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Who will you meet in Hell? Here's a list:

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Louis M.

May 23, 2015, 10:33:10 PM5/23/15
Barack Hussein Obama

Adolf Hitler

John Lenin

Josef Stalin

Saddam Hussein

Charles Darwin

Barrack Obama

Barac Obama

Barak Obama

Carl Sagan

the Unibomber

Barry Obama

Kim Jong Il

Osama bin Laden

Mother Theresa (for being a papist)

Gandhi (for dying unsaved, and for his comment about liking
Christians but not Christ)

Karl Marx

Jean Paul Ludwig

ALfred Russell Wallace

Bon Scott and the members of AC/BC

Richard Nixon

Barry Soetoro

Thomas Jefferson

Richard Dawkins

Harrison J. Bounel


Mao Zedong


Anne Frank, Bar Refaeli, Natalie Portman, and all the Jews

Barack Hussein Obama II Soebarkah

Pope John Paul II and all the Catholics

Britney Spears and all other whores of Babylon

Monica Lewinski

Judas Iscariot



Barack Hussein Obama II

Pamela Anderson

Richard Feynman

Lynn Margulis

Freddie Mercury, Elton John, and all homosexuals

Barack Obama Jr

Helen Keller, who also died unsaved

The cheating new england patriots

Robert M. Gates

If you continue to reject Jesus….YOU!

Accept Christ, stop mocking us, and come to know Jesus.


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