stuff to the local actor addresses. This also nicely
solves my desiderata that on the same machine that we have to do no
serialization/deserialization between vats (see my previous message
about this not excluding guards for security concerns), which I think is
a big performance win and a great simplification of things. It's one of
the things I really like about Goblins right now.

Oh, drivers aren't as hard as I thought

I had a hard time wrapping my brain around "how do I implement drivers?"
I mean, I understood why they were a good idea but how to do them?

- When booting the "machine vat", it returns a capability with some
low-level control methods. One of these is the "install driver"
method, which... wait...

- Okay I'm rethinking this as I type it. There's no need to treat
drivers as a special case at all, is there? In fact there's no need
for them to specifically be on the comms/machine vat, it's just a
convenient convention to put them all in one place. Any object in
any vat can technically serve the role of a driver if it uses the
mechanism I'm about to outline?

- Drivers are just conceptually two-faceted objects: half are what
other objects use to talk to the driver, and half are what the driver
uses to talk to the special resource (filesystem, file, audio system,
image system, etc).

- Goblins is an actor model system built *on top of* CSP. This means
it's easy to spawn a separate "thread" to which we have a channel.
So the part that talks to the special resource is just a normal
thread to which:
- The driver actor has access to a channel which talks to that
special-resource-thread and sends instructions such as "read 50
- The special-resource-thread then sends messages back to the driver
actor (or a facet of it) using the vat message-bootstrapping

- Probably the comms vat convention is still important in
serializing/deserializing the system in terms of entry/exit points?

Spawn your vats from your machine???

Very Goblins specific musing?

The procedure to spawn vats could be not exported and be more low-level.
Instead, a procedure to spawn machines is exported which uses that and
spawns the machine vat, from which a capability to spawn further vats is
granted. Both could use the more low-level vat-spawning procedure.

What's the advantage of this? There's at least one, which is that it
gets rid of the current-machine parameter, which isn't exported but
every parameter/fluid I add bothers me.

What the heck is the role of the machine?

Goblins managed to implement communication across multiple vats within
the same OS process just fine without a machine abstraction or even
CapTP. The reason for this is that the host environment did a lot for

- It has a garbage collector and weakmaps, and thus unused objects
within the process could be collected.
- It has a CSP mechanism on which implementing a vat is relatively
- Actor references carried with them a "vat-connector" attribute. If
you were looking at another reference and it had the same (via
scheme's eq?) vat connector as you, why, it must be near! If not,
it must be far, but the underlying Goblins abstractions could use the
vat connector to negotiate contact with it.
- Thus there was no need to create proxies for objects in the same OS
- Promise resolution thus didn't need any special proxies either.
If the other vat is still running and remembers that it has resolved
its promise you can still get that information.

Life was good, society flourished, space shooters were written, and the
primary author looked upon the design and thought that it was good.

But the Distributed Desiderata loomed large, and change needed to come.
The world of a single OS process was no longer satisfactory. When
networks, inter-dimensional communication portals, and even other OS
processes on the same physical computer are introduced, our host
environment is no longer sufficiently simple and safe to solve all our
needs. And in order to facilitate the collapsing of boundaries, we open
a new one, the machine, which needs to solve:

- Routing to those other machines and knowing our messages are getting
there safely
- Other machines having their own garbage collectors
- Other machines having their own objects, and how to map to them and
agree what we're talking about
- How to bootstrap talking to objects on those other machines...
further introductions are only possible starting from initial
connections after all...
- How to serialize and deserialize our messages when sending them
across the wire so we can talk about the same things
- Blah blah promise pipelining blah blah

If VatTP covers the first bullet point, should CapTP live on the machine
layer or the vat layer? Given everything the host system already
provided in the first list with no captp between vats, it seems like the
machine layer could really handle this full second list. And so I
wonder if that indicates that the import/export table really belongs on
the machine, not on the vats.

- Chris

Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 4:09:36 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 9:31 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
Mark S. Miller writes:

> The questions/answers table is the bookkeeping to do this backwards-in-time
> passing of the promise from VatB to VatA. VatA on sending the message knows
> that VatB, on receiving it, will create a promise/resolver pair. What would
> happen if VatB would send the promise part to VatA? Whatever bookkeeping
> that is, just set it up ahead of time.
> Again, that's why we don't make any special case for passing a resolver as
> argument. The receiver just received a remote reference to the resolver,
> with no reason to believe that it holds it exclusively. It may be in a race
> to resolve the resolver. It is not the decider.

Let's see if I understand what you're saying here by repeating it back
in my own words, and find out how wrong they are. :)

  "In a first class promise-resolver pair, it is possible that multiple
  entities may have access to the resolver, and the first one "wins".
  But for promise pipelining, we need a stronger understanding: even
  though we *could* just point to an arbitrary resolver, when something
  is sent over in the questions/answers tables, it's an indication from
  the other side that the vat responsible for answering is the one and
  only decider.  If we instead just pointed at an arbitrary exported
  resolver, we aren't making as strong of a commitment... and promise
  pipelining really needs that kind of commitment to work."

How far away is this from your thinking?

You got it in one ;)

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Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 4:15:15 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Yes. Only captp makes the promises captp recognizes as remote promises. The captp implementation alone holds the resolver for these promises. The VatA's captp implementation gives only VatB the power to resolve that promise. VatA's captp implementation also has sides facing other objects in VatA, like Alice. captp gives none of them that authority.

To code that views captp as just part of the distributed object system, the resolver of that remote promise is indeed held exclusively by Bob.

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Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 4:30:06 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Lemmer Webber
As co-coiner of "vat", a vat is a unit of synchrony in a sea of asynchrony. There is no semantic concurrency inside a vat. Vats are only asynchronous coupled to each other.

An example of non-vat, demonstrating that this definition has teeth:

JavaScript used to be objects in separate synchronous event loops (now "agents") sending asynchronous messages to each other (postMessage, HTTP POST, ...). However, with the addition of "Shared Array Buffer" (SAB) to modern JS, there are no vats in modern full JS language. SABs allow event loops within the same "agent cluster" to synchronously couple to each other. Agent clusters, OTOH, are still only asynchronously coupled to each other. Perhaps an agent cluster is a vat? No, because an agent cluster has internal concurrency.

JS/SES as used by Agoric does have vats, of course.

Btw, I ***hate*** the "agent" and "agent cluster" terminology. But in picking my battles, I didn't pick this one. I discourage its use outside tc39. We need better terminology. But they're not vats!

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Ian Denhardt

May 20, 2020, 4:57:16 PM5/20/20
to Mark S. Miller, cap-...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Lemmer Webber
Quoting Mark S. Miller (2020-05-20 16:29:53)
> As co-coiner of "vat", a vat is a unit of synchrony in a sea of
> asynchrony. There is no semantic concurrency inside a vat. Vats are
> only asynchronous� coupled to each other.
> An example of non-vat, demonstrating that this definition has teeth:
> JavaScript used to be objects in separate synchronous� event loops (now
> "agents") sending asynchronous messages to each other (postMessage,
> HTTP POST, ...). However, with the addition of "Shared Array Buffer"
> (SAB) to modern JS, there are no vats in modern full JS language. SABs
> allow event loops within the same "agent cluster" to
> synchronously� couple to each other. Agent clusters, OTOH, are still
> only asynchronously coupled to each other. Perhaps an agent cluster is
> a vat? No, because an agent cluster has internal concurrency.
> JS/SES as used by Agoric does have vats, of course.
> Btw, I ***hate*** the "agent" and "agent cluster" terminology. But in
> picking my battles, I didn't pick this one. I discourage its use
> outside tc39. We need better terminology. But they're not vats!

Would it be fair then to say that the notion of a vat is entirely
orthogonal to CapTP? It seems like the protocol doesn't really care
about vats in this sense, as the concurrency (or lack thereof) within a
network peer is irrelevant to the protocol's operation (as long as
E-order is respected).


Alan Karp

May 20, 2020, 5:25:19 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

 - Drivers are just conceptually two-faceted objects: half are what
   other objects use to talk to the driver, and half are what the driver
   uses to talk to the special resource (filesystem, file, audio system,
   image system, etc).

