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Canasta 1.3 Beta (MediaWiki 1.39) - Preview released

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Jeffrey Wang

Nov 10, 2022, 4:32:34 PM11/10/22
to Canasta

I'm excited to announce that a preview release of Canasta 1.3 is now available.

You can use the following image to try out Canasta 1.3 Beta running MediaWiki 1.39.0:

And you can use the upgrade/1.39 branch of Canasta for Docker Compose to upgrade your stack repo:

Upgrading both the image and the stack repo will be required since Elasticsearch 7.10.2 is required for CirrusSearch on MediaWiki 1.39.

The following extensions are not present in this version:
  • Semantic MediaWiki or any extensions depending on it
  • Google Analytics Metrics
Please note that due to the large volume of extensions in Canasta, the Git commits used for each were automatically retrieved and inserted into the Dockerfile. There may be some extensions with buggy commits grabbed. Please share these findings by creating an issue on GitHub so we can fix any bugs that come up.

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