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Some Doctrines of the Assembly of the Divine Creator - Karaite Noahide Fellowship

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May 22, 2016, 3:02:33 AM5/22/16
Assembly of the Divine Creator Rainbow Bible

The Book of the Divine Creator
By Daniel
© 6173 SC

Verse 1
For Hope is indeed the greatest of the virtues. For Hope always believes, even when all things seem lost, when all things seem forsaken, when all things seem as if heaven itself is determined to destroy your very soul, Hope still believes. And as that Hope endures, peace, life, love, faith and joy come forth, born from the strength of Hope, enshrouding the soul of the child of God with Glory. For children of the Assembly of the Divine Creator are eternal children of Hope, never giving up in their belief that God will always be their for them, hoping for bright eternal promises to give them the consolation their souls truly desire.

Verse 2
For Peace is Hopes firstborn child, born of the Hope for better days, beyond the wars, trials and tribulations of the children of men. Peace is what Hope has always longed for, desiring its blessing to enshroud the heart with eternal joys of friendship and kindness, even with those who were once their bitterest enemies. Peace flows eternally, from the heart of God, like a river of purest ecstasy, refreshing the heart and giving eternal consolation under even the most difficult of circumstance.

Verse 3
And Life, New Life, is the second born child of Hope, New life, born into a world of Peace, in which Hope has found its glory in the new world of life eternal. Life begins anew, flowing from the heart of God indeed, growing each day, brightening the heart, brightening the mind, brightening the soul, Life, in all its splendid vibrancy and enchantment, Life to make the joys of each and every day an eternal consolation from the Hope and Peace from which it has sprung forth.

Verse 4
And Pure Love, the third-born. For in the new life of glory, what more could one possibly desire to seek than the gentlest touch of Love’s pure heart. For in the death of violence and bitterness, those things which the eternal power of peace has vanquished, love can be resurrected in even the most bitter of hearts, born anew, born to life eternal, and growing each and every day in the beauty which flows from God the creator, the source of eternal and blessed love.

Verse 5
And then faith is restored, growing again. For love has touched its deepest heart, reminding it that once, when lost in misery and despair, hope almost forsaken, that faith can be rekindled even in the darkest of hearts. For faith moves us onwards, propels us ever onwards, trusting in the eternal Lord of Glory, trusting in the divine creator to bless us and give us the eternal joys and gifts of heaven which our deepest yearnings so truly desire, all born from the gift of faith, believing and trusting in our eternal lord.

Verse 6
And the fifth-born, the greatest consolation, born from enduring hope and the remaining virtues, blessed and pure joy. Joy which gives us those moments were everything is perfect, were we cry to the heavenlies that everything is good in the world, that everything is right, that life is rolling along in divine perfection and that all things are as they should be. And that joy bursts open within us, giving us the greatest sensations of our lives, making us never forget the eternal and loving divine creator who has brought us to be.

Verse 7
And then, the virtues of life, the foundational virtues being in place, we grow and develop, continuing to learn each and every day of those eternal principles of life which embellish and grant ever-growing perfection to our lives, the lives of the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the Lives of the Eternal Children of God.