This statement revived memories of work I did with Terence Kelly on Tyler's waterken protocol. (https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2010/HPL-2010-155.pdf)

You need to consider the failure model.  Are you using the E model for messages or the waterken model?  E sends messages as soon as they are ready; waterken only sends them at the end of a turn after they have been persisted.  The difference is how you recover from a failure that happens in the middle of a turn.  In waterken, the vat restarts from its most recent checkpoint, resending any unacknowledged messages.  Recovery is harder with the E model.

Waterken automatically ignores a message received more than once, but you can't do that with devices unless the operations are idempotent.  While you can turn many non-idempotent messages into idempotent ones, e.g., change "launch rocket" to "launch rocket #4," there are many you cannot, such as printing on paper.  In your case, I think anything the user sees cannot be considered idempotent.

Alan Karp

Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 6:12:40 PM5/20/20
to Ian Denhardt, cap-...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Lemmer Webber
I'll accept "largely orthogonal" but not "entirely orthogonal". Nevertheless, I think we are agreeing.



Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 20, 2020, 8:00:41 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I see (I think)... thank you for clarifying. :)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 20, 2020, 8:07:30 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Alan Karp writes:

> Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
> - Drivers are just conceptually two-faceted objects: half are what
> other objects use to talk to the driver, and half are what the driver
> uses to talk to the special resource (filesystem, file, audio system,
> image system, etc).
> This statement revived memories of work I did with Terence Kelly on Tyler's
> waterken protocol. (https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2010/HPL-2010-155.pdf
> )

Thank you... I've somehow never actually read this paper. Printed to
read later.

> You need to consider the failure model. Are you using the E model for
> messages or the waterken model? E sends messages as soon as they are
> ready; waterken only sends them at the end of a turn after they have been
> persisted. The difference is how you recover from a failure that happens
> in the middle of a turn. In waterken, the vat restarts from its most
> recent checkpoint, resending any unacknowledged messages. Recovery is
> harder with the E model.

I did not realize that E sends them ASAP. Goblins also only sends
messages at the end of a turn... actually, it does now, though in the
first iteration it did not; the purpose of this change was to improve
transactionality and replayability. I feel like I was thinking in the
right direction then.

I would have figured E would have also done them end-of-turn, since that
seems like the cleanest way to work out the logistics of promise
pipelining? So this seems surprising to me. Is E only
opportunistically promise pipelined? I must be missing something.

> Waterken automatically ignores a message received more than once, but you
> can't do that with devices unless the operations are idempotent. While you
> can turn many non-idempotent messages into idempotent ones, e.g., change
> "launch rocket" to "launch rocket #4," there are many you cannot, such as
> printing on paper. In your case, I think anything the user sees cannot be
> considered idempotent.

I think that's right but is something I haven't thought about
sufficiently... I will try to lend it more braincells. Thanks for your
useful comments.

Mark S. Miller

May 20, 2020, 8:13:11 PM5/20/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
E made a mistake here. Tyler got it right. A turn that does not complete must have no external effects. We're getting that right at Agoric,

> Waterken automatically ignores a message received more than once, but you
> can't do that with devices unless the operations are idempotent.  While you
> can turn many non-idempotent messages into idempotent ones, e.g., change
> "launch rocket" to "launch rocket #4," there are many you cannot, such as
> printing on paper.  In your case, I think anything the user sees cannot be
> considered idempotent.

I think that's right but is something I haven't thought about
sufficiently... I will try to lend it more braincells.  Thanks for your
useful comments.

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Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 21, 2020, 4:42:56 PM5/21/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
So, here I am doing my first toy CapTP implementation. I said I'd use
this thread to document things I realize while I'm doing it. I think I
understand something now that I didn't before.

For whatever reason, I expected that the way that captp would work would
be you'd say "I'm exporting something for you now!" even in the two-vat
communication case. I was confused that when Vat A adds something to
their exports table, there was no "Exporting" or etc message type sent
to add something to Vat B's imports table. (There's "Provide", but that
appears to be for 3-vat introductions.)

Then I realized: it would be foolish to allocate an object import that
is unused in a weakmap. That's a fine path to it being immediately

This solved another mystery for me. Why, in captp.js, was the
marshaling constructor called like so:

const { serialize, unserialize } = makeMarshal(

This confused me because those seemed like side-effectful operations.
Why would you perform a hashmap-mutating operation at serialization
time? And the answer is the same as above: capability references will
be nested in the structure so the right time to set them up is during
serialization/deserialization. Hence passing in the side-effectful
functions into makeMarshal.

So, assuming I'm right, finally I understand that.

Sorry, this is probably obvious to all of you by now by having been over
it however many times yourself. But I'm the CapTP noob, so capturing my
realizations as I hit them. :)

Mark S. Miller

May 21, 2020, 6:04:39 PM5/21/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 1:42 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
So, here I am doing my first toy CapTP implementation.  I said I'd use
this thread to document things I realize while I'm doing it.  I think I
understand something now that I didn't before.

For whatever reason, I expected that the way that captp would work would
be you'd say "I'm exporting something for you now!" even in the two-vat
communication case.  I was confused that when Vat A adds something to
their exports table, there was no "Exporting" or etc message type sent
to add something to Vat B's imports table.  (There's "Provide", but that
appears to be for 3-vat introductions.)

Provide is exactly as hidden from normal user code as the two-party Export. Normal code is just sending references to objects on references to objects.

(captp.js itself does not yet support the three party case though, so this answer is not yet apparent in code)

Then I realized: it would be foolish to allocate an object import that
is unused in a weakmap.  That's a fine path to it being immediately

This solved another mystery for me.  Why, in captp.js, was the
marshaling constructor called like so:

  const { serialize, unserialize } = makeMarshal(

This confused me because those seemed like side-effectful operations.
Why would you perform a hashmap-mutating operation at serialization
time?  And the answer is the same as above: capability references will
be nested in the structure so the right time to set them up is during
serialization/deserialization.  Hence passing in the side-effectful
functions into makeMarshal.

So, assuming I'm right, finally I understand that.


Sorry, this is probably obvious to all of you by now by having been over
it however many times yourself.  But I'm the CapTP noob, so capturing my
realizations as I hit them. :)

Please continue doing so! You aren't the first to have these questions or need these realizations, and you won't be the last.


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Alan Karp

May 22, 2020, 11:29:47 AM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller <ma...@agoric.com> wrote:

> E made a mistake here. Tyler got it right. A turn that does not complete must have no external effects. We're getting that right at Agoric,

I consider that choice to be more a design decision than a mistake.  While Tyler's approach is better for recovery from vat failure, it adds latency to message delivery and forces a trade-off between message latency and turn duration.  The E approach may be a better choice if you're latency sensitive, and vat failures are rare.  For example, the parallel chess program I developed with waterken had all the vats on the same machine, so failure of a single vat was a bug.  Performance was dreadful, in part because of waiting to the end of the turn to release messages.

A project I was working on at HP Labs attempted to have the best of both worlds.  The idea was to release messages during a turn but mark them so their effects could be undone should the sending vat fail.  We got pretty far, but the key person on the team left HP before we finished.

Alan Karp

Mark S. Miller

May 22, 2020, 12:43:33 PM5/22/20
to cap-talk
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:29 AM Alan Karp <alan...@gmail.com> wrote:
Mark S. Miller <ma...@agoric.com> wrote:

> E made a mistake here. Tyler got it right. A turn that does not complete must have no external effects. We're getting that right at Agoric,

I consider that choice to be more a design decision than a mistake.  While Tyler's approach is better for recovery from vat failure, it adds latency to message delivery and forces a trade-off between message latency and turn duration.  The E approach may be a better choice if you're latency sensitive, and vat failures are rare.  For example, the parallel chess program I developed with waterken had all the vats on the same machine, so failure of a single vat was a bug.  Performance was dreadful, in part because of waiting to the end of the turn to release messages.

The tradeoff makes sense, but a better way to address it is short turns.

A project I was working on at HP Labs attempted to have the best of both worlds.  The idea was to release messages during a turn but mark them so their effects could be undone should the sending vat fail.  We got pretty far, but the key person on the team left HP before we finished.

Once you release information, even marked as speculative, if that turn aborts, you can't force your counter-parties to forget it. We can divide this into two cases: confidentiality and integrity.

If the system sending the speculative message is, for example, a public blockchain, none of its *information* is secret anyway, so speculative release of *information* is not a concern.

