Canasta 1.2.0 released

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Jeffrey Wang

Oct 10, 2022, 7:06:18 PM10/10/22
to Canasta


Canasta 1.2.0 was released on 10 October 2022 at 23:00 UTC.

Change log:
  • MediaWiki upgraded to 1.35.8
  • Moved to using wfLoadExtension and wfLoadSkin for both bundled and user-provided extensions. Hard deprecated cfLoadExtension and cfLoadSkin functions. They will now throw annoying errors. By Canasta 1.3.0, they will be fully removed.

In addition, the following orchestrator stacks have also been updated.

Canasta for Docker Compose 1.2.0 ( has been released to reflect the following changes:
  • The paths for user skins and user extensions have been updated to reflect the changes in architecture brought by the removal of cfLoadExtension and cfLoadSkin.
  • The Canasta image used is upgraded to 1.2.0.

For details into updates included with 1.2.0, please see its corresponding pull request:

Thank you to all of the contributors who made 1.2.0 possible. As always, feedback from the community about our QA process is welcome and encouraged.
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