Hello all,
After trying to install Canvas on a local machine, i gave up at some point. It would have been fantastic if somebody had a video of the installation. (if there is indeed such a video, please let us know, thank you)
However, I stumbled onto turnkeylinux's canvas and was able to install in lesser than 20 minutes. (I first tested with Amazon s3, then grabbed the ISO and followed the few prompts).
I now understand that the turnkey's version installed on Debian with MySQL and I will be tied to turnkey's updates.
Is there any Issue I need to be aware of before I plunge into make this installation live for production? Do you recommend this recourse or do you think I should rather go back to trying to follow through on installing it fresh as per original instructions?
Your advices please!!
||though: why can't we have such as simplified version for canvas too... like turnkeylinux, packaged into a ready to install ISO? with all the packages, dependencies, configurations built right in, with a few prompts to fill in the domain and password variables alone||
Thank you.