For integrity, the issue is inadvertent release of authority. In a purely c-list-based system of permissions, undo of speculative updates work. In a signature-based system --- everything from SPKI to zcap-ld --- speculative updates still work because the authorizing signatures don't happen till commit.

The remaining case is a system where transmission of secrets is used to claim authority, like a swiss-number-based system. For this, a speculation protocol could similarly withhold the actual secrets until commit. To transmit non-authorizing secrets that are 1-to-1 with the authorizing secrets, transmit the hash of those secrets.


IMO, for such distributed systems, the bookkeeping needed for speculation and distributed rollback is just not worth it. Go pessimistic, don't release messages from uncommitted state, and reduce latency by short turns and low-latency non-volatile memory. This is another thing that Waterken got right that E got wrong.

Alan Karp

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Kevin Reid

May 22, 2020, 12:58:26 PM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 9:43 AM Mark S. Miller <eri...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:29 AM Alan Karp <alan...@gmail.com> wrote:
Mark S. Miller <ma...@agoric.com> wrote:

> E made a mistake here. Tyler got it right. A turn that does not complete must have no external effects. We're getting that right at Agoric,

I consider that choice to be more a design decision than a mistake.  While Tyler's approach is better for recovery from vat failure, it adds latency to message delivery and forces a trade-off between message latency and turn duration.  The E approach may be a better choice if you're latency sensitive, and vat failures are rare.  For example, the parallel chess program I developed with waterken had all the vats on the same machine, so failure of a single vat was a bug.  Performance was dreadful, in part because of waiting to the end of the turn to release messages.

The tradeoff makes sense, but a better way to address it is short turns.

You could also have specialized types of vats, e.g. one which is for performing "heavy" "streaming" computation where you really do care about getting outputs fast while expressing the computation in a fashion not broken into turns, at the cost of those vats having no persistence — if they experience a failure they're permanently dead, and have to be rebuilt by other, transactional, vats that manage them.

Mark S. Miller

May 22, 2020, 2:21:42 PM5/22/20
to cap-talk
It is worth noting that such an exemption for ephemeral vats is not transparent. Without this change, an ephemeral vat is not observably different than a persistent vat that becomes inaccessible forever. With this change, even a turn that always aborts of not terminate, because of its code rather than an exogenous crash, would be sent from an ephemeral vat. This introduces a significant non-uniformity to the computational model for IMO little compensating benefit, and so should not be done *merely* because the sending vat is ephemeral. At least some additional step should be required to enable this special early release of messages.

Our weakref proposal to tc39, to enable weak-gc during long turns, did introduce an explicit API for saying approx "for these purposes, act as if there's a turn boundary here/now." I could imagine something similar --- a "flush" capability for releasing outgoing messages now, available only in ephemeral vats.

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Kevin Reid

May 22, 2020, 2:30:32 PM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 11:21 AM Mark S. Miller <eri...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 9:58 AM Kevin Reid <kpr...@switchb.org> wrote:
You could also have specialized types of vats, e.g. one which is for performing "heavy" "streaming" computation where you really do care about getting outputs fast while expressing the computation in a fashion not broken into turns, at the cost of those vats having no persistence — if they experience a failure they're permanently dead, and have to be rebuilt by other, transactional, vats that manage them.

It is worth noting that such an exemption for ephemeral vats is not transparent. Without this change, an ephemeral vat is not observably different than a persistent vat that becomes inaccessible forever. With this change, even a turn that always aborts of not terminate, because of its code rather than an exogenous crash, would be sent from an ephemeral vat. This introduces a significant non-uniformity to the computational model for IMO little compensating benefit, and so should not be done *merely* because the sending vat is ephemeral. At least some additional step should be required to enable this special early release of messages.

I was not at all suggesting that it could be done transparently just because the vat was ephemeral. When I said "specialized types of vats", I meant that a vat would be explicitly created with these characteristics, and it might even not execute an event loop at all — using a different computational model than other vats, but participating in the system in a way that could be explained from the outside as if it was a regular vat. 

Mark S. Miller

May 22, 2020, 2:56:57 PM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Excellent. Fully agree.

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Alan Karp

May 22, 2020, 7:49:47 PM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 9:43 AM 

IMO, for such distributed systems, the bookkeeping needed for speculation and distributed rollback is just not worth it. Go pessimistic, don't release messages from uncommitted state, and reduce latency by short turns and low-latency non-volatile memory. This is another thing that Waterken got right that E got wrong.

You definitely want to make the checkpoint time as short as possible, but you don't want to make the turns too short.  A simple model can help find a balance.  Assume the time to do a turn is T, the time for a checkpoint is C, and network latency is N (which could be effectively 0 for vats on the same machine or very large if using a blockchain). 

One consideration is efficiency.  Making the turn so short that T < C means that you're spending most of your time in overhead.

Another consideration is performance. Say that a message is ready to send at time M<T.  With the waterken model, the receiving vat can't start work until T+C+N.  In the E model, the receiving vat can start after only M+N, which can be a big win unless N dominates.

Alan Karp

Mark S. Miller

May 22, 2020, 9:21:55 PM5/22/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Nice analysis. In the blockchain space, as you say, N dominates. Hugely. We're building our platform for "solo"s as well, meaning running on a normal non-replicated machine, as in the old E and Waterken days. At this point, our motivating use cases are not sensitive to the performance difference between T+C+N and M+N. But other uses may well be.

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Baldur Jóhannsson

May 23, 2020, 9:26:38 AM5/23/20
to cap-talk
One thing that confused me greatly when reading through Agoric's captp.js and marshal.js was the
use of the word slot.

Then I understood that they are in, jhu-paper sense, object graph exits in the serialized object graph depiction.

The confusion arose because in E slots are objects
where values of constants, variables, and such are

Any spefic reason why graph exits as above got called slots in Agoric's codebase?


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 23, 2020, 11:27:34 PM5/23/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I think this might be more acceptable for something like a game UI and
client that retains little state for instance, even though it would be
unacceptable for the "game world".

Goblins' make-vat procedure currently has a #:reckless? keyword
argument, which throws away transactionality in favor of "directly
committing" to the actormap. I am not sure if it will ever be a good
idea; I tried implementing it mainly to see how hard it would be and if
the performance gain would be significant (it did have a performance
gain, and it wasn't hard to support this change).

One could say that similarly this is #:reckless-sends?. In both cases,
I think making clear to the user that something truly dangerous is going
on, especially if users don't realize that it could mess up
transactionality when it matters (eg transactionality saves a mint and
its purses from getting accidentally corrupted).

- Chris

Alan Karp

May 24, 2020, 12:34:51 AM5/24/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

One could say that similarly this is #:reckless-sends?.  In both cases,
I think making clear to the user that something truly dangerous is going
on, especially if users don't realize that it could mess up
transactionality when it matters (eg transactionality saves a mint and
its purses from getting accidentally corrupted).

Can you do speculative execution?  You can do computation that won't be visible to the user until you learn that the turn that released the message early finished.  For example, you could start rendering the next view.  The user might see a glitch if the turn failed, but most turns don't fail.

Alan Karp

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 24, 2020, 8:13:46 AM5/24/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I am haunted by the spectres of speculative execution

Alan Karp

May 24, 2020, 2:23:20 PM5/24/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

       I am haunted by the spectres of speculative execution

Don't have a meltdown over it.

Alan Karp

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 24, 2020, 3:45:21 PM5/24/20
to Mark S. Miller, Ian Denhardt, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Continuing the "slow revelations about CapTP"... I've spent an enormous
amount of time this last week "just reading and thinking", making small
doodles, getting stuck, doing more reading and thinking. But slowly the
pieces are starting to sink in. In the meanwhile we also got some fruit
bushes planted in our yard. Hopefully Goblins will bear CapTP fruit
before the bushes do!

In the meanwhile, a bunch of things that were confusing to me are
getting less confusing, or at least where the remaining confusion
painpoints are (I hope) becoming more obvious. So here's what's
currently on my mind.

(Sorry, I hope really that by the end of next week I'll actually have
*code* to show off, even if only a partial implementation...)

The promised land of triangles and diamonds

I'm going to be honest: I really had an enormously difficult time with
The Four Tables diagram:


Nonetheless, I don't think it's the diagram's fault... it may very well
be my fault, but I suspect this is just one of those times where it
takes repeated exposure for new elements of a visual language to make
sense, and the diagrams actually are really quite good once you get over
that hurdle.

