ONC Health IT Certification Program Roundtable Call

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Blumenthal, Wendy J. (CDC/DDNID/NCCDPHP/DCPC)

Feb 5, 2021, 12:58:40 PM2/5/21
to cancer-reg-...@googlegroups.com

Hello All,


We’re planning to update the § 170.315(f)(4) cancer report validator testing tool hosted on the “NIST 2015 Edition ONC Health IT Certification Test Tools” this afternoon to the new version from the CDC GitHub. See description and motivation for this change from the § 170.315(f)(4) CCG below. This will result in a downtime on the NIST Cancer Report Validator testing tool today (2/5) from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET.


Excerpt from § 170.315(f)(4) CCG: In order to mitigate potential interoperability errors and inconsistent implementation of the HL7 CDA® Release 2 Implementation Guide: Reporting to Public Health Cancer Registries from Ambulatory Healthcare Providers, Release 1, DSTU Release 1.1 – US Realm, ONC assesses, approves, and incorporates corrections (Errata) as part of required testing and certification to this criterion. Compliance with the following corrections are necessary because they implement updates to vocabularies, update rules for cardinality and conformance statements, and promote proper exchange of C-CDA documents. There is a 90-day delay from the time the CCG has been updated with the ONC-approved corrections to when compliance with the corrections will be required to pass testing. Similarly, there will be an 18-month delay before a finding of a correction’s absence in certified health IT during surveillance would constitute a non-conformity under the Program.


Thank you!


ONC Health IT Certification Program



Wendy Blumenthal, MPH

Health Scientist

Cancer Surveillance Branch (CSB)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Phone: 770-488-1131

Email: wblum...@cdc.gov




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