Query regarding 170.315(b)(2)

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I. V. Chandra Mouli

Feb 3, 2020, 9:12:52 AM2/3/20
to onc-jira-...@healthit.gov, edge-tes...@googlegroups.com, transport-t...@googlegroups.com, erx-test...@googlegroups.com, hl7v2-la...@googlegroups.com, hl7v2-reportab...@googlegroups.com, hl7v2-syndr...@googlegroups.com, hl7v2-immuniz...@googlegroups.com, cancer-reg-...@googlegroups.com, ONC.Cert...@hhs.gov

Hi Team,


For 170.315(b)(2) requirement, ICSALbas is asking for Referral note document type. But ETT tool is expecting CCD Type document only. Due to this ICSALBas is failing this requirement.  


When I try to validate with Referral note in ETT, I am getting error like, CCD type document is required. Please see the attached file.



Could you please help me to fix this issue?


Best Regards,

Chandra Mouli | Senior QA Manager -Delivery

Direct:+91 (80) 42667709|Cell: +91 9158925082

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