The bit that was really throwing me for a loop was those triangles with
the diamonds embedded in them.

I was also being confused by another thing while looking at the
DeliverOp page:


What the heck is rdr? I couldn't figure it out.

I don't know why it took me about three reads over, but then I finally
realized the answer: for all my abrasions against the polygonal edges in
the diagram, rdr was the diamond in the rough (well, the triangle)!

It hadn't struck me until this point that promise pipelining meant
needing to deliver *both the resolver and the promise parts of the pair*
to the remote vat: the resolver to, well, resolve it, and the promise
because that's what the other messages are waiting on(???). So the
triangle-and-promise are the promise-resolver pair unified!

Suddenly I had a really nice visual metaphor for this: the diamond was a
"button" on the triangle! Ah! So the remote side can "boop" the
resolver button (rdr) on the triangle, and that powers up the triangle
to be appropriately fulfilled or broken... the information of which can
flow from the tip of that triangle now! Suddenly visually a lot more
things made sense!

(Or, assuming I understand right, they do!)

I still don't understand why we're "counting" in distributed (acyclic) gc

Something I don't get, and I feel foolish about it, is why counting
exists at all in the various distributed gc implementations. Here's
how, in my mind, things work:

- Vat A sends a reference to Alice to Vat B in the message
bob.foo(alice), marks it in the export table as {alice: 33} and I
guess a "reverse" export table of {33: alice} (both directions so we
don't keep making new exports of Alice over and over)

- Vat B marks in its (weakref) imports table {33: alice-proxy}, hands
to Bob via the foo method

- Bob hangs onto the Alice far reference for a while, loses interest,
GC's it, which triggers Vat B telling Vat A "I don't need this
anymore" from the finalization hook thingamabob

- Vat A becomes informed that Vat B has lost interest, and drops Alice
from the export table(s).

- Since Vat B doesn't need Alice anymore, whether Vat A GC's Alice is
really up to whether or not Vat A or any other vat that A has shared
Alice with still needs her.

That doesn't seem like it needs reference counting. What am I missing?

More on vats and machines
Mark, you said something to me IRL that I'm having trouble remembering
exactly... it wasn't about this subject directly, but I think is
relevant here... it was about the question of "but how do you know if
the remote vat is following ocap security correctly?" and you said
something like ~"from a security perspective, a misbehaving vat outside
of your trusted runtime can be treated the same way conceptually as one
large and opaque misbehaving object". (I'm sure it was said more
elegantly than that, but there's the idea.)

This is a good and powerful idea, and I think I'd like to expand on
that. Where are the borders of this encapsulation? This is relevant
from a security perspective... in many cases, a "mistrusted vat"
scenario is closer to a "mistrusted machine" scenario, with machines now
being explicitly defined.

Where is the perimeter of the membrane? Is it around vats, or machines?
I've been realizing that this question has been coming up a lot for me
in terms of "where should I put the import/export and question/answer
tables" but it also struck me when thinking about these posts that the
same comes up for the perspective of security, especialy if multiple
machines run in a vat.

Here's a proposition, and it may be false: a machine is the actual
perimeter and communication boundary from the perspective of a networked
environment. Vats are an important concept, but they're more important,
mostly, from the perspective within the machine and otherwise from a
conceptual model of the network.

One exception to this may be if vats are relocatable from machines. But
what if a vat id was only a signature verification key, and not a public
encryption key? If this is the case, "where a vat lives" can be more a
matter of "what machine(s) this vat claims to currently live on" rather
than "here's how to send messages to this vat and this vat
only"... a secure connection to a vat through a machine is then a matter
of "am I connecting through a path that the vat has actually signed off
on being a secure way to get messages to me"? This allows for the
possibility of relocation, and probably isn't too dangerous in terms of
messages leaking to a former machine host.

I have more thoughts on this but this subsection is already fairly long.
My thinking here has been inspired by how to do reloactable actor
profiles in activitypub using mutable datashards objects as profiles
(think mutable ipfs or mutable tahoe files, same idea-ish), and
realizing the same approach can apply to vats and machines.

... Lots of words, not enough code! I am getting closer though.
- Chris

Kevin Reid

May 24, 2020, 5:26:17 PM5/24/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 12:45 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
… "from a security perspective, a misbehaving vat outside of your trusted runtime can be treated the same way conceptually as one large and opaque misbehaving object".  (I'm sure it was said more elegantly than that, but there's the idea.

This is a good and powerful idea, and I think I'd like to expand on that.  Where are the borders of this encapsulation?

There are no borders that mean anything to you, because you don't know what that conceptual object's connectivity is.
… Here's a proposition, and it may be false: a machine is the actual perimeter and communication boundary from the perspective of a networked environment.  Vats are an important concept, but they're more important, mostly, from the perspective within the machine and otherwise from a conceptual model of the network.

Machines are irrelevant. You don't know if you're talking to an entire misbehaving distributed system, and even if you are, it might happen to be all running on a virtual machine…

In general, there are lots of possible subdivisions. In the (distributed-)object-capability paradigm, there is no fundamental difference between "facets" and "objects" — and just as local objects can act together or apart (and you can't tell which they are doing, because of encapsulation), remote ones can too, whether or not they claim to be separate machines.

It is useful to draw boundaries around subgraphs of the global distributed object graph, and say that everything in that subgraph is the same for some purpose of analysis (e.g. "there is no partial network connectivity to an E-style vat; either you can reach every object in it or none"). But that is the map, not the territory; the interactions among objects-that-are-not-yourself are fundamentally unknown to you, and if you are using an analysis that thinks the boundaries of machines that are not yours are meaningful, you're likely making an error in reasoning.

Chris Hibbert

May 24, 2020, 6:21:49 PM5/24/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Lemmer Webber, Mark S. Miller, Ian Denhardt
On 5/24/20 12:45 PM, Christopher Lemmer Webber wrote:
> I was also being confused by another thing while looking at the
> DeliverOp page:
> http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/DeliverOp.html
> What the heck is rdr? I couldn't figure it out.

Under the section labelled Distributed Acyclic Garbage Collection, I see
the following at the start of the second paragraph:

"For a while now, in this scenario, VatB's far reference to the x
redirector, shown as a half circle labeled rdr', has not been pointed at
by anything else in VatB."

So, I interpret it as a "redirector". There are several other references
to redirector, to give more context.

Rationality is about drawing correct inferences from limited,
confusing, contradictory, or maliciously doctored facts.
-- Scott Alexander

Chris Hibbert
Blog: http://www.pancrit.org
Twitter: C_Hibbert_reads

Ian Denhardt

May 24, 2020, 6:28:20 PM5/24/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, Mark S. Miller, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-24 15:45:19)

> I still don't understand why we're "counting" in distributed (acyclic) gc
> =========================================================================
> Something I don't get, and I feel foolish about it, is why counting
> exists at all in the various distributed gc implementations. Here's
> how, in my mind, things work:
> - Vat A sends a reference to Alice to Vat B in the message
> bob.foo(alice), marks it in the export table as {alice: 33} and I
> guess a "reverse" export table of {33: alice} (both directions so we
> don't keep making new exports of Alice over and over)
> - Vat B marks in its (weakref) imports table {33: alice-proxy}, hands
> to Bob via the foo method
> - Bob hangs onto the Alice far reference for a while, loses interest,
> GC's it, which triggers Vat B telling Vat A "I don't need this
> anymore" from the finalization hook thingamabob

> - Vat A becomes informed that Vat B has lost interest, and drops Alice
> from the export table(s).
> - Since Vat B doesn't need Alice anymore, whether Vat A GC's Alice is
> really up to whether or not Vat A or any other vat that A has shared
> Alice with still needs her.
> That doesn't seem like it needs reference counting. What am I missing?

There's a race condition when you omit the refcounts; this is mentioned
in the comments for `ExportId` in rpc.capnp, but basically: if, when Vat
B sends the release message to Vat A, there is already an in-flight
message from Vat A to Vat B that contains a new reference to Alice, then
Vat A should *not* drop Alice from its export table when it receives the
release message from Vat B, because it has just handed that vat another
reference to Alice.

Without refcounting, Vat B can't tell whether the release message was
sent before or after receiving the additional reference to Alice. If it
was sent first, and we drop Alice from exports, we have a dangling
reference to Alice. If it was sent after receiving the new reference,
and we ignore it, we have a leak.

