Moving / Recreating the Canon Cat Groups File Archvie on

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Jon P

Jan 30, 2016, 12:47:52 AM1/30/16
to Canon Cat
Hi All,

From reading through this groups backlog it seems that you pulled together the best collection of documents, source code, roms, compilers, etc on the Canon Cat and Swyftcard. But thanks to google's short shortsightedness this archive is now bit-rotted. Most of the documents seem to have survived thanks to vitorio's but the everything else is in a bad state.

I'm looking for the tForth compiler, any source code, the EPROMS for the Swyftcard, or anything you think may be missing. I'm hoping someone has a copy of the file page prior to the shutdown.

I'm going to do the leg work to collate anything I receive and put together a collection on


P.S. seems to be the most reliable place to host this material, I'm open to other / mirroring on many locations.


Jan 30, 2016, 11:17:12 AM1/30/16

I have the code on the EPROM.

I have a disk from Sandy that might have a tForth compiler on it but

haven't had time to look into it. I'm not even sure about what machine

it might run on. It could be anything from Apple II, Mac or even PC.

I don't believe I have any source code for the card.

I have assorted stuff for the Cat.


From: <> on behalf of Jon P <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Canon Cat
Subject: [Canon Cat] Moving / Recreating the Canon Cat Groups File Archvie on
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Jan 30, 2016, 12:18:47 PM1/30/16
to Canon Cat
In the 5.2GB collection (that became, there were two files describing most of the contents.  Besides the research papers and the document marked "Apple Confidential," is there anything that shouldn't be made public?

** Cat Stuff
** Source code with disk breaks to deal with spaces that have replaced tabs
** Source code with spaces instead of tabs. Too big for Cat to save.
 Tabbed source notes.pdf
 Cat disk b1 orignal.pdf ** B1 original in PDF
 Cat disk b1 tabbed.pdf  ** B! with tabs
** Must load first before loading and compiling source.
** Terry Forth used in Cat may have slight differenced in address.
 tForth Manual OCR.pdf
** Compiled images of Cat's rev 2.40 from source
** Connecting additional Static RAM for compiling without Shadow Board
 RAM_FIX.jpg  ** schematic showing the connections of Static RAM
 RAM_FIX.txt  ** Text describing how to connect Static RAM
 Ram_Installed.jpg  ** Shows installed static RAM
 SocketWires.jpg  ** shows wiring for Static RAM
 shadow RAM board.jpg  ** picture of static RAM board used by IAI
** Cat manuals
 Cat Editor Reference OCR.pdf.gz
 Cat How-to Guide OCR.pdf.gz
 Cat Instruction Manual OCR.pdf.gz
 Cat Quick Reference OCR.pdf.gz
 cat_card.pdf ** Reference pdf in color
 Cat Repair Manual OCR.pdf
 Cat Schenatics.pdf
 Cat Components.pdf
** Text Dwight wrote on early exploring the Cat
 ForthInside.txt  ** early Cat code exploring and simple printer driver.
** Later work having the source code and editing the source to include HP Printer.
 CatwithHP.tar.gz ** Source and images of 2.40 with HP printer driver.
** Most common cause of disk failure
 flop2.jpg  ** shows fixed bar clamp
 flop3.jpg  ** shows broken piece bar clamp
** Assorted pictures of drive, disassembled
** Adapter to use standard PD 3.5 drive
 Cat2Flop.pdf  ** adapter to regular flops
 extrnflp.jpg  ** two drives using regular drives
** Cat keyboard innner parts
 keybrd.jpg  ** shows wiper and plunger of inside key switch
** Misc Cat
 CatDiskDIM.gif  ** emulator error message
 Canon Cat boot times.jpg
** Swyft stuff & SwyftWare stuff & SwyftCard
 Swyft Quick Reference Card2.jpg
 Swyft Quick Reference OCR.pdf.gz
 SWYFTPIN.txt  ** pinout on back of Swyft computer
 Swyfts & Cats.jpg  ** Photo of Sandies Cats and Swyfts
 **  syftcard stuff
 swftcrd.bin  ** ROM for SwyftCard
 swftcrd.hex  ** ROM for SwyftCard
 SWYFT3.PAL  ** JEDIC source for PAL to Swyft Card
 Swyft SwyftCard SwytWare debug note 1.jpg  ** original notes
 Swyft SwyftCard SwytWare debug note 2.jpg  ** more notes
 SWYFTf1.jpg  ** picture of SwyftCard Front
 SWYFTb.jpg  ** Picture of SwyftCard Back
 SwyftCardAd OCR.pdf.gz
 SwyftCard Manual OCR.pdf.gz
 SwyftWare Manual pp 1&2.jpg
 SwyftCard Patent OCR.pdf.gz
 SwyftWare Patent OCR.pdf.gz
** Misc stuff
 t4pc.txt ** TForth for PC ( Terry Forth )
 ASUS Keyboard.jpg
 Raskin Articles OCR.pdf
 Raskin Correspondence OCR.pdf
 MemorialInvitation.pdf ** Dave Bulton RIP
 First light.jpg  ** Dave B. Dev system
 IAI timeline notes.txt
 Screen shot.jpg

