Thanks for attending Thursday's meeting!

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Jeffrey Wang

Oct 1, 2022, 2:12:06 AM10/1/22
to Canasta
It was so great to see everyone at the meeting on Thursday. It's encouraging to see so much community support for Canasta! And the comments on our GitHub Issues page are exactly the kind of input we need from the community.

It looks like we have interest in keeping a biweekly cadence going for the meeting. Here are the details of the next meeting (and we'll use the following meeting link for all future meetings going forward):

Canasta meeting
Thursday, October 13 · 11:00am – 12:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 484-784-6573‬ PIN: ‪980 927 992‬#
More phone numbers:

There are lots of things to discuss in future meetings. Apart from the direction of development of Canasta, we also have some logistics to figure out, such as how releases should be best managed, what we need to do to get ready for 1.39, etc.

Also, I'm currently signed up (by default) to do the SMWCon 2022 presentation for Canasta, but if anyone wants to join in with me to present, I'm all for it. They gave Canasta a whole hour this time, so let's jam pack that hour with as much relevant info as possible.


Jeffrey Wang

Oct 2, 2022, 11:57:44 PM10/2/22
to Canasta
By the way, the time given is ambiguous. The timing will remain the same as before. That is:

18:00 CEST
17:00 BST
16:00 UTC
Noon EDT
11:00am CDT
10:00am MDT
9:00am PDT

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Jeffrey Wang


U.S. Central Daylight Time (UTC-05:00)

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