Doing refcounting solves this: When Vat A sends the new reference to Vat
B, it will increment it's local refcount for Alice by 1, so when it
receives the release message from Vat B it will decrement the refcount,
but won't remove alice from the table, since there is still a live
reference to alice (the one it just sent, which Vat B hasn't necessarily
notice yet, but will soon).

In this scenario it's fine if Vat B drops Alice from its imports table,
because on seeing the new reference it will treat it as if it was just a
fresh capability that it didn't previously have a reference to.

Hope this helps,


Ian Denhardt

May 24, 2020, 6:39:07 PM5/24/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, Mark S. Miller, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Ian Denhardt (2020-05-24 18:28:18)

> Without refcounting, Vat B can't tell whether the release message was
> sent before or after receiving the additional reference to Alice.

This should have been "Vat A can't tell...", sorry.


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 8:35:43 AM5/25/20
to Ian Denhardt, Mark S. Miller, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. :)

I think I get it now! The real key thing I didn't get is that every
message that you send referencing one of your exported capabilities, you
mark it such that the references increase, and then on the other side
mark those as you process the messages on the importing side (possibly
in bulk). The reason I was confused is that I was thinking that the
count referenced the number of references on the importer side... and I
couldn't figure out why it needed to be more than just one.

Now that I realize my error, I get it! Thank you!

- Chris
> Without refcounting, Vat [A] can't tell whether the release message was

Ian Denhardt

May 25, 2020, 12:04:38 PM5/25/20
to Christopher Lemmer Webber, cap-...@googlegroups.com, Mark S. Miller, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Quoting Christopher Lemmer Webber (2020-05-25 08:35:41)
> Thank you, this is exactly what I needed. :)
> I think I get it now! The real key thing I didn't get is that every
> message that you send referencing one of your exported capabilities, you
> mark it such that the references increase, and then on the other side
> mark those as you process the messages on the importing side (possibly
> in bulk). The reason I was confused is that I was thinking that the
> count referenced the number of references on the importer side... and I
> couldn't figure out why it needed to be more than just one.
> Now that I realize my error, I get it! Thank you!
> - Chris

You're welcome!

Chris Hibbert

May 25, 2020, 1:20:13 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Lemmer Webber

On 5/20/20 1:04 PM, Christopher Lemmer Webber wrote:
> There's no need to treat drivers as a special case at all, is there?
> In fact there's no need for them to specifically be on the
> comms/machine vat, it's just a convenient convention to put them all
> in one place. Any object in any vat can technically serve the role
> of a driver if it uses the mechanism I'm about to outline?

In SwingSet, drivers are a special kind of vat because it's convenient.
We kept going back and forth about whether it was necessary or better to
make them distinct and ended up here.

Devices can have access to special purpose kernel functionality; they
wrap it to make it accessible to code in vats. Vats only deal in
objects. Every time we tried to unify Vats and Devices, we ended up
deciding that there would need to be some special vats that also had
access to Kernel functionality, and then we were back to the starting
point again.

The current design is that if we need to make something outside the
object model available (network access, ability to schedule, etc.) then
we define a device that gets a special function passed in, and we pair
that with a wrapper vat. That vat is the only one with access to the
root device node, and its job is to make the funcitonality available to
other vats. It's usually a thin layer around the device, but it allows
all the other vats to only ever deal in normal objects.

The genesis vats are here:

This is some prattle about the design of devices

All sensory cells [in all animals] have in common the presence of
... cilia [with a constant] structure. It provides a strong
argument for common ancestry. The common ancestor ... was a
spirochete bacterium.
--Lynn Margulis (http://edge.org/q2005/q05_7.html#margulis)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 2:43:58 PM5/25/20
to Chris Hibbert, cap-...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for this background!

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 2:57:28 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Continuing with the "document revelations as I get them", I finally
think I understand E-Order, thanks to Baldur's patient explaining in the
#erights channel on irc.freenode.net. E-Order was one of the last
remaining things that gave me a sense of terror: it seems so
conceptually tricky to get right, but now I see that it's really quite
simple... Baldur is right: it does flow out naturally from the design!

Starting from the example shown on here:

// alice's perspective

// bob, after getting carol

The key thing is that the carol that Bob gets is "the Carol after .x()
has been called by Alice". (There are no claims made about ordering of
Alice and Bob's calls to .z() and .w() respectively.) This seems like a
tricky thing to do but isn't so hard after all. Start with the

- Messages are processed in FIFO order between vats. Between just two
vats A and C, messages from A to C can be sure to be processed in the
order that A sends them, and this isn't complicated.
- Now add to the existing tables (import/export and question/answer) a
new pair of tables: "gifts" and "wants".

Now, with the protocol-level messages sent from VatA to VatC in this
snippet of Alice's code above, they would look like (in plain english):

- Call Carol's .x() method
- Put Carol as a gift for VatB in slot N
- Call Carol's .z() method

Since these are processed in FIFO, this means that Carol simply will not
be gifted until after .x() has been handled, because the gifting is the
second message and calling .x() is the first message. So even if Bob
receives a notification about "wanting" this gift of Carol before the
gift is ready, nothing is done until the gift is actually slotted and
ready to be handed off.

Easy! And much easier than I expected. Thank you again for your
patience, Baldur!

- Chris

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 3:05:49 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
> objects-that-are-not-yourself are *fundamentally unknown to you,* and if
> you are using an analysis that thinks the boundaries of machines that are
> not yours are meaningful, you're likely making an error in reasoning.

Kevin, you raise good points, and I think you're right that it's
important to recognize just how existentially unknowable the rest of the
world is from an object's perspective, and that we can subdivide on many

However, I think I was trying to point out something specific: from the
perspective of thinking about sending messages across the network layer,
eg the kind of layer where we might ask "what is being authenticated by
a self-authenticating designator?", if we trust in the abstractions of
eg the cryptography leading to secure connections between those parties,
it is a better line to draw the line around the machine (with machine
being somewhere between how Goblins has defined it and how Agoric
appears to be defining it in their more recent documentation) as to
"just how much confidence do I have in terms of where this message
got dropped off"? This also feels relevant if we follow with the idea
that a vat is especially an abstraction about an event loop that is
ultimately left up to that implementor to fulfill.

It still feels to me that the machine is the right area of abstraction
rather than the vat for a pipe of message delivery, and maybe of
import/export tables, at least in Goblins' perspective, but maybe this
really doesn't matter too much... yet. At least not without me having
enough running code to argue that maybe that this is an improvement.

But yes, the world outside of oneself is terrifyingly unknowable. Even
the world inside of oneself is terrifyingly unknowable given enough
existential dread.

- Chris

Alan Karp

May 25, 2020, 3:38:56 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Chris Hibbert <hib...@mydruthers.com> wrote:

In SwingSet, drivers are a special kind of vat because it's convenient.

Implying that there are no immediate calls to drivers.  Is that an issue when the caller expects the operation to complete before anything else happens?

Alan Karp

Mark S. Miller

May 25, 2020, 3:58:27 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Dean Tribble

Hi Chris, Baldur,

Great! All that is correct and well put.

Also take a look at http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/provideFor.html , both as a narrative sequence and as an animation.

Because its purpose is to illustrate ordering more than security, I collapsed the handoff table system into one "Locator" in the graphic. Other than that, it is accurate for the old E / CapTP.

The modern Agoric CapTP has not yet reproduced three party handoff. When we do, we are likely to wire it up a bit differently due to some of Dean's insights from Midori. I'll let him (cc'ed) speak to that. But the fundamentals are likely to stay the same.

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Mark S. Miller

May 25, 2020, 4:19:14 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 11:57 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
Continuing with the "document revelations as I get them", I finally
think I understand E-Order, thanks to Baldur's patient explaining in the
#erights channel on irc.freenode.net.  E-Order was one of the last
remaining things that gave me a sense of terror: it seems so
conceptually tricky to get right, but now I see that it's really quite
simple... Baldur is right: it does flow out naturally from the design!

Sorry to have to mention this, but there is one terrifying issue that E never implemented: The WormholeOp, needed to fix the Lost Resolution Bug.

Fortunately, the WormholeOp is only terrifying if we start, as E does, from a TLS-like connection-oriented approach to cryptographic authenticity. When starting from messages as individually signed certs, wormholing "simply" becomes the need to carry a cert chain. This serves the same purpose as the cert chains of everything from SPKI/SDSI to zcap-ld, but are much cheaper because the A-to-B message carrying a reference to Carol only needs to include dependent *unacknowledged* A-to-C messages. As acknowledgements are received, the buffer of messages that need wormholing keeps shrinking, approaching zero under quiescence. This is a huge deal compared to other cert-chain authorization systems like SPKI/SDSI...zcap-ld.

The E distinction between remote promise and far reference has turned into the Agoric distinction between remote promise and remote presence. We are likely to start with the same shortcut E took: not to implement wormholing, even with cert chains. Without wormholing, we can still support third party passing of remote promises, but not general third party passing of remote presences.

We have thought about enabling a pass-by-presence object be able to self declare "I am insensitive to the order in which I receive messages", in which case we could allow third party passing of its remote presences without wormholing.

I'm glad you got this far before I had to inflict this terror on you ;).


Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 4:42:58 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Dean Tribble
Thank you, this is great!

(Also, I'm very interested in hearing what is planned for the
new-3-party-handoff and what the Midori revelations are/were!)

Chris Hibbert

May 25, 2020, 5:10:49 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Alan Karp
On 5/25/20 12:38 PM, Alan Karp wrote:
> Chris Hibbert <hib...@mydruthers.com <mailto:hib...@mydruthers.com>>
> wrote:
> In SwingSet, drivers are a special kind of vat because it's convenient.
> Implying that there are no immediate calls to drivers.

That's correct. As with vats, calls to drivers return a promise.

> Is that an issue when the caller expects the operation to complete
> before anything else happens?
Before the driver does anything else or before the caller does anything

The driver does one thing at a time. I suspect you could write drivers
that schedule work, and are prepared for it to happen out of order. I
don't see a problem with this.

The caller can use await (bleah) or a .then() clause to move processing
to after the results are received.

Did I misunderstand your concern Alan?

C. J. Cherryh, "Invader", on why we visit very old buildings:
"A sense of age, of profound truths. Respect for something
hands made, that's stood through storms and wars and time.
It persuades us that things we do may last and matter."

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 5:32:26 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller writes:

> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 11:57 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <
> cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:
>> Continuing with the "document revelations as I get them", I finally
>> think I understand E-Order, thanks to Baldur's patient explaining in the
>> #erights channel on irc.freenode.net. E-Order was one of the last
>> remaining things that gave me a sense of terror: it seems so
>> conceptually tricky to get right, but now I see that it's really quite
>> simple... Baldur is right: it does flow out naturally from the design!
> Sorry to have to mention this, but there is one terrifying issue that E
> never implemented: The WormholeOp, needed to fix the Lost Resolution Bug.
> http://erights.org/elib/equality/passing-rules.html#lost-resolution
> but see http://wiki.erights.org/wiki/The_lost_resolution_bug_isn%27t
> http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/WormholeOp.html

Ah right when I think I finally have my head wrapped around most of the
details of CapTP, here's a reminder of one I never also understood.
Let's see if I get it now.

I am trying to understand the phrasing on the E passing-rules link
above, which says:

In current implementations of E, a transmitted Far reference to
Carol, sent by Alice to Bob, when Alice Bob and Carol reside in
three separate vats, will be received instead as a promise for Carol
that will eventually resolve into a Far reference to Carol. As a
result, if Alice sends Bob a hashtable containing the reference to
Carol as a key, the hashtable will fail to unserialize in Bob's vat.

I am trying to make sure I understand this... the reason why a hashtable
key is listed specifically as the problem is because it won't be
correctly `eq` since we don't know its future identity from gifting yet...?

> Fortunately, the WormholeOp is only terrifying if we start, as E does, from
> a TLS-like connection-oriented approach to cryptographic authenticity. When
> starting from messages as individually signed certs, wormholing "simply"
> becomes the need to carry a cert chain. This serves the same purpose as the
> cert chains of everything from SPKI/SDSI to zcap-ld, but are much cheaper
> because the A-to-B message carrying a reference to Carol only needs to
> include dependent *unacknowledged* A-to-C messages. As acknowledgements are
> received, the buffer of messages that need wormholing keeps
> shrinking, approaching zero under quiescence. This is a huge deal compared
> to other cert-chain authorization systems like SPKI/SDSI...zcap-ld.

Is the reason this preserve eq?-ness because in certificate systems, we
can transparently traverse to the root to find the more universal
identity of the object?

I have thought about this "feature" of cap-chains, that they
transparently show eq-like identity for the root of the object (thus
also, when attenuation is done through the chain, at least let you know
if it corresponds to the "same" object).

However, I'm not sure how universal identity is achieved in a pairwise
c-list like approach (as opposed to a URI w/ swissNum approach). Is it
via something like the join operation here...?:


> The E distinction between remote promise and far reference has turned into
> the Agoric distinction between remote promise and remote presence. We are
> likely to start with the same shortcut E took: not to implement wormholing,
> even with cert chains. Without wormholing, we can still support third party
> passing of remote promises, but not general third party passing of remote
> presences.
> We have thought about enabling a pass-by-presence object be able to self
> declare "I am insensitive to the order in which I receive messages", in
> which case we could allow third party passing of its remote presences
> without wormholing.
> I'm glad you got this far before I had to inflict this terror on you ;).

No worries, though probably good that I wasn't thinking about it yet for
incrementalism reasons. :)

Btw, I have a different solution that could solve the WormHoleOp but
you might not like it. There is a variation / choice given at the end.

Here is the base idea from each. Assuming Alice is gifting Bob access
to Carol on Vats A, B, C respectively:
- Assume that there is a linear message order
- The key idea is: instead of setting up a separate gifts/wants table
pairing, use A's imports-of-C table c-list.
- Have A sign a certificate directed to C saying "I hereby am granting
B access to slot <N> in my imports-of-C table that is valid once you
have processed message N from A->C, signed A". Deliver this to B.
- B could use this to start talking to C... C could itself set up an
intermediate promise if A's message <N> hadn't resolved yet which
finishes passing it along.

Now one obvious problem is that it leaks just how many references A has
to C. How serious is this? I don't know, probably not very serious in
an inter-blockchain situation because everything is public anyway. To
avoid that problem when we do want to preserve secrets, we could
actually have this certificate be encrypted in such a way that only A
can read anyway.

EXCEPT: Hm, wait, it still doesn't solve the hashtable-keys-eq problem.
It's not going to be the same structure on the other side, is it?
Because if B already has a reference to Carol, is the
"Carol-that-you-have-to-wait-to-use" really eq to the

But wait... that last stated eq-problem seems inescapable within
E-ordering desiderata. I can't think of any way that certificates can
solve that... I think you basically can't have both the cake and eating
- Receiving a reference to Carol that is only usable at a future time
- Which is also eq to a Carol reference that may already exist

However, the following strikes me as true: using any certificate
approach, if you *already* have an existing and legit reference to
Carol, you can do a kind of "certificate target eq": it's easy enough
(even in zcap-ld) to see if the *targets* are eq (with a non-certificate
"direct ref" already being its own target).

It almost feels to me like we want a "gift certificate" (har har) ref to
be a separate type... one where it *is* a promise, but you know what the
promise is going to resolve to... you just don't know when yet.

Well, I wasn't sure I thought this was so terrible, but I agree it is
fairly terrible now :)

(How often is that dictionary thing really a problem anyway? Did it
come up in production? Genuinely curious.)

Mark S. Miller

May 25, 2020, 6:28:07 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Yes. This shows up in the modern CapTP as the difference between a promise and a presence. In the semantics of our distributed object system, a promise has no comparable identity. A presence has EQ identity --- Eeek!


> Fortunately, the WormholeOp is only terrifying if we start, as E does, from
> a TLS-like connection-oriented approach to cryptographic authenticity. When
> starting from messages as individually signed certs, wormholing "simply"
> becomes the need to carry a cert chain. This serves the same purpose as the
> cert chains of everything from SPKI/SDSI to zcap-ld, but are much cheaper
> because the A-to-B message carrying a reference to Carol only needs to
> include dependent *unacknowledged* A-to-C messages. As acknowledgements are
> received, the buffer of messages that need wormholing keeps
> shrinking, approaching zero under quiescence. This is a huge deal compared
> to other cert-chain authorization systems like SPKI/SDSI...zcap-ld.