./Canon Cat
./Canon Cat/Cat Command Specification.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat Component Drawings.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Dealer Marketing.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Editor Documentation.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Editor Documentation.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat Forth Inside.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat Hardware Schematics.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat How-to Guide Color.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat How-to Guide.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Leap and a Two-Part Cursor.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Leap and a Two-Part Cursor.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat Leap Cursor Movement.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat On-Line Help.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat On-Line Tutorial.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat On-Line Tutorial.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat Quick Reference Card Color.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Quick Reference Card One.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Quick Reference Card Two.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Reference Guide Color.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Reference Guide.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Spiritual Heir to Macintosh.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat tForth Documentation.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat tForth Documentation.txt
./Canon Cat/Cat User's Notes.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Word Count.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Work Processor.pdf
./Canon Cat/Cat Workshop Manual.pdf
./Canon Cat/The Humane Interface.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Canon Cat/Using the Canon Cat.pdf [PUBLISH SPECIALY]
./Cat P7 Prototype
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 02-09-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 02-14-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 03-15-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 03-22-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 05-25-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 07-26-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 07-27-88.txt
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 Photo 1.jpg
./Cat P7 Prototype/Cat P7 Photo 2.jpg
./Cat Programming
./Cat Programming/68000 Family Reference.pdf
./Cat Programming/68000 Instruction Set.pdf
./Cat Programming/68000 User's Manual r8.pdf
./Cat Programming/68000 User's Manual r9.pdf
./Cat Programming/And so Forth.pdf
./Cat Programming/BYTE Forth Language.pdf
./Cat Programming/FORTH-83 Standard.pdf
./Cat Programming/Jupiter Ace FORTH.pdf
./Cat Programming/Programming Forth.pdf
./Cat Programming/Searching Boyer-Moore.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Cat Programming/Searching Horspool.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Cat Programming/Starting FORTH.pdf
./Cat Programming/Thinking FORTH.pdf
./Cat Programming/Tuning Boyer-Moore-Horspool.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface
./Computer Interface/About Face 3.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Affordance and Symmetry.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Affordance, Conventions and Design.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Categorization of Action Slips.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Crimes Against the Interface.pdf
./Computer Interface/Design of Everyday Things.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Design Principles for HC Interfaces.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Design Rules Based on Human Error.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Designing Interfaces 2nd Ed.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Designing Interfaces.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Down With GUIs.pdf
./Computer Interface/Errors in Human Performance.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Evaluation of Text Editors 1981.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Evaluation of Text Editors 1982.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Functional Affordances.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/HCD Considered Harmful.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Holes in History.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Human Interface Guidelines.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Humane Interface Review (SIGCHI).pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Intuitive Equals Familiar.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Living with Complexity.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Mode Confusion.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Mode Error Prevention.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Moded and Modeless Text Editing.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Slaves of Fashion.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Slips of the Mind.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Software Engineering for UI.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Steps Toward a Cognitive Engineering.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Technology Affordances.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Text Retrieval Systems.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/User Centered System Design.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Computer Interface/Will Computers Ever Become Easy.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Apple Confidential.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Raskin Miscellaneous/BookScan Originals [DO NOT PUBLISH DIRECTORY]
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 3.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 4.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 5.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 6.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad 7.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Ad.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Battery.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Photo 1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Canon Cat Photo 2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/A0.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/A0SCODE174.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/A0SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/A1.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/A1SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Apple2ESwyftCardEmul.image.sit
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/ASUS keyboard.JPG
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/B0.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/B0SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/B1.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/B1SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/C0.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/C0SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/C1.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/C1SCODE240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Canon Cat boot times.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/canon-cat-files-index.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Components.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat disk b1 original.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat disk b1 tabbed.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Editor Reference OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat How-to Guide OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Instruction Manual OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Quick Reference OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Reference Guide OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Repair Manual OCR.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat Schematics.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Cat2Flop.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_card.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive001.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive002.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive003.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive004.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive005.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive006.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive007.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive008.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive009.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive010.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive011.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive012.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive013.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/cat_drive014.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/CatDiskDIM.GIF
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/CatWeb.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/CatwithHP.tar.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/D0.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/extrnflp.JPG
