Hi Ismael,
The molar volume should be specified as part of the equation-of-state field, not the thermo field, as described here. A full definition for a condensed phase species with a constant volume should look something like:
- name: C6H6(L) composition: {C: 6, H: 6} thermo: model: NASA7 temperature-ranges: [278.68, 500.0] data: - [63.6690229, -0.600534398, 2.6679281e-03, -5.06308828e-06, 3.63955562e-09, -1670.85472, -243.891797] note: X10/86 equation-of-state: model: constant-volume molar-volume: 0.08910Setting the molar volume this way, I am able to run your test script with either the ideal-condensed or ideal-solution-VPSS thermo model.