Thus Ends the Book of the Divine Creator

A Noahide family need to show loyalty to each other. Loyalty, love and respect for each other. They should try to like each other, even when there are challenging family members and challenging times. It is not always easy to love or even like a family member of they are a god-damn son of a gun, but be patient. Remember they are only human, and are often doing the best they can despite a sometimes more ordinary exterior. Remember, God knows the heart of a person, and what they are going through in life, so be patient with your kin, and accept that they are going through this challenge of life and might not always be finding it so easy. Remain loyal, don't easily burn bridges with your family members, and if and when you find that necessary, you really should always allow an opportunity for divides between you to be repaired when the situation improves. So remain loyal and patient with family members, and show them the kind of love which Noahide families really need deep down in their heart. Fathers in families need to be responsible and set good examples for their wife and children. They usually need to be the primary money earner in the family, but while the husband is the head of the wife in a family, sometimes a wife may be the more talented or competent at earning a wage for a family. If her skills demonstrate this, a husband needs to humble himself and accept that. Sometimes, of course, both husband and wife need to work to support the family, and this is completely natural and acceptable. Fathers need to provide for their family, not just their food and clothing, but their time as well, as children need input from their fathers and need to spend quality time with them, getting to know them and having happy and positive family experiences with their father. Sometimes a father needs private times with each of their children, and each child needs that special relationship with their dad. Each should have a time and place for just them. Love your children, fathers, and raise them to respect the family rules and traditions as well as the customs and laws of society. Be a good dad.
Mothers often need to serve in traditional roles as wives and homekeepers. This should not be assumed by the husband, as a woman needs to express herself in life, but this in Noahide tradition should still probably be the normative role of the wife. It's a traditional model and works well, and is in harmony with what is usually a more assertive man and more submissive wife. Not always, but it is a regular truth of our humanity regardless. Exceptions always need to be taken into account, especially in more modern eras in response to the desires of feminist thinkers for greater equality with men. Mothers need to be just like fathers and love their children and have that special time and relationship with each of them. Love your children, for you gave birth to them, and that was challenge enough. Children. You are learning. You are given grace for a season and a time. But as you grow, and come into adulthood, remember you always needed to show respect for your parents growing up, so learn to maintain that as you develop into adulthood, and stay loyal to your parents and love them dearly.

Astrology is an artificial creation of minds of staggering intellect, truly stupendous in its paradigms of insight into life, beyond all the fathoming of minds based on simplistic idea like logic and reason. It baffles mere mortals who say stupid things like ‘That’s bullshit mate’ and ‘What a load of bollocks’. But these are the unlearned ones, says the soothsayer of fortunes, happy to read your palms for a buck and tell you just how tall that handsome stranger will be, and just the exact number of zeroes in that sudden cheque you are SOON to DEFINITELY get in the mail. Bwah ha ha harrgh. But I love Astrology – seriously. Couldn’t live without it. Every time I open up one of those Women’s Weeklies and am told the fortunes of Scorpio for the month I wait with anticipation as my DESTINY UNFOLDS. Amazing. Numerology – that is what the Jews are in to. They call it Gematria. Funnily enough, I dabble around with that, and find some very interesting connections on English words using Ordinal Equivalents to total them, when A is 1 and B is 2 and C is 3 and so on through the alphabet to Z is 26. For example God is 26 – the exact number of letters in the English alphabet. Daniel is 45. Adam is 19. David is 40 and so on. Of course Cool is 45 and Dumb is 40, but I digress. Astrology is the WAVE of the Future. As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, our lives will be enrichened by such gems of wisdom as ‘Knowing your Soul Path’ and ‘The Wisdom of your Gemstone’ and so on and so forth. Heart of the Earthmother. I am not sure if she is into Astrology – she might be – but the magazines, which you can find in Aussie newsagents, or order online, are AMAZING. In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny – the Pagan Version – which you can find online, I have some fun with Heart of the Earthmother. Her Combatant is Daniel – from the Realm of Understanding. WHO KNOWS what the future has in store for her as she struggles with the villainous Seraphim of Yahweh, sure to corrupt the universe with their ‘Devilish Ways’. Beware those blonde Seraphim, she bemoans. Funnily enough, I have been visited by a blonde Seraphim, in the skies above Macarthur, and down at Fadden Pines. And Michael himself appeared in a dream, with the Seraphim who had appeared to me in person. I thought it was Ambriel. It seemed the Ambriel from my books. I really don’t know, as he said not his name. Life is a mystery. Astrology is OK, as long as it doesn’t go to your head. It’s a little bit of fun, but getting caught up in the New Age is just a distraction from the mundane of life anyway, which is why people do it. I mean, after all, its all about spirituality these days, isn’t it politically correct society out there? Isn’t it? I mean, religion. Who needs that.
Daniel, 7 Jan 2012

A Noahide has an idea. And their mind goes off on a tangent considering the idea. But sometimes the idea has a merry sarcasm and decides to venture into untamed territories of ideology. And sometimes the will of man is to allow these thoughts to develop and go were they will. The secrets of the heart are mysterious at times, but sometimes the heart, which seeks good things, can be deceived by the thoughts of a mind which has gone into irrational thinking, often for the sake of assuming vain pleasures – sin – will profit the soul in the sarcasm of freethinking delight. It is not wise to let your mind roam unrestrained. Schizophrenia and other mental conditions, including anxiety and depression have their root in thoughts which are left to run unrestrained, and often those thoughts are the simple condoning of behaviours which seem like fun, but which later on are repented of as the sins of wilful youth. The Rainbow Torah teaches this truth – God knew the thoughts of the heart of man was wicked from his youth. For the innocent youngling thinks, if it feels good do it, and runs with the excitement of the moment and the day. And even in teenage years, when they perhaps should know better, they can be a worse devil than ever. Irrational thinking is thinking which condones poor attitudes, mean and hostile words and behaviours, and desires of depravity, immorality and hedonism. At the root of all mentally ill conditions were choices of youth and earlier years in which you allowed your mind to delight in vanities of pride and sin and unabated pleasure. Often it is listening to things and words of people, or watching and listening to entertainment programs of various kind, which your passions somewhat agree with, especially politically correct hypocrisy of liberality, which take root and set an attitude in your thoughts but, the behaviours of which that flow from such thinking are ultimately detrimental. There is a way the human body should function, and if the mind has developed thinking which at its root is irrational, later on you will suffer various mental afflictions as well as often physical ailments. Irrational thinking, ultimately, is the psychologies of stupid and ungodly behaviour being condoned in your thoughts, thoughts which lack experience to discern the ultimate consequences of this thinking and the actions which can and do result from all such belief. Reason accords with truth and decent behviour. Reason accords with things which bring health to your mind and body, as well as to your affects on the exterior environment, and the opposite is thought which ultimately leads to the degradation of heart, mind and spirit.

Remember, people like to justify themselves. They like to demonstrate their point and show they are acting justly according to what they believe. When you are arguing heatedly with someone, remember, they have a built up set of beliefs and viewpoints, and they often want to insist you listen to what they say and understand it properly so you can see their point. People can be very rude and interrupt you and say that is not true, and deny your arguments to justify themselves. Often people didn't understand you properly when you said something and they can insist you are wrong and get quite heated. Then they often feel a little embarrassed when the point you made was factually misunderstood. The best thing to do? Stay calm. Make a point, and if someone goes straight to disputation let them speak their mind and stay silent until they have said what they want to say. Calmly explain yourself when they have stopped speaking and clarify clearly and exactly your points. Use factual information to demonstrate the point you are trying to make. There is no point in trying to humiliate someone with truth, as you already know how that feels, don't you. Be sensitive and compassionate and grant people the grace of their often frail human understandings and pride. Sometimes points don't always need to be said and a very important rule is if someone says 'I don't want to talk about it anymore', shut the heck up and drop the subject immediately. Let go of trying to justify yourself. Trust in God and life that the truth of any given situation will speak itself out through the facts in due time.

For a new endeavour to last, it has to be created ancient. For it to be ancient it needs to have principles of life and truth which are well established and have worked in continuity in mankind's history. A new endeavour has to be created with a spirit of everlasting stability, truth and continuance – it has to be created with the intention of it remaining relevant eternally and for it not to be a transient work of a particular age or era, but one of permanence and endurance. New endeavour's can be accomplished. New ideas can be grasped and brought forth. New life and new understanding can shine forth. But if this new work does not have the essence of an eternal nature associated with it and, primarily, if it is an essence of sin in the core of this work, it will ultimately fail. Sin can be popular for a season, yet righteousness endures eternally. Starting a new business needs to be built on sound business principle. It needs to be established in prayer, lawfulness and practical use. It has to have value, meaning and fit a niche or marketplace in the world. Yet not just a business, but a new congregation of religious thinking, or an established one in an established religion or denomination. Yet, a new fiction work, or style of architecture or piece of music, or any endeavour intended to be eternal will ultimately fail unless it is built on enduring principles of ancient tradition.
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