Canasta 1.2.0 Iron Bank version released

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Jared Olson

Nov 7, 2022, 5:46:46 PM11/7/22
I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Defense Platform One Iron Bank recently completed hardening of a new Canasta image (MW 1.35.8). 
This system automates, secures, and accelerates the approval process of commercial and open source containers to be used within the DoD with DoD-wide reciprocity.

The images themselves are hosted on 'Registry 1 Harbor' and the code repositories on 'Repo1'. If you are interested, see the login process below and let me know if you have any questions or run into issues.


Step 1:

Make an account on below, which requires MFA or DoD Common Access Card but is open to the public.


Step 2:

Once signed in, access Registry 1 to retrieve your username and personal CLI secret for Docker login.

At top right, choose your profile>CLI secret>copy


Step 3:

In the terminal of your Docker environment, connect Docker with the registry:

docker login 

***The first time, this will prompt for username and password. Use the credentials from Step 2, with password='CLI secret' from your user profile of


Step 4:

Pull the images to your machine:

docker pull

docker pull


***Repeat the login command for each new session to relogin.

Jeffrey Wang

Nov 10, 2022, 12:44:30 AM11/10/22
to Jared Olson,
Thank you Jared for the wonderful news! I have incorporated your instructions into the official Canasta documentation. You'll be able to see it on the Canasta website (currently at the following link):

Although I personally haven't yet had the chance to use this, I will try to try it out soon. I'm super excited for all of the possibilities this provides to users of Canasta, especially folks who are more security-conscious and prefer an image that has been hardened by the DoD. We're very grateful for and humbled by the DoD's usage of Canasta to run MediaWiki internally and for kindly providing the Iron Bank Canasta image publicly through the DoD's open source initiatives. Jared has been a huge part of this, and we're very grateful to him for it too!


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Jeffrey Wang


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