Is the reason this preserve eq?-ness because in certificate systems, we
can transparently traverse to the root to find the more universal
identity of the object?

The point above of the wormholing (or cert chains) is the ordering of messages. Separately, E-order only lets us preserve eqness if we satisfy the ordering requirements.

In the absence of ordering requirements, as in pass-by-presence objects that declare themselves order-invariant, little wormholing would be necessary. The remaining case, shown in 
as the red lines starting at 17:46 is exactly the provideFor message. If the provideFor is wormholed, then VatB knows it can retrieve Carol from VatC even if the A-to-C provideFor message fails to get there by other means. For example, if VatA is unable to form a direct connection to VatB. Only this specific case is the direct analog of the cert chain. Unlike the cert chain, if A has already received an ack for the the A-to-C provideFor message, then A need not include this in the chain of the foo message it sends to vatC. 

(We are considering still requiring A to send its latest C-signed-ack to B, which B would still use to terminate the wormhole to C, even in the degenerate case where nothing is wormholed. Unclear whether this prevents any attacks, but is at least effective at catching some likely protocol bugs.)

Again, in the absence of ordering requirements and unlike the cert chain, CapTP fails soft if the unacknowledged A-to-C provideFor is not wormholed through VatC. In that case, Bob's promise for Carol never settles. That is the E status quo and it is quite tolerable. It does require that the handoff tables do the promise bookkeeping shown on the provideFor animation.

In the modern CapTP where we can require that the unacknowledged provideFor-equivalent be wormholed, VatC can rely on the provideFor somehow arriving before the acceptFrom, and so use simpler handoff tables.

Mark S. Miller

May 25, 2020, 6:32:02 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
This provideFor finally gets wormholed in that talk starting at 33:40

Mark S. Miller

May 25, 2020, 6:46:16 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I didn't follow all of that, but I'll try to summarize:

Your alternate bookkeeping still does not solve the lost resolution bug.

You claim that *any* cert system cannot solve it. Cannot both meet the ordering requirements and the eq requirements.

I claim that a cert chain system can solve it by implementing the wormholeOp logic.

Further, that in a cert system, wormlogic is just a particular logic for including cert chains, and is no longer hard-to-implement magic as it was for TLS-like transports.

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 7:48:37 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Mark S. Miller writes:

>> EXCEPT: Hm, wait, it still doesn't solve the hashtable-keys-eq problem.
>> It's not going to be the same structure on the other side, is it?
>> Because if B already has a reference to Carol, is the
>> "Carol-that-you-have-to-wait-to-use" really eq to the
>> "Carol-I-can-already-use"?
>> But wait... that last stated eq-problem seems inescapable within
>> E-ordering desiderata. I can't think of any way that certificates can
>> solve that... I think you basically can't have both the cake and eating
>> of:
>> - Receiving a reference to Carol that is only usable at a future time
>> - Which is also eq to a Carol reference that may already exist
> I didn't follow all of that, but I'll try to summarize:
> Your alternate bookkeeping still does not solve the lost resolution bug.

You are probably right.

> You claim that *any* cert system cannot solve it. Cannot both meet the
> ordering requirements and the eq requirements.
> I claim that a cert chain system can solve it by implementing the
> wormholeOp logic.
> Further, that in a cert system, wormlogic is just a particular logic for
> including cert chains, and is no longer hard-to-implement magic as it was
> for TLS-like transports.

I don't see how this is the case, but maybe it would help to get a sense
of "what would the certificates look like"?

Let's pull up the previous example again:

// alice's perspective

// bob, after getting carol

Now let's look at this as messages sent:

- AtoC: call carol.x()
- AtoB: here's a certificate that gives you access to Carol
(but supposedly not before AtoC's previous message)
- AtoB: then pass that to Bob via bob.y(this-carol-certificate-thing)
- AtoC: call carol.z()

and then when AtoB transfer of Carol completes:

- BtoC: call carol.w()

Once the message that's in-flight from AtoB with the certificate for
Carol, what does the ceritficate look like? Sure, the certificate can
give B access to Carol, but what about the certificate makes sure that
Bob cannot call carol.w() before *Alice's* message of carol.x() has

What is your thought/plan?

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 25, 2020, 7:49:52 PM5/25/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Oops, I did not see this and the following email before I sent my last
one. Will digest before replying :)

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 26, 2020, 12:17:12 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Ok... Baldur helped/saved me here again. I think I finally understand.

My fundamental misunderstanding was about what WormholeOp *was*. As
Baldur said, WormholeOp is kind of ~"VatTPish layer wrapped in CapTP
envelopes"... in a sense, it is a kind of store-and-forward message.

So, starting with this example again:

// alice's perspective

// bob, after getting carol

When Vat A gives Vat B access to Carol on Vat C, there is a
pre-requisite message that Vat A needs to be delivered *first*, the
carol~.x() called by Alice. But just in case Vat B beats Vat A to it,
we encode that same message in such a way that Vat B can deliver it so
Vat B doesn't have to "wait on" Vat A talking to Vat C.

The key other requirement: to preserve Vat B not intentionally breaking
E-order, this use of Carol is "unlocked" *by the delivery of Alice's
carol~.x() call*... but the wormhole op is a idempotent way of
Vat B delivering that message so that Vat B doesn't need to wait.

That's brilliant and I finally get it.

And I agree it can be better done with certificates!

I also think this certificate-like way of doing things can also be
ported to a TLS-like connection (well, disconnects may make things
tricky). But that's not a discussion of immediate concern.

- Chris

Mark S. Miller

May 26, 2020, 2:15:22 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Baldur, that is a great way of explaining it, thanks!

So, starting with this example again:

   // alice's perspective

   // bob, after getting carol

When Vat A gives Vat B access to Carol on Vat C, there is a
pre-requisite message that Vat A needs to be delivered *first*, the
carol~.x() called by Alice.  But just in case Vat B beats Vat A to it,
we encode that same message in such a way that Vat B can deliver it so
Vat B doesn't have to "wait on" Vat A talking to Vat C.

The key other requirement: to preserve Vat B not intentionally breaking
E-order, this use of Carol is "unlocked" *by the delivery of Alice's
carol~.x() call*... but the wormhole op is a idempotent way of
Vat B delivering that message so that Vat B doesn't need to wait.

That's brilliant and I finally get it.

Awesome, thanks!


And I agree it can be better done with certificates!

What's fascinating to me is that the wormholing of provideFor messages serves the same purpose as the SPKI/SDSI...zcap-ld cert chains: So that VatB, when claiming permission to Carol, can prove to VatC that the permission he's claiming was delegating to him by VatA, who legitimately had that permission. However, all these previous cert chain systems would just accumulate unboundedly long cert chains, which are expensive to verify as it costs a public key operation for each element of the chain. By contrast, the wormholing solution aggressively shortens the chains as normal acks are received, always approaching zero depth chains under quiescence. Unless I'm missing something, this is a huge deal. Should zcap-ld be revised to do likewise?


I also think this certificate-like way of doing things can also be
ported to a TLS-like connection (well, disconnects may make things
tricky).  But that's not a discussion of immediate concern.

Yeah. I'm not sure why this never occurred to us at the time. The authenticity of wormholed messages does not need to be established by the same means as the authenticity of messages sent on the direct connection. Had I thought of that at the time, we may not have been scared off of wormholing, and we may not have retreated to accepting the lost resolution bug.

In the new world, ironically, we're talking again of establishing authenticity by the same means on both connections, but now the common means is certs rather than TLS.


 - Chris

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Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 26, 2020, 2:36:14 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com, Dave Longley, Manu Sporny
Mark S. Miller writes:

>> And I agree it can be better done with certificates!
> What's fascinating to me is that the wormholing of provideFor messages
> serves the same purpose as the SPKI/SDSI...zcap-ld cert chains: So that
> VatB, when claiming permission to Carol, can prove to VatC that the
> permission he's claiming was delegating to him by VatA, who legitimately
> had that permission. However, all these previous cert chain systems would
> just accumulate unboundedly long cert chains, which are expensive to verify
> as it costs a public key operation for each element of the chain. By
> contrast, the wormholing solution aggressively shortens the chains as
> normal acks are received, always approaching zero depth chains under
> quiescence. Unless I'm missing something, this is a huge deal. Should
> zcap-ld be revised to do likewise?

You are right, wormholing a provideFor is a nice shortening approach.
I agree that the "growing forever" aspect was really worrying and this
reduces that greatly.

I've spoken with the Digital Bazaar folks before who have also been
interested in shortening. There is an open issue about it:


I think it may be worth asking then: assuming no CapTP and only zcap-ld
usage, what is the generalization?

In the zcap-ld case, if we think of the certificate chain as being
something like:

{delettenuate {delettenuate {delettenuate {delettenuate {target}}}}}

(where "delettenuate" is shorthand for "delegation + attenuation")
what we really want is to reduce this all the way down to:

{delettenuate {target}}

We don't need to think that Alice=>Bob=>Carol=>David=>Ernie=>Frank has
access to Target, we just care that Frank has access to Target now, with
all attenuations compiled.

Here is a way to do it: have a special message type that looks like

{type: ShortenRequest,
chainToShorten: <chain-to-shorten-here>,
signOffByFinalDelegatee: <signature-by-frank>}

This is delievered directly to the <target> of the chain, which
verifying that the chain is valid, returns a fresh zcap-ld chain one
delegation level deep (to Frank), with all attenuations collected (in
the order they would have normally appeared by traversing the chain).

This requires participation by Target to complete the shortening step,
but seems acceptable to me.

Manu/Dave, do you have thoughts?

Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 26, 2020, 2:46:46 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
We've had some very short and under-explored conversations about whether
or not it would be worthwhile for Agoric to support
live-connections-with-disconnects as well as store-and-forward networks
both. I think both are probably important, but priorities on getting
either implemented are different for both Agoric and Goblins' respective
use cases.

But it could be that certificates are the universal path to both, and
that could mean that supporting both also becomes less hard. Probably
the entire protocol can be written to support both, excepting two

- Has something like "sessions", throw exceptions upon severing
- Can use sturdyrefs for "ease" of bootstrapping a connection into
a system

- Basically like a live session that never severs (based on network
activity, severance and restart possible maybe based on protocol
de-syncing in a way that is confusing to recover from or messages
- I suppose... actually if the messages are end-to-end encrypted, even
these can allow sturdyrefs...?!

blockchains and other cant-hold-secret systems:
- I guess only one "session" ever but the auditability of the system
means that it should be possible to figure out how to recover from a
"de-synced session or lost messages"
- Trying to send sturdyrefs to and from these fails at the marshalling
layer (to/from serialized message structure)

What do you think about this?
- Chris

Alan Karp

May 26, 2020, 3:06:52 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
I am "speaking" from memory here, so forgive me if I get something wrong.

E-speak 1.0, as opposed to e-speak Beta, used SPKI certificates with nesting for delegation.  My understanding is that delegation chains never got very long, typically a few but as many as 10.  Even so, the product provided two optimizations.  First, the validator could cache each step of the validation process.  That meant it could skip validating a sub-chain it had already seen.  Second, many of the delegations were made by parties trusted by the validator.  Any un-pealing of the onion could stop once it reached a delegation created by a trusted party.  Also, because they needed to model the e-speak Beta shortening model, there was a way to explicitly request a shortened version, but I had returned to HP Labs at that point and never looked into it.

I have no idea how effective these optimizations were or even if they were used at all.

Alan Karp

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Christopher Lemmer Webber

May 26, 2020, 3:34:54 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Note that if each message in a chain is stored as a merkle tree in a
content-addressed system, it also means that if a chain is
{A {B {C {D {E {F}}}}}}, and B-F has already been seen, only A needs to
be referenced and retrieved... kind of speaking to Alan's caching point.

Bill Frantz

May 26, 2020, 9:06:07 PM5/26/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
On 5/26/20 at 2:15 PM, ma...@agoric.com (Mark S. Miller) wrote:

>However, all these previous cert chain systems would
>just accumulate unboundedly long cert chains, which are expensive to verify
>as it costs a public key operation for each element of the chain.

SPKI addressed this issue with the "Certificate Result
Certificate" which shortened the chain.

From rfc2693

6.6 Certificate Result Certificates

Typically, one will reduce a chain of certificates to answer an
authorization question in one of two forms:

1. Is this Subject, S, allowed to do A, under this ACL and with
this set of certificates?

2. What is Subject S allowed to do, under this ACL and
with this
set of certificates?

The answer to the second computation can be put into a new
certificate issued by the entity doing the computation.
That one
certificate corresponds to the semantics of the underlying
certificates and online test results. We call it a Certificate
Result Certificate.
Bill Frantz | When it comes to the world | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900 | around us, is there any choice | 150
Rivermead Rd #235
www.pwpconsult.com | but to explore? - Lisa Randall |
Peterborough, NH 03458

Christopher Lemmer Webber

Jun 1, 2020, 3:59:05 PM6/1/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Have a better, simpler setup for developing on CapTP than the
complicated thing that was stressing myself out before. Reduced my
setup to just reusing what I had for prototyping. Maybe more on that
later. Anyway I am making some progress, though this email isn't about

This email is about sturdyrefs and "connections" between vats/machines!
Just some thoughts that have been spinning around in my head as I

- I don't really seem to see a formalized term for a "connection" or
"session" between vats defined somewhere, but presumably if a
connection gets severed, there should be one. "Connection" seems to
be the most common one.

- I still suspect that even two live store-and-forward vats/machines
communicating need some concept of a connection/session in case
something goes badly and that connection needs to be killed and
restarted. I've sketched in some code about starting a new
connection/session and that implicitly killing the old one. Wonder
if others have had thoughts about this.

- I had wondered how much explicit session management should be a
thing. Need there be only one active session/connection at a time
between vats/machines? Clearly yes, otherwise else your shortening
and etc isn't really going to work right...

- Should sending a message to a sturdyref with <- "just work"? I kind
of feel like "no", you should need some kind of reference to some
object that *allows* you to "enliven" a sturdyref into a live
(far/remote) reference as a first step. So something like:

(on (<- remoteLocator 'enliven bob-sturdy-ref)
(lambda (bob)
(<- bob 'hello)))

Obviously this can be chained via promise pipelining to something

(define bob-vow
(<- remoteLocator 'enliven bob-sturdy-ref))
(<- bob-vow 'hello)

And that's nice and all.

Obviously the alternative is, allow everyone to dereference:

(<- bob-sturdy-ref 'hello)

I dunno, PoLA seems to suggest that *maybe* not everyone ought to be
able to lookup global sturdyrefs. But maybe that's a goofy place to
split that hair... it does require an extra step in some places. Has
anyone ever taken this approach? I don't know of anyone else doing so.

But hey, maybe you want that extra step... sturdy refs seem kind of
quasi-dangerous and I'd love to know where in my system I'm using

One advantage of this approach is that it also means that sturdy refs
need not be first class in your system. They are something that can
be layered in.

A similar question is whether or not you require a capability to
*create* a sturdy-ref. Seems to me that this one at least is "yes".

Blah blah blah, more code less rambling!
- Chris

Jonathan A Rees

Jun 1, 2020, 4:59:53 PM6/1/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com

I find "TP" for "transport protocol" in the computer networks sense in a google books search going back to about 1977.  SMTP (RFC 788, Postel 1981) was the killer app TP, I believe.

On 5/18/20 9:32 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
Don't forget ftp. Actually, feel free to forget it ;)

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:02 PM Baldur Jóhannsson <zaru...@gmail.com> wrote:
True Paper! No, seriously, it stands for Transport Protocol.

Suspect it was inspired by the Hyper-Text Transport Protocol.

And it had nothing to do with the other kind of TP that stores ran into shortage of.


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Alan Karp

Jun 1, 2020, 7:08:43 PM6/1/20
to cap-...@googlegroups.com
Christopher Lemmer Webber <cwe...@dustycloud.org> wrote:

   But hey, maybe you want that extra step... sturdy refs seem kind of
   quasi-dangerous and I'd love to know where in my system I'm using

Sturdy refs have to be protected in ways that live refs don't.  A passive attacker* who reads a sturdy ref can use it to get a live ref and invoke the object.  A passive attacker who reads a live ref gains no privileges.  That was the point of my "Unforgeable Distributed Capabilities" talk.  I prefer to think of a sturdy ref as a credential that you exchange to get a capability, rather than being a capability itself.

* A passive attacker can read from a channel between two other parties but not affect its contents in any way.

Alan Karp
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