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/First light.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/flop2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/flop3.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/ForthInside.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/IAI timeline notes.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/keybrd.JPG
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/MemorialInvitation.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/R240H0.S
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/R240H1.S
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/R240L0.S
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/R240L1.S
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/RAM_FIX.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/RAM_FIX.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Ram_Installed.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Raskin Articles OCR.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Raskin Correspondence OCR.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/REVIVAL2.TXT
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Screen shot.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/shadow RAM board.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SocketWires.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyft Quick Reference Card 1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyft Quick Reference Card 2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyft Quick Reference OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyft SwyftCard SwyftWare debug note 1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyft SwyftWare SwyftCard debug note 2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SWYFT3.PAL
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftCard Ad OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftCard Manual OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftCard Patent OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftCardMan.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SWYFTPIN.TXT
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Swyfts & Cats.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftWare Manual pp 1&2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/SwyftWare Patent OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/t4pc.TXT
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/Tabbed source notes.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/TCOMPLR240.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat/tForth Manual OCR.pdf.gz
./Raskin Miscellaneous/canon-cat-files-index.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Catform.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Correspondence.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Introduction.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Marketing.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Marketing.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Portable.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Cat Reference Card Color OCR.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Chrome Search 1.png
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Chrome Search 2.png
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Chrome Search 3.png
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Chrome Search 4.png
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Apple 2 SwyftCard - BYTE review.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Apple 2 SwyftCard - Patent 1989.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Canon Cat - Real Mac.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT ARTICLE
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT ARTICLE/Canon Cat Article.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT ARTICLE/Cat Article 1994 web.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 93_07_11 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 94_06_29 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 94_07_09 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 94_07_24 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 94_12_26 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_03_xx Bickford JR.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_04_10 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_05_20 inhatko.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_05_21 clapp.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_07_31 mckenna.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_04 lau.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_04 mckenna.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_04 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_04 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_05 rose.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_09_06 espinosa.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_10_01 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_10_22 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 95_11_03 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_12 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_14 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_14 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_16 ezra.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_16 springer.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_17 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_17 springer.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_20 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_22 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_01_25 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_09 orchant.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_12 orchant.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_16 wing.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_17 orchant.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_17 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_19 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_20 orchant.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_22 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_22 bum2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_22 wagner.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_22 wing.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_22 wing2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_24 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_26 wing.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_28 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_02_29 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_02_29 bum2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_01 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_03 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_04 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_05 springer.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_09 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_11 rask horn.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_03_12 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_03_15 bum.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_04_14 springer.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_04_15 craig2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_04_15 springer.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_04_17 cowart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/Cat 96_04_18 cowart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_04_19 cowart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_05_30 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_05_30 raskin2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_06_24 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_06_27 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_07 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_09 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_10 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_11 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_11 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_12 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_16 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_22 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_27 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_07_31 straus.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_03 raskin.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_14 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_14 stewart2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_14 stewart3.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_14 stewart4.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_15 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_15 stewart2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_15 stewart3.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_16 stewart.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/CAT CORRESPONDENCE/cat 96_08_16 stewart2.pdf
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/IAI FILES/ROM240.2CB
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Mac History - Canon Cat 2.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Mac History - Canon Cat 3.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/MISC CAT OR RASKIN
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/MISC CAT OR RASKIN/RaskinWidgetsofWeek.pdf
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/MISC CAT OR RASKIN/RskinInterfaceParadox2.pdf
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/Raskin Documents.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS/Jef Raskin Patent 4003155.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS/Jef Raskin Patent 4171855.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS/Jef Raskin Patent 4196652.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS/Jef Raskin Patent 5019806.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RASKIN PATENTS/Raskin 5019806.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc001.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc002.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc003.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc004.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc005.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc006.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc007.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc008.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc009.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc010.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc016.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc017.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc018.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc019.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc020.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc022.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc025.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc028.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc029.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc031.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc032.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc034.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc036.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc037.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc038.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc040.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc041.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc042.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc043.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc044.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc045.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc046.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc047.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc048.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc050.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc051.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc052.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc053.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc055.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc056.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc057.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc059.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc060.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc061.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc062.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc067.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc068.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc069.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/RaskinDoc073.pdf
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/SWYFTCARD STUFF/Raskin - SwyftCard info.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/SWYFTCARD STUFF/SwyftCard BYTE review.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/swyftcard_manual.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Fifteen Years of Mac.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Humane Interface TOC.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Humane Interface.pdf [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/Cat Concept Art.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/Cat1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/Cat2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/Cat3.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/Cat4.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcept10.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcept4.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcept5.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcept7.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcept9.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAConcepts8.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAIConcept1.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAIConcept2.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Concept Art/IAIConcept3.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Logo.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/IAI Typeface.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Leap Cursor Movement.pdf
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./Raskin Miscellaneous/Pseudomodes.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Raskin History.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Raskin Interview.txt
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Raskin Mac Editor.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Raskin Widgets.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft and the Cat.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -499.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -501.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -502.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -505.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -518.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -519.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -520.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -522.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -524.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -532.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -534.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -535.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -536.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -537.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/Swyft Prototype/A -538.jpg
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals [DO NOT PUBLISH DIRECTORY]
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS110.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS1B4.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS1B8.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS1BC.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS1C0.pdf
./Raskin Miscellaneous/SwyftCard Originals/eDS5D.pdf
./Raskin Software
./Raskin Software/Archy_build-124.exe
./Raskin Software/Cat Emulator [DO NOT PUBLISH DIRECTORY]
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Disk
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Disk/SWYFT.JPG
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Disk/SWYFT.po
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Disk/SWYFT02.SHK
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Disk/SwyftCard
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/apple.bmp
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/APPLE.EXE
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/APPLE.ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/APPLE2.ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/APPLE2C.ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/APPLE2E.ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/DISK.ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/SWYFT.IMG
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/SWYFT.TXT
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard Emulator/Windows
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM/ [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM/Hex [DO NOT PUBLISH]
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM/SWYFT3.PAL
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM/SwyftCard ROM Image.bin
./Raskin Software/SwyftCard ROM/SwyftCard ROM
./Raskin Software/tForth32
./Raskin Software/tForth32/addons.txt
./Raskin Software/tForth32/mytForth.exe
./Raskin Software/tForth32/pro.exe
./Raskin Software/tForth32/prose.blk
./Raskin Software/tForth32/readme.txt
./Raskin Software/tForth32/tForth.exe
./Raskin Software/tForth32/
./Raskin Software/tForth32/wishlist.txt
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard A+.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Ad.jpg
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard BYTE.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard DDJ.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Errata.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Manual.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Notes.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Patent.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Reference.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftCard Tutorial.txt
./SwyftCard/SwyftWare Errata.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftWare Manual.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftWare Patent.pdf
./SwyftCard/SwyftWare Reference.pdf
./THE Specifications
./THE Specifications/Manual 37.txt
./THE Specifications/Manual 42.txt
./THE Specifications/Manual 44.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 50.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 60.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 63.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 69.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 77.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 84 04.txt
./THE Specifications/Specification 84 05.txt


Jan 30, 2016, 12:20:40 PM1/30/16
to Canon Cat
Whoops, looks like that got cut off, here's the next part:


Jan 30, 2016, 12:21:30 PM1/30/16
to Canon Cat
And the next:

Charles Springer

Jan 30, 2016, 1:17:23 PM1/30/16
Wow! It can take as long to read all that as it took to design in the first place!

FYI, for those who do not know, Paul Baker came from Apple in the time of Steve Jobs absence then went back. He is now the head of all desktop hardware at Apple. And I hear everything else they do goes across his desk for approval. He is the top engineer at the biggest company with the highest profits in history! I marveled at his trouble shooting, design, and organizational skills back then. He is a very nice guy who had little interest in dwelling on the negative and it would be really interesting to get his opinions on he design constraints imposed by Jef, working with the Koreans, and then Canon.

Charlie Springer

P.S. On eBay I see the computer museum is selling a Cat he bought from me several years ago. I guess he's keeping the printer. Maybe he found a nicer unit. Auction back then was very slow. I believe he got it for $350 much to my surprise.

Is it time to start selling my old stuff? IMSAI 8080. Rockwell System 65 and AIM-65's. Apple IIe NIB? Mac IIci, Apple IIgs with Apple RGB monitor, etc. Is the bay boom downsizing and clearing out these old relics and are younger enthusiasts buying them for serious prices? I'm afraid before long it will be like trying to sell a Remington Typewriter to a baby boom computer lover. (Also got a Swyft and a transparent Swyft prototype with the small CRT. I hoped I would have a place to display all this if my business grew enough - which it has not. Maybe backdrop for tutorial videos and such).


Feb 1, 2016, 1:01:15 AM2/1/16

There are many of these that I have not seen. Your web page doesn't

seem to have pointers to many of them.

I see you have source code for the 1.74 as well. That seems to be the

most common released version I've seen.


From: <> on behalf of Vitorio <>
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:20 AM
To: Canon Cat
Subject: Re: [Canon Cat] Moving / Recreating the Canon Cat Groups File Archvie on

Jonathan Gevaryahu

Feb 1, 2016, 1:03:29 AM2/1/16
Wow, that is a LOT more files than I archived back in the day.
Including 1.74 source code! I'd LOVE to see that...

Jonathan Gevaryahu

Feb 1, 2016, 10:49:59 PM2/1/16
The 32bit 'for windows' tforth can be found at
A 16 bit and 64 bit executable supposedly existed at some point but unclear what happened to them.

Jonathan Gevaryahu

Feb 2, 2016, 12:27:35 AM2/2/16
On 1/30/2016 12:18 PM, Vitorio wrote:
> ./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/IAI FILES
Pretty much everything in that directory is very much wanted; theres
what looks like it could be a dump of the lost Cat Tutor disk and the
Demo Disk in there, as well as the missing 1.74 source code.

Honestly, I'd just post the whole archive on IA, and "black out" (set
the 'forbidden to share' flag) on the documents which are not supposed
to be public. That way, in the future, maybe they can eventually become
public one day and won't be outright lost.

Charles Springer

Feb 2, 2016, 1:50:43 AM2/2/16
The Tutor and Demo are missing? Hmmmm. I have a bunch of diskette's around somewhere with red ribbon glued to them (it hung out of the drive about 6 inches) so they would not get accidentally shipped. A whole batch were tutors and demos used in the test period where Stanford admin used Cats for a semester. I have a Cat I can check them on. They might all be test suite full of Forth.

-- Charlie


Feb 2, 2016, 10:02:50 AM2/2/16

Did they use real Cat's at Stanford or Swyfts?

I don't know if the disk are compatible between the two.


From: <> on behalf of Charles Springer <>
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Canon Cat] Moving / Recreating the Canon Cat Groups File Archvie on

Charles Springer

Feb 2, 2016, 11:04:53 AM2/2/16
They were the first batch of Cats. That is how I found the only serious bug I know of in the Cat interface. The users were putting in new disks in the morning and finding yesterday's stuff on their screen and saved to the new disk. Very confusing for them and for me.

