I don't know if it was special for the Cat but the Cats
sold in the US came with printers, as a package.
The Cat has several possible printers that you can use with
it but all but one are Canon printers.
The one is for the generic FX type pin head printer.
One can write drives for other printers but it uses some disk
I've written one for HP pcl5.0.
It doesn't support all of the special fonts but is OK for most
Of course, one could expand it.
The printer is rare. Most people that bought these for
business use bought better quality printers, like the better
daisy wheels or bubble jet printer.
Just as a note of warning. The disk drives used are not generic.
They can not be easily replaced.
Even with a wiring adapter, it requires a disk drive with the drive-ready
signal. Most 3.5 inch drive used on PCs ( I think from around the
286 time frame ) no longer supported drive-ready.
The reason I mention this is that the nylon tab that holds the
guide rail for the heads will eventually fail.
It will jam the disk in the drive. If you force the disk from the
drive, it will rip the head off, destroying the drive.
You can either fix the drive now or wait until it fail and hopefully
remember to not yank the disk out.