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An Anglophobic Coalition of the Multicultural Damned

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Aug 19, 2013, 4:38:26 PM8/19/13
Sulking helps the multicultural robopath to ward
off minor threats from reality, but cannot deal
with full assaults. The brittle bravado seen in
the totally conforming globalist fool, is no match
for the speeding locomotive of material reality.
Any attempt by a society to seize imaginary
treasure by importation of third world chaos,
inevitably destroys the real treasures they had.
Overpopulation, poverty, crowding, homelessness,
violence and species extinction are not treasures.
It was claimed that plague immigration would
maximize the economic benefits and quality of life
in Australia, yet it has done the opposite for
most Australians. Even a halfwit could have seen
that coming.

Before we knew it, our political quislings
presented us with a mythical globalist Paradise
where all our traditions and understandings would
be safely "deconstructed" or replaced by waves of
imported scab labour from the third world. We know
that the main problem is plague immigration, the
cancer which expresses its tyranny by reducing
everything to the level of the third world. This
is an insectoidal malignancy for breeding locusts.
It's sickening to watch the sucking property
parasites swarm all over the plague immigration
invasion, just like the pimps they really are.
They demonstrate the futility of honest toil in a
nation of greasy multicultural gangsters.

Funny how Rudd accused Howard of creating a skills
shortage and Rudd's solution was not to train
Australians, but to replace them with cheap
imported labour bonded to their masters. Enjoy the
outsourced Australian future. Our corrupt
politicians expertly misuse the dark possibilities
of globalism. They know how to whip up imbecilic
enthusiasms, and there is no act of cowardice and
treason that is beneath them. It is terrifying to
give the future to these lunatics. On purely
pragmatic grounds, it is crazy to make a country
an unpleasant place to live, to overcrowd it, to
overwhelm the infrastructure, and make it even
more reliant on importing goods because it cannot
sustain, employ, or house its own people.

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