I'm trying to remember because the team was so immersed in the interface that it took about 2 hours to convince Jef and everyone else there was a problem and that I knew what it was. They already KNEW how it was supposed to work and could not see what was wrong.

IIRC it was a feature of Copyup. The cat thought you wanted to put a new copy of whatever it had when a disk was ejected, onto a new disk. I found one solution and it was awkward and embarrassing. A rule that when you get a new pack of diskettes you write a blank document (Cat environment) with at lest one letter and then "Disk" each new disk (Does a copyup of your new doc I think). Next time you use one the Cat sees it as already in use and will not do a copyup and acts like expected - but you need to delete that one character when you start using the diskette.

You can imagine Jef was really reluctant to face up to this faux pa.

-- Charlie


Feb 2, 2016, 11:14:18 AM2/2/16

A feature, not a bug. &#X1f601


Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 8:04 AM


Feb 2, 2016, 6:02:57 PM2/2/16
to Canon Cat
Since we're talking about "missing" stuff, I've never seen a copy of the Apple II software-only version of the Swyftcard.


Jonathan Gevaryahu

Feb 2, 2016, 6:06:31 PM2/2/16
I know of one person who has a copy, and am working on getting it eventually imaged. The disk is copy protected, of course...
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Jon P

Feb 2, 2016, 6:56:51 PM2/2/16
to Canon Cat

I've uploaded the v1.7.4 code here


On Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 11:03:29 PM UTC-7, Jonathan Gevaryahu wrote:
Wow, that is a LOT more files than I archived back in the day.
Including 1.74 source code! I'd LOVE to see that...

On 2/1/2016 1:01 AM, dwight wrote:

There are many of these that I have not seen. Your web page doesn't

seem to have pointers to many of them.

I see you have source code for the 1.74 as well. That seems to be the

most common released version I've seen.



Jon P

Feb 2, 2016, 6:57:32 PM2/2/16
to Canon Cat
Thanks for the tforth compiler.


Jon P

Feb 2, 2016, 7:10:27 PM2/2/16
to Canon Cat

On Monday, February 1, 2016 at 10:27:35 PM UTC-7, Jonathan Gevaryahu wrote:
Honestly, I'd just post the whole archive on IA, and "black out" (set
the 'forbidden to share' flag) on the documents which are not supposed
to be public. That way, in the future, maybe they can eventually become
public one day and won't be outright lost.

I agree with Jonathan given the age of these files I don't think anyone from apple or canon will care. The worst that can happen is getting a take down notice. The only thing that I'd hedge on is if there is any personal correspondence in those files.

Jonathan Gevaryahu

Feb 2, 2016, 7:37:35 PM2/2/16
the file A0SCODE1.74 is only 1/8th of the canon cat v1.74 source code.
The source code was on four 3.5" diskettes, each with 2 sides (the cats used for development used 2-sided floppy drives, while released consumer cats used a single sided drive)
Since the cat treats each disk side as a separate 'file', there should be 8 files total:

These files do apparently exist in Vitorio's 5.1GB archive (in the ./Raskin Miscellaneous/DTC Cat/IAI FILES/1.74 Source directory), but do not seem to be public otherwise, except for A0SCODE1.74.
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Jon P

Feb 3, 2016, 11:33:23 AM2/3/16
to Canon Cat

Take a look at

These files are present


But these files are missing

There is a copy of D0 in formatted with spaces instead of tabs.

This code is from a copy Vitorio though was the 1.7.4. source code. It must have been a partial copy.



Feb 3, 2016, 3:10:14 PM2/3/16

It may have been the original 2.40 code before it was expanded

by me to the extra disk files, so it would fit on the.

John Bumgarner also made a set with the spaces collapsed

as well.

Someplace in the files will be the text 1.74, 2.40 or something.

I don't have the files on a unix box but a quick search by someone

with a grep would tell what they were.

The 2.40 was in three forms.

1. Tabs expanded to spaces

2. Excess spaces removed ( what John did )

3. Number of disk unpacked to more disk to fit memory ( what I did )


Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 8:33 AM
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