Dear Ray,
Thanks for your advise very much.
Follow your suggestion, I tried to use a fixed grid to let the post-flame region resolved as well.
Consequently, the temperaure converged to the adiabatic flame temperature successfully, and a natural flame propagation was retrieved! (Fig.1 and 2)
It seems that the adaptive grid refinement reduce the grid points at the stationary post-flame region, and this region becomes underresolved.
In this simulation, I fixed the initial grid domain (0.0 m to 0.1 m) with spatial interval (dx = 1.d0-5 m), and the time interval was dt = 1.0d-7 s.
regridStepInterval used a fairly large value (like 1000000) to let the adaptive grid refinement do not work. The detailed configurations are in the attached file.
The simulation ran about half an hour. (not bad for me)
I have also tried to simulate an extreme case (with a tiny time step (1.d0-9 s) and refined the grid every time step).
In this case, the superadiabatic temperatures can be suppressed and became close to fig.1 and fig.2, but not as good as these results.
2024年6月22日土曜日 3:14:07 UTC+9 